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B&B: November Discussion Thread

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I am LOVING B&B's Thanksgiving wub.png

Pam: "I can't believe you, Steph. Disrespecting my lemon bars like that. And on Thanksgiving." laugh.png LOL at Pam whining and getting so mad at Stephanie for ignoring her lemon bars & getting the caters to bring pumpkin pie. I love it!

Thorne: "Where's the turkey. I mean Ridge." laugh.png I would've been DYING if he said "ham".

Steffy has been looking SO flawless. SERIOUSLY. And she was such a bitoch at the party. I was LMAO when she interrupted Hope and Liam and B&B did some zoom cuts into her wedding ring laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png This show is to much.

I don't get Hope. The way she was acting in yesterdays episode was so different then how she was today (shrill, mopey, & pathetic).

Ridge is so pathetic

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As far as Eric nad Stephanie's makeout session, I thought it was a bit much especially given their recent situation but I overall liked it. Thanksgiving was nice. I only wish Steph and Taylor had made up by now. I hope Stephanie takes her aside to talk about her new relationship with Thorne and Taylor forgives her. I miss their friendship

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I think Ronn Moss has had botox and maybe some fillers, but that face is the one he was born with. You only need to look at early episodes to see he hasn't messed with the goods.

MY eyes! Steffy and Hope in clashing pink and red sweaters. It was like staring into a solar eclipse.

Yesterday's Thanksgiving episode was really good, though. Light on the saccharine sentimentality that Brad Bell often favors. Heavy on the plot, longing looks and one-liners (Thorne, Pam). I thought it was pretty good! Steffy makes a great vixen/bitch and I can sympathise with Hope not wanting to watch Liam & Steffy play at Happy Families. OT but I also liked the way Stephanie called Thomas "Tom." :)

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SO is this thanksgiving dinner going to continue on Monday? I heard a DC podcast where Jillian made this out to be the thanksgiving to end all thanksgivings, but unfortunately it wasn't all that she said it would be unless the good stuff is yet to come.

Ridge seriously needs to get punched by Thorne or something....

I admit i kind of like how Hope toast to Liam and Steffy, but if only this was going to be the last time we see those 3 for a while.

So i guess Stephanie's "November sweeps" story is over and she and Eric are gonna stay together, too bad they wont be seen again till probably Christmas Eve.

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Agreed, Bobbie Eakes needs to come back, as does Felicia/Lesli Kay on a regular bases.

If Kristen comes back, i think it would be awesome if Brenda Epperson came on to play her. I think she would be great in that role considering that i always thought Ashley (when Brenda played her) and Kristen (Both Teri Ann and Tracy) looked a bit like each other. Unless she retired from acting since i know she does more singing now. Plus i know the show would just be itching to form some sort of love triangle with her, Katie and Bill. I think it would be fun seeing Tom, Diamont and Epperson all back on screen together.

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There sure isn't (Meddling in their daughter's life is not anything to do, Same goes for Bill)

I don't see why Macy can't come back, or Darla, and even Clarke....I said this before, Spectra Fashions is an important part to B&B (at least it was in the old days) and i think that they could still run Spectra (to some extent) without Sally.....

Sigh.... I know things can't be help but why did Darlene have to die?.... :( even at this shows lowest points Sally could still spice things up and make it somewhat entertaining... :(

I have a story idea where if they bring all of those people back, it would be fun for Pam to join the Spectra gang. For the most part i think Pam is the closest to there being another Sally (As far as camp goes) and since she is soo pissed off at Stephanie these days, it would be fun to see them revive the old plot of Forrester designs getting stolen by Pam. I mean they already did that with Pam stealing designs to give to Nick, so why not?

Throw Amber into the mix and i think the show would almost return to how it was.

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