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I think Erica and Jack should just have an Oprah/Steadman kinda thing (no jokes, please). A wedding does nothing for me. Frankly, I think they should be in an open relationship dating other people, just each other's main squeeze or whatever. Let Erica deal with that. That shows more character growth than marriage. if character growth is something we even care about here.

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I love that idea yeah!!!

It would be nice seeing one kickass female on daytime not be tied to or need a man. Erica never has but I love the Oprah analogy. Erica is to Oprah as Jack is to Stedman.

I don't think they need to but I don't think the votes on SID have a thing to do with Erica needing to or not its that people robovoting in those polls don't care about Erica in a wedding. I would guarantee if it were a poll about a big romantic remarriage or reaffirmation of Zendall's wedding vows, that poll would have gone over the top with approval.

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YES. That's just it: Erica is capable of being truly happy. She can be satisfied with a man. If we're capable of it, then so is she. After all, that's the Everywoman-like quality about Erica that made her THE face of modern soap opera. But these writers - and yes, Agnes, I'm including you in this - simply refuse to let the poor girl evolve. They'd rather keep Erica like she was all those damn years ago, past the point where her behavior turned from empathetic to just plain pathetic.

An emotionally stable and (less in-)secure Erica (who appreciates her age, instead of living in virtual denial of it) still can drive story without sacrificing her femininity or her sensuality. It might involve more interactions with other generations of Kane women, but it can be done!

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I would love to see Jack pop the question and have Erica reflect on her life, her men, her choices - and say no. That she has finally realized the reason shes been through all of this is because she felt the need to have a husband in order to be happy, but that she now sees she can be happy and live alone. That a husband wont complete her, but that she would like to date Jack after spending time alone and see where it goes.

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My thing is I think Jack's kind of a boring wet blanket with Erica, I really preferred my dude Dimitri. I realize that Erica is Erica and Erica has to be the Erica in the relationship, but I think it would have been really interesting if she'd had at least one celebrity relationship (as celebrities do) with a dynamic, charismatic famous actor or musician about her age. Sort of like Barbra Streisand and James Brolin, but not Brolin's Caleb-likeness. A guy more cocky, vain, insecure, passionate, sensitive, and altogether eff'd up whose star isn't shining so bright any more. A role you could imagine someone like James Farentino in. I would like to see him staying with her in Pine Valley, and Erica flying out to L.A. to be with him and sort of opening up the canvas like her days in New York where some new characters were introduced. I mean, have we ever really watched Erica try to fix a man or be motherly to a man? To cry over a man for reasons that didn't directly involve her? To get fed up with taking some guy's [!@#$%^&*] and threatening to walk with no regrets? I think there could be some fascinating never seen before shades of Erica.

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Well isn't Mike Roy coming back? :blink: (Don't answer that, I've avoided spoilers). I started watching just shortly after Dimitri's Natalie wedding disaster, so I do always think of her with Dimitri. I remember fondly her fighting with him on the way to a businesstrip with him in the back of a limo, her shaving him in the hunting lodge, and the whole Budapest adventure (when will that finally be on youtube??? I'd pay good money just to see Helga fall off a roof again), no to mention the post Kendall stuff. So to me he seems Erica's only major love, but I'm sure everyone is relative about that. Jack does seem--like I said--more like a companion, a great friend who sometimes gets benefits. :P

You're right that we've never seen Erica in, particularly, a slightly more maternal role to a man she loved (except I suppose Josh's death scene, and some of the material with Mark, which is different...)

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i definitely thought of Mark because I also thought of the added element of addiction, but been there done that, and I'm fanfickin' any darn way. It's so funny that you mention Erica shaving Dimitri because I totally thought about that today watching those scenes with Zach and Kendall, that Kendall should shave him like Erica did Dimitri.

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