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Days: Daniel SPUMOR

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Well, it's hilarious to see everyone's heads explode on message boards over this, for one thing. When I heard this spumor the first thing I thought was "Oh my God, some fans are going to have a cow over this!"

To which I offer up this diatribe. I apologize for being longer-winded, but here goes: Fans wanted new head writers. They wanted fresh blood. They wanted CHANGE. Boy, did they get it. Oh, but some fans are very upset because it means Daniel and Melanie might get ornaments on the Horton Christmas tree. Oh heavens, the world is coming to an end. lol

This plot absolutely makes sense for several reasons.

1. It ties Daniel and Melanie to the canvas better than they were at the end of Higley's regime. Marlene and Darrell absolutely knew what they were doing when they came up with this story (IF it is true). With a little SORAS involved, it is possible that Daniel could be Maggie's son via the surrogate mother program. It's possible Daniel and Sarah could be twins. (Yes, it IS a stretch, but isn't that what soap is supposed to be about?) As you mentioned, Melanie and Maggie have a natural rapport (thanks to some great chemistry between Molly and Suzanne) so what harm could be done by making them grandmother and granddaughter? And it does not erase the fact Carly's still Melanie's mother, which is the main thing I was worried that they would rewrite.

2. If Daniel's father is Neil Curtis, what an ingenious plot twist! Some younger fans are going "WHO?" but longtime fans like myself are like "THEY REMEMBERED NEIL!" Joe Gallison is still alive and it wouldn't be a stretch for him to come back to the show for a limited run.

3. It throws a wrench into the Maggie/Victor story and a doggone good one at that. The story's moving quick enough as it is, so why not make things a little more interesting?

I won't be so quick to condemn this story. Some people only want Marlene/Darrell to write for the vets and basically screw over any characters created by Dena. You can't do that. In order for Days to be a well-balanced show stories that include everybody must be written, and this is a good start.

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I guess the question is whether this is change. The show has spent 3 years shoehorning Daniel and Melanie into various stories, and rewriting Melanie's parentage. While it will be nice to see more material for Maggie and for Victor, this seems like more of the same for Daniel and Melanie.

I don't think that ties to core families are a problem for these characters. It's other stuff that should be addressed. Daniel won't stop being a letch who is shoved into the lives of female characters who seem to be zombies around him, and Melanie will keep being put in relationships with men she has little chemistry with, because this actress is, IMO, not suited for romantic material. I don't know why they keep writing these stories for her. Why can't she just settle into a relationship with one man and be moved into other stories?

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Soap god knows I love my Melanie to death but why does she have to be tied to the canvas more? Why does any new character HAVE to be tied to the canvas? DAYS seems to think the only characters that matter are the ones tied to core families and I really hate that.

Ugh. My worst problem with this is that it centers around Daniel e5028380.gif DAYS just needs to STOP with Daniel already. LET HIM GO...Man how I wish Bo or Laurence turned out to be Mel's dad.

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To me if the objective is to somehow get the audience to accept these characters more it won't work. Its not really offensive its just IMO -pointless because I find it hard to believe its to give Maggie and Victor any big story. I could be wrong.

But this is why I can't stand Daytime Royalty, Unless its something that involves a Brady or Horton on canvas its worthless. That board acts like this is the biggest tragedy, not the fact that the writers haven;t take time to truly flush out Daniel's character or keep trying to sell Melanie and the resident romantic heroine.

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I guess it just ends up reminding me of all the other paternity retcons on soaps that don't have any real purpose. Speaking only of DAYS, remember things like Frankie being Carly's brother? Was there ever any real reason to make Peter and Kristen Stefano's kids, instead of his adopted children?

The relationship between Maggie and Melanie is already there. I look forward to the scenes for Suzanne Rogers, and it's not like this is a travesty. It just seems a little pointless to me. As Melanie being the child of Carly and Daniel ultimately did little of value storywise.

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From my recollection, they didn't rewrite Melanie's heritage in the least - Carly was gone for a very long time and SORASing can do wonders, and we didn't know much of anything about Daniel. Melanie came in with a leech for a "father" and this made it better for her. Nicole didn't get that freedom, unfortunately for her.

Soap characters having Long Lost Children is a staple in this industry - and the more I think about it the more I'm thrilled to death that the writers think enough of Maggie to give her one. How many kids do Marlena and Kate have out there in the universe? Even sharing twins in a way only Stefano could engineer.

I want to see where this goes, and I'm happy to see Maggie and Victor's family tighten up a bit.

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I'll go along with this (reluctantly) but only if Maggie gave birth to twins and one was accidentally given to Daniel's adoptive parents w/o her, Mickey or Neil's knowledge. Otherwise, forget it.

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^^ I don't think they can sell this story with Maggie having known about it - it doesn't track with the character. As for Mickey and Neil…. well I wouldn't put it past Mickey back then, he wasn't exactly always in his right mind.

What Alice knows will be the most interesting part.

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I don't know the exact specifics of the surrogate story way back when, but it's quite possible that numerous eggs were harvested from Maggie when Sarah was conceived. So this doesn't have to be a case of her having carried Daniel as a baby or given birth to twins...

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As a HUGE Melanie and Maggie fan and a fan of Daniel, i am so against this.

There is NO need for this at all. Melanie/Maggie already have the relationship, and if they want to add Daniel to that they should just have him and Maggie bond over Melanie and one of her many, many issues. With her mother up and leaving and being recently dumped, added on top of a heavy, heavy few years and a lifetime of abuse, the girl is bound to have some issues that daniel and maggie can bond over, forming their own relationship along the way.

This is just awful. Oh, and SC should have been Mike Horton from the start once they got him. Just dropped the story with Chelsea, or cast him as Mike and cast that guy whow as Cooper on GH whow as almost Daniel as Daniel for Chelsea.

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