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Love both of them but I don't see either of them wanting to make a deal with PPAMC, maybe occasional guest spots but not even steady recurring. Darnell Williams, sorry but no; Maybe come next late Spring when Y&R lets DM loose. JMO but I think PP is approaching all the right people so far. Everyone they are approaching believe it or not are popular AMC stars and I find it 100% understandable why they're being approached first. It would be smart to get in touch with Eden Riegel but I also love CBL and hope she continues as Bianca to so I'm torn.

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PP spoilers for AMC From SoaptownUSA

Prospect is in still in talks with Susan Lucci. Agnes Nixon is more involved than in recent years. Prospect is paying attention to the fans don't doubt that and even more so is Agnes Nixon who still has input in the show and more then ever now that PP has taken over. How do you think Jesse rose from the dead? Fan reaction is an important factor and they do listen. Don't be surprised when AMC returns you will see old favorites you have not seen in years. Army Wives is ending soon could we be seeing Jenny rise from the dead? The audience response on the View when Kim Delaney and Laurence Lau appeared was over the top, maybe Dr Hayward has Jenny stored away somewhere....LOL.... Doubtful but there are such people as doppelgangers.....

PP Spoilers For OLTL From SoapTown USA

The show has taken a bit of a stall but you must remember these stories are the ones ABC had ordered Ron to write but that will change soon enough. The ABC finale arcs, by necessity, have undergone massive rewrites. The focus appears more on transitioning and building cliffhangers. My sympathies lie with RC, ABC chose to value and market their stars over story. The storytelling suffered from this approach......RC already received ABC's permission to simultaneously work on boards for PP's launch......FV also received ABC's permission to begin some production prep for PP......I am being told that one big return will be leaked shortly, and there are more than one return in the works and to that it is being said that Valentini is working with Nathan Fillions 's schedule to work in a Visit from "his" Joey and also Dan Gauthier's Kevin, now that would be FANTASTIC!!!......I am hearing that 2 roles may be recast........ PP attempted to make deals with Kristen Alderson, John Paul and Bree Williamson but only BW appears to be reconsidering and in negotiations with PP. This is where I think the recasts may be coming in. Could we be seeing a 20 something Starr? Kelley Missal and Andrew Trischitta will not be aged so I am told.....Matthew will eventually awake....John and Natty will have a good December......James' fate hinges on the Starr/Cole plans.

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Im think PP & Unions are closer to a done deal than what we may think. Plus PP is looking at former characters and has already looked to recast some roles.

Sounds like they have their ducks in a row

Sean Could return as Could Molly & Bianca would have all her siblings

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Can SoaptownUSA "spoilers" please be banned on this board. It's not even embarrasingly funny how much they get wrong in the guessing games they do.

Apparently CBL hasn't been contacted either by PP but she's assuring all her "Minxbians" that it's all goooooodddd. rolleyes.gif

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Yeah I'm sure they have been

I agree about RB, but AM is needed, a recast isn't necessary. Just because you may not like her, doesn't mean everyone does. Oh and where's the bitching and moaning about airhog Cara/LH signing with PP? She's and VI have been one of the biggest airhogs since LB took over nbe.jpg

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