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Some more names for your cast list... Or maybe you have them listed with the actor portraying them. If so, I'd appreciate any hint...



Cynthia Driscoll, an important buyer from New York in October with lost of dialogue but no on-screen credit!?

(Black) Lead Forrester Model Fawn had a lot of episodes and even some dialogue

Gayle was another Forrester Creations assistant side by side with Trish in October

Dr. Garrett, Ridge's first ER doctor after getting shot in September

Dr. Marley as yet another doctor who popped around the hospital in October

Ramon - Nick Preston's butler who for some reason never got proper billing!?



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Has anyone been able to download / save those two episodes from YT in decent quality???


All downloading sites I know off, fail with those two episodes and give error messages. Any way to trick them into allowing a download? 'cause I've been saving all of AmySilence's uploads and would hate to miss out on those two eps.


# 397 and #398



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Edited by sheilaforever
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I use jdownloader and it almost always works. I have #397 and 398 in 720p. For some reason I couldn't download ep 392, but it does work on the site from Marquise (thank you!), only in 360p for some reason. Up to ep 330 they were downloading in 1080p but something changed. These are still decent quality though.  (If someone happens to have ep 392 in better quality, please do share!)






I'm still only in the 230s in my viewing... it's certainly nice having all this to look forward to! 




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I'm so confused about how that is available, but I'm going to start watching! This will nicely compliment my Y&R re-watch with the 89-95 episodes in the Y&R thread. My one question is, was B&B even good in the beginning? I've only seen the first two weeks previously. Also, how far is the show right now with these uploads?

Edited by Chris B
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Season 1 is really a mixed bag. It's NOT good by any standards. For the longtime viewer however, it is still precious, thanks to the likes of La Flannery and some iconic first encounters and set-ups because there is lots of groundwork for the show's main characters. Up until Clarke's arrival it is basically skip-able IMO. I wasn't too gripped by Caroline's rape for instance. Season 2 starts to pick up steam and is good soap. Greatness is not often found, yet the characters get more life (and useless characters like Katie are more or less dropped), the production values improve drastically (probably due to foreign licensing sales...) and suddenly there are remotes, hospital sets get nicer etc.

The upload by AmySilence on YT is up to episode 409 right now. The Dutch Streaming Site is already in the 500s, though. And Sally Spectra should pop up around #420 or so. Therefore, there is quite a good reason to binge those classic B&B episodes. The picture quality alone makes it GREAT watching and even the weaker episodes are at least on par with 2019 soaps if not better. By 1989 B&B is REALLY watchable and begins to feel bold, beautiful and campy.

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The first two weeks are really exruciatingly slow. I wouldn't judge the whole season by that.  It's not until almost episode 40 that Brooke actually meets the Forresters. I wouldn't skip it, but just keep it in mind. What's interesting to me is seeing a B&B with better acting, directing, and music, with a similar feel to Y&R but definitely not as great. However, the show is very... straight. There's really no subtext like there is on Y&R. The characters express their thoughts through talking to themselves and long speeches. It's sort of cheesy that way. Nothing going on beneath the surface, and the storylines are very simplistic (maybe that's why it was popular abroad). I personally did enjoy the rape story. I would say watch everything, because it's fun to catch little details here and there, like how long Eric and Stephanie were married, how Bill Spencer had no other children and no son (lol), and stuff like that. I would get the thought of "oh why don't I just fast forward to the Stephanie scenes" but the show is so short, it's honestly easier to just watch it, it goes by fast and you'll never get this opportunity again to see it for the first time.

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