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I went ahead and renamed the first two vids (it will show my name because I was the last one to edit the file, I don't mean to take credit away from you :)) and I deleted the duplicate that BoldKara pointed out.

I'm not sure about "B&B Cala Classic 10-7-21 Episode 2" cause I had May 23, 1995 as a possible preemption, which would make that episode the 24th, but it definitely doesn't match the recap for May 24th. https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs/c/FWPcrPDQP3I/m/BshXzv3zck8J So maybe once you upload tomorrow's episode we can confirm if that one is May 24. 

I'm also making folders because the messiness is driving me crazy.

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Ah okay I have no idea I haven’t been watching just recording and posting. If it’s one a day that sucks I was really hoping to go through the show

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whats crazy about that is that means every episode airs 5 times on the network, that’s crazy. The episode airs first at 10:30 am, then at 3:30 pm then again at 10 am the following day, then again at 3 pm and then one last time on Sunday in the marathon

Edited by soapwikijohn
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I dare say however many appear in the marathon is how many aired during the week. If it’s not too much trouble to crop out the ads either side of the episode, great, if not, no biggie, we’d rather have the episode with ads than no episode at all!

Ah so to me it seems the 3pm is the repeat from the day before and 3.30pm airing is the new one, especially if you are recording the 3-4pm block. Thanks so much again.

Edited by BoldKara
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LOL Yeah, I've only had Cala for like a week, and I've basically recapped my experience with it here as we've gone along LOL, last Sunday was the first 'marathon' that I saw and it only recorded the first few minutes so I wasn't sure how many episodes aired. I had incorrectly assumed ten, but I suspect now it's just five. 

I'll probably be recording the 10:30 am broadcast since it's the first time it airs and that way I can record other things throughout the day. But if there's issues it's good to know I can set it to record both the 10 am and 3 pm rebroadcast. 

As far as editing out ads, it's my goal to, but I had tech issues so I figured any uploads are better than nothing. 

Today's Cala Classic is converting now and should be posted shortly..


edit- todays Cala is posted!

Edited by soapwikijohn
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Seriously, your efforts look just beautiful, and a bonus that there's no subtitles at the bottom. If the one you just posted was the Friday airing, fingers crossed that means that the first one from the marathon is one of the ones that you weren't able to capture after the first two you so wonderfully provided us (ie. 2040 likely the 'Monday' episode)...I think so far what you have been able to obtain is 2037, 2038, 2041-2044. Thanks so much once again, it is very much appreciated by us.

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So the episode posted today is definitely May 24, 1995 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs/c/FWPcrPDQP3I/m/BshXzv3zck8J so yesterday was May 23 and that's NOT a preemption date then. 


I've renamed them and put them in the May 1995 folder. I don't think there's any preemptions coming up so @soapwikijohnyou can just continue the dates from there. Maybe @YRfan23has the full 1995 preemptions list. I noticed we already have May 30 and 31 but in pretty poor VHS quality.


Thanks again for uploading! They really look fantastic.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Okay, then starting Monday I’ll start naming the episodes accordingly and

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it will be correct. I’m sure someone on here will let us know when mistakes are made and we can adjust accordingly. 

You’re welcome! I’m just sorry I couldn’t have started sooner . I mean there’s literally no way that I could’ve started sooner but hey you get my drift.  But with that said I’m so excited to build up the archive and knowing that it’s going to take some time for Videoland to catch up and then surpass where we will be. 

So some simple (dream) math.

*if* were working on the assumption I’m posting 2041+, then we have roughly 730 episodes to fill in the gap. At the current rate VL is going (10 episodes a week) Which will be roughly 73 weeks. Thus in less than a year and a half from now we will have Videoland meet Cala.

In that time *roughly* we should have an additional 365 episodes aired on Cala. Thus by the time Videoland and Cala meet we should be watching episode 2406 which will be October 26th 1996

Now at that rate VL should overtake Cala when we get to 2771 / April ‘98… which will be in 147 weeks / nearly 3 years from now we  


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It's a *big* deal due to the cost involved. Videoland/RTL & Cala are licensing the show from The Bells, they pay for X amount of episodes at a time, and then they are both broadcast on their respective networks. I believe Videoland get's *first look* and then it repeats on RTL Lounge and then Cala airs it throughout their network slots. So it's just all about making the most out of their money. VL's two episodes a day is kinda perfect. Yeah I'd love more but whatever I'll take what I can get and if the official youtube keeps going we'll have plenty of sources lol

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