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OLTL: Discussion for the week of October 3

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Eh, I never saw Blair and Téa's rivalry as anything like Viki & Dorian's epic battles. V&D had an underlying respect for each other and weren't driven by fighting over same man. Blair/Marty had the same vibe and so do Blair/Tina. The cattiness and pettiness are a given if Blair is involved. Like Carly, Blair can't maintain female friends either.

It says a lot that RC had to completely isolate Téa from all her loved ones so Sainted momma Blair could be all she had left to lean on last year. I still resent how Téa must be rewritten into a weak child to sell she'ssostrongandluvswithallherheart Blair.

Anyhoo, I always saw Nora vs Téa's rivalry as more like Viki vs Dorian epic battles of two smart, strong-willed women with very different values who weren't fighting 24/7 over a man.

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Thankful for the break from ditzy Tina.

But it's a travesty Dorian and Irene never shared a scene. Heck, the only Irene scene I enjoyed was Viki and her fighting over whom Victor hurt the worse. That was a great use of history and the camp was tamped so I could enjoy it.

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I like that Jessica is keeping the secret of Liam's paternity, even though I'm dying for this story to reach its conclusion. But it's really kind of good use of history. Natalie has lied about Chloe/Hope's paternity AND Liam's paternity, in part to protect Jessica. It's an interesting juxtaposition that Jessica is now lying about Liam to protect Brody and to hurt Natalie. Confirms everything I've thought about the twins' relationship. I can't remember one time where Jessica made a choice that favored Natalie. I hope maybe that will change.

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The only real loved one Tea's had is Todd, then Danielle. The relationships with Nora and Carlotta were less and less featured long before any Blair/Tea friendship (but generally Nora/Tea seemed to just consist of court battles anyway), and Carlotta herself was phased out of the show long before Tea's return, aside from a few cameos. I guess they could have had more Tea/Viki scenes but one of those is always more than enough for me.

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Nora? I dont recall much of a rivalry there from when Tea was on before. If I recall correctly, they worked together and got along fine. Their issues didnt start up till Tea returned and that was until the Dani reveal that it died down. Besides, ir primarily came down to them being on the opposite sides of the law. Theres no deep rooted personal hatred there, like there was with Blair. Nora's Dorian/Viki equivalent is Lindsay. There's no doubt about that. Tea barely compared to the rivalry and hatred those two women shared for each other

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I thought yesterday's episode was very good. Loved Todd and Blair. I feel like they've picked up where they left off 8 years ago. Interesting how all the characters the bored people complained about are suddenly missed.huh.png

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