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AMC: actor to possibly make a cameo appearance

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Those b!tches used JR, Adam, Kendall and Bianca to white wash her BS. Ain't nobody, I can't believe this is even a discussion about whether Babe was hated or not, she obvs. was. I still remember reading a review back in those days how it was a trailor park Britney Spears eating up the show.

It was but fans, the majority hated Babe. Her RL w/ JR was overpropped, Amanda and Kendall were more popular w/ JR in shorter scenes and time span, she and JR kept getting pushed together b/c they wanted to keep AH on frontburner. This was part of the debate how AH's Babe ate the show. Even now, no one was calling for Babe's return, even now there are fans pissed that Alexa Havins might get more screen time than Melissa Claire Egan. People haven't forgotten Annie & JR, that is still a daily topic. As of right now Annie/JR's RL is more popular than JR/Babe's and that's w/o all the propping.

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This has been a problem with soaps for a while. They take characters to extremes for the sake of plot then expect the audience to forget about it when they move on to the next plot. Expecting the audience to forgive Babe for stealing Miranda is naive. Being shocked that they didn't is stupid. The babyswitch took the character too far and no amount of Jedi Mind Tricking was going to undo that.

AMC seemed to learn their lesson with Tad burying Madden. They just pretend it didn't happen.

Ugh, I can't believe we're talking about this character again.

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I can't help it. Babe sets off me off like few soap characters do.

But AMC should have learned their lesson when they almost destroyed Erica for stealing Maria's baby. I don't know what the hell Agnes Nixon was thinking with that story. To this day, it was only Erica accepting responsibility for her actions, pleading guilty, and going to prison along with the passage of time that gave her a shot with redemption with some viewers.

In contrast, Babe walked away from her stealing the baby without any punishment, while the writers tried to convince us that it was really JR's fault.

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Srsly. I feel like I need mouthwash just typing stuff about the character, it's not like it's not true.

And to that Skin poster.

Chrishell Stause during the David/JR/Jake bb s/l while Amanda/JR were on pace to being a OTP, she said she hoped fans don't end up hating her character like Alexa's (Babe) she said and I quote "it was a difficult time for her"

Nothing has changed, we haven't forgotten about the sh!t that Babe has done, how many ppl were stepped over for her character. "Babe Is LOVE" was what that era was called sarcastically to signal how ridiculous AMC was to continue and continue and continue giving this character FB stories over the rest of the cast. The only thing that made Babe popular was that Jacob Young's JR was love/hate RL w/ the fans, but that f*cker could charm the pants off of anyone.

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That b!tch was no victim. Infact fans loved how JR kept"hurting" Babe. They wanted him and Amanda to drive that b!tch out of town, and when the RL w/ Kendall began they thought it would happened, then writers 180'd it for AH's Babe.:rolleyes:

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If Babe would have, just for one episode, been held accountable for her actions...I would have felt so different about the character. But that couldn't even happen. She got everything she wanted, and then some.

Lets not even talk about the actual baby swap, but look at the relationships she broke:




David and just about everyone else in Pine Valley. This guy betrayed the only people who ever gave a damn about him for that cow, and she never once gave a damn about him. NOT ONCE. She used him and treated him like a toy that was there for own amusement.

Just once, I wanted her to stop, see all the emotional damage left in her wake, and say to herself, if not to anyone else..."Look at this mess. I never meant for this to happen. I'm so sorry." And you know what? I could have forgiven her.

Ugh she makes me sick. If she's alive the show deserves whatever fate it gets under PP.

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Babe and redeeming is the biggest bullsh!t that this show ever did. It was always big bad JR's fault, Kendall couldn't slap her, Amanda had one epi. where she kicked her ass and not enough for this fan IMO. But still did. Then this f*cking b!tch had the nerve to do a tirade in the Chandler mansion, how she hated how David was her father. Oh STFU Barbie! he and JR basically bent over backwards for your ridiculous ass. Babe and Pepto Bismol go together, Babe and AMC was just about the worst experience on daytime TV.

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Don't forget that the writers also tried to put the blame on Adam in addition to JR, even though Adam had no clue what was going on. Adam was the only person on JR's side while the bestest stepfather in the world, Tad betrayed JR. Adam told JR the truth about the babies and insisted on the DNA test. If it was up to all those f*ckers, JR would still think that AJ was dead. I couldn't believe it when Kendall and Erica didn't beat the [!@#$%^&*] out of Babe and Bianca rolled over and forgave that Baby Stealing Trailer Trash. Damn, I still feel the fury over that shitty character and her team of proppers.

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So this is what they were calling "going to JHC and demanding rewrites to make herself more sympathetic..." That's quite an exaggeration. I typically recall actor / director / writer statements really well, so I was puzzled about the statements that Havins had openly stated that she wanted rewrites for Babe, making her seem like a bit of a diva. I was sure that I couldn't have missed something like that, because it sounds so obnoxious.

But what you're talking about is an interview with TV Guide that I do remember... and it was entirely a legitimate concern, in terms of the "message" a story sends to viewers. As a matter of fact, Havins is one in a pretty long line of actors who voiced concerns about McTavish's writing... That goes as far back as Robin Mattson (ex-Janet) getting the Janet-bombing story scrapped (out of sensitivity to the OKC bombings - and an interference that McTavish was not at all happy about), and as widely-known as Cady McClain's objecting to Tad's way-out-of-character burrying Dr. Greg Madden alive and its subsequent treatment as a disposable plot device.

Thanks for reminding me. Like I said before, I'm not a fan of Babe in the least. But I accept that there was popularity, and that her pairing with JR was a part of that. I know that, obviously, she generated just as much anger. And I agree that the era of the show we're talking about is one I'd like to forget (actually, I made that easier to do considering that I was for the most part tuned out from 2005-2007). But Havins the actress, a real person who didn't steal babies and whose job is to portray a character from the perspective of its own rationale & point of view, did nothing out of this world to deserve some of the direct fire I've seen aimed toward her.

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:mellow: Amanda Baker couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag with the tear in it.

This doesn't make sense. Babe had at least two relationships that were well received by viewers, how is it possible that she was universally hated if she had two popular pairings?

:lol: No they weren't. Babe was always JR's most important relationship and was always his most popular pairing. Kendell had two popular pairings with Ryan and Zach, and between those two fan bases JR was never taken seriously as a suitor for Kendell. His pairings with Annie and Amanda never reached the fervor pitch that his pairing with AH's Babe did, and even when they were tested in late 2005 viewers were more interested in seeing Amanda with Jaime then they wanted to see her paired with JR. To try to compare any of the quad pairing of 09' (Marissa, JR, Annie and Scott) to Jabe's popularity is ridiculous Jabe was WAY more popular. That's just fact even if you hated Babe you have to admit that they were crazily popular from 2005-2007 they were the only pairing on AMC that rivaled Zendell in terms of couple popularity and it's one of the few ships/couples created in the 00's that were successful for AMC. That alone justifies Alexa's return in any form as Arabella Carey Chandler.

This isn't true at all. There are several soap boards that certainly are interested in her return she certainly is relevant seeing as this page has ballooned nearly three pages in a fort night, you certainly can't say she isn't relevant in terms of fan reaction people love her or hate her. When was the last time a soap character on AMC had a reaction like hers? She is important for that fact alone. As to if Babe is relevant to story the show pretty much created a Babe insert in the form of Marissa, who more or less IS Babe she took over her life and her position as soon as she died it seemed and now continues to have relationships with all the people Babe used to have contact with. Having the real Babe back with a return will only explode story she has ties to everyone on the show and actually has history with them. She has ties to Tad, JR, Marissa, Krystal, David, Bianca, etc. It would be easier to list all the characters who she doesn't have ties to at this point.

Oh God. Who are these people? Egan is gone. She is done with AMC. She doesn't want anything to do with them anymore. Let it go. How can you blame Alexa/Babe (who is likely only coming for a short time period) for Egan getting the hell out of dodge and separating herself from a cancelled soap? :huh:

This doesn't change the fact that Jabe is still considered JR's most popular pairing. Just like it doesn't change the fact that Bianca's most popular pairing is and will always be BAM even if she has had relationships with Lena, Marissa and Reese.

And yet he still has been unable to duplicate the success of Jabe with his other pairings. I think that says everything the needs to be said.

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Amanda Baxter was a good actress, acting wasn't Amanda Baxter's problem. Taking over a hated role was. AB actually made Babe tolerable, but fans still wanted Babe dead. It's all over YTs and boards.

No it wasn't. FOR YEARS the fans wanted JR freed of her. The Chandlers were completely downgraded when the Careys arrived in Pine Valley.

The homer sh!t in you is ridiculous. JR & Annie were extremely popular. They never needed propping and was always in the top 10 voting of SID couples. I can post so many articles right now that show how much love soaps media and fans gave them. They just never got a magazine cover. JR's most important RL as of now is not Babe, the only thing Babe ever signaled was JR's worst recieved RL, ABC continued to push that RL, not the fans. It's like Rylee.

Name one soap board and the only reason this 3 pgs. long is b/c majority posts don't want her back.

The Annie & JR fanbase, and there are actually more of them than Babe & JR. Alexa is on TorchWood she's not here, she's not going to cont. to be here. Her return is bullsh!t and meaningless, it makes no sense to tie JR to that again.

To who? you right? Again where's the out cry to bring back Alexa, WTF wanted her back for JR? Binx is BAM, everyone knows that.

B/c ABC only props Rylee, Brian Fronns has alot to do w/ that. And then DK/DS ruined AMC even more, Valisusio came in and it was Grendall, who most fans hate and can't wait for Zendall to return. :lol:

2003-04 ads for ABC soaps were way different than nowadays, I can't believe you would say JY has been unable to duplicate.. THE SHOW KEEPS F*CKING UP THE PAIRINGS FANS LOVED! JENDALL, JAM, JANNIE, people still want Jannie, you want me to post the letters ppl send to soap mags? Not one of them ask for Babe.

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Babe had two popular pairings? :lol: Don't tell me Jamie was the other, or was it Josh & the kiddy pool? :lol:

I think someone's overexaggerating just a tad. I don't see people clamoring for Babe or Alexa to return, yet I see major clamoring for MCE/Annie to return and for Jannie. Interesting.......if Babe is so popular why is it everywhere I go people are saying "Let her stay DEAD" people do not want her back. She was the death and destruction of the Chandler's & Bianca

That doesn't mean much, people talk about things they hate too and it can garner alot of pages

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IKR :lol: I'm guessing JB was the other. So much fans hated them, and they put her w/ JR b/c he drew sex appeal w/ everyone he touched. Young Brad Pitt at that time was the exact quotes.

I haven't like 25 posters saying "YES BABE! I WANT JR AND BABE AS ENDGAME!" I keep seeing "WHEN IS ANNIE COMING BACK FOR JR!" "WHEN DO WE GET JANNIE!" "DID JR EVER LOVE ANNIE?" everywhere. As for Babe.. I've read several just this F*cking morning "Why can't the b!tch stay dead":lol:

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