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I think some of you remarked on it before, but it was just soooo jarring: after enjoying the treat that was the year 1993 on B&B, January 1994 was just rough. There were so many filler episodes (around Ridge&Taylor and Brooke & whatever) and some very random storyline developments. Macy/Anthony/Karen/Connor was like Melrose Place without the cursing, high stakes and short skirts of Heather Locklear. Some of the stuff was okayish and funny like Anthony’s master plan with the see-through-swim suits but Karen and the AIDS test, plus the general direction of all 4 characters did not ring with me at all. It felt all super random – and boring.

To my pleasant surprise, February 1994 brought yet another rather sudden shift with some characters but I’m okay with all developments. Thorne now discovers that he wants Macy back (finally!), Macy tells Sally that she does not want Anthony (spoiler – it’s all fake news, she is smitten with him after all!) which prompts La Spectra to see her lead designer in an all new light. Anthony truly is charming around Sally who immediately falls for him HARD due to her own loneliness, track-record and him getting along with CJ is sold by Darlene Conley. There were some amazing scenes with Schae Harrison who was always so underrated when Darla tried to prevent the inevitable mother-daughter-bickering over Anthony. Seeing the Spectras all front and center in a sweeps month will not happen that much afterwards in B&B history, so it is pretty noteworthy as well. 

Brooke & James dating is yet another Melrose Place-type story twist which came out of nowhere. When I started watching the show many moons ago, these two were engaged, so that’s maybe why I still say that they have great chemistry. Even if the setting with Brooke&James is so very wrong (the clock is already ticking on their epxiry date as a couple because of Brooke's destiny with Wiiiiiiiiidge) and James the adult virgin will eventually bed nearly ALL women in LA during the next 4 years of his tenure. LOL

At around episode # 1740 I’m back to having fun with the B&B nostalgia train and try to catch at least one episode a day. What are you watching right now?

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I'm still back in summer '93... haven’t had time to watch much, but just finished 1615. What a perfect episode! Two major plots are at a critical juncture. I appreciate this all the more, reading the comments that the quality of the stories starts to decline not too long from now.

The tension is just exquisite at the hospital, with everyone singing Macy’s praises, while the viewer is just waiting for the news to drop that Macy was driving drunk…

The scene of Brooke and Connor informing Sheila that her assignment is to clear out Stephanie’s room made me LOL. They turned Sheila’s smile upside-down real quick. 
Loved Sheila’s red power suit. This is a world away from Sheila’s cheap wardrobe on YR – back when she could care less about money and was solely focused on Dr. Scott Grainger.

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I am watching both 1996 episodes from YT official chanel and episodes from 1994. 

In 1996 the story with Claudia Cortez is about to get bigger and Sheila is about to find out that she is pregnant. 

In 1994 (for me) Jessica just came into town and also did Dylan.

I still wonder how could this cute looking girl - Maitland Ward could become a star in adult movies....

Edited by Marquise
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I can pinpoint the exact episode that is the first absolutely Fail... and the whole mood is so off and cheap and Bradley Bellish... 1820. The scene with Jessica and Ivana is absurd. Every storyline feels forced and off. The writing is bad.

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