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You can see Gloria Monty injecting some Hitchcockian touches into the sequence.  I find them too distracting.

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I loved that little room and used to enjoy visiting it on a regular basis. TGL had the Bauer kitchen, DAYS had the Horton living room, and GH had that medicine room. Some sets just made the soaps feel like home.

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It'd been funny, though, if that procession, for lack of a better word, had included characters that viewers hadn't seen in ages.  ("Hey, it's us, Howie and Jane Dawson, just stoppin' by to congratulate you on the baby, and to keep this insane suspense going!")

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Speaking of that, who all can we name?

1. Random socialite.

2. Amy

3. Stella

4. Tommy Hardy

5. Jeremy

6. ? (Diana?)

7. Howard Lansing

8. Luke

9. Ruby (note Mitch and Susan throwing discretion to the wind)

10. Bobbie

11. Jessie and Dan

12. Audrey and Steve

13. Claudia and Bryan

14. Laura and Scotty

15. Tracy and her champagne

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I guess the gardener was too busy to offer his congrats as well.  ("These leaves ain't gonna rake themselves!")

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Not to mention, the mayor, the governor, both U.S. senators, the president AND the First Lady, and the starting lineup from the New York Giants.


(They were all on their way back from the can.)

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This was Pat Falken Smith's writing (with much' 'input' from Gloria I'm sure).

Was this one of the first stories where a villianous character got away with a crime ?

Alan was planning murder, but he certainly was not charged. Was he made to suffer in any way?


John Kelly Genovese critiqued this storyline in Afternoon TV and wasn't happy in that the viewer wasn't sure who they should be rooting for...

Maybe that was deliberate, in that each character had their point of view or was it just muddled?


Anyway, it seemed the harbinger of things to come in the 80's and beyond, where characters routinely were not punished for their crimes.

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