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I much prefer Carrie Mitchum's Donna to the current one, though. The original Donna had brains and guts and she was passionate about what she wanted (even though her judgement was sometimes clouded by her rebelliousness), and there was nothing cartoonish about her. I really dislike how the writers did a complete rewrite of the character and dumbed Donna down when she was recast (not to mention gave her a son she supposedly had at, what, 17?). 

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I don't think it was actually said explicitly in dialogue. I just remember when Donna was about to move in with Mark, she and Brooke had a bit of a "serious girl talk" and Donna said something like "I think I'm ready now", implying that Mark would be her first.

And her reaction when she skipped a period and thought she was pregnant was definitely not that of someone who had been there, done that. (You'd think it would have come up at that point if she already had a baby that she put up for adoption.)

So to me, Donna having Marcus is just one of those rewrites that are simply incompatible with what we were shown on screen.

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This also took place in a very uneven period of the show... Remember the insta-relationship (even marriage?) of Donna &Justin which lasted ten episodes?

All the Logans were hevaily altered wth the recasts in 2006-2008. Think of Steven!? Think of Beth!? Think of Katie!? Only Storm was kinda in-line with the previous incarnations. 

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Donna could've been lying, but the main issue is how supposed she hide it from Katie, Brooke, Storm and especially from her mother for so many months that she's pregnant? Also there were some scenes mentioned above with Mark and with Brooke about the pregnancy/sex/virginity, so it seemed that she was a virgin at that time. But there are much more things like this.

Personally I just hate what writers did to Katie Logan. She was always so kind, warm, silent, patient, very helpful - always helping her parents or helping Brooke with the children (remember how she still was in 2001?). After a recast with Heather Tom she became loud, hysterical, unstable, very rude and most important - bitchy, which she never was and it never should have happened with her character.

Btw. hello everyone, as my registration is taking almost a year and still nothing happens (tried few times), but I just discovered that I can post here anyway (or maybe only write but still cannot post anything) but I tried it for the last time and voila! I'm here! So thank you for all your efford and for this community that it's still alive with so many active members and interesting conversation. Thanks to you again that I can set in order all of my old B&B clips which usually are in horrible quality and there are thousands of them from everywhere.

FYI: I discovered that some of the full episodes uploaded in the vault (for example E956) have no music - no instruments, no theme sounds or any music during the dialogues or at the end of the scenes etc. - there's only the opening music. I'm not sure if this is RTL Lounge's fault/choice but the music originally was there.

Edited by FInrod
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I thought when they brought Marcus on they said that Beth and Storm had helped her with the adoption, and that really doesn't make sense compared to what we see onscreen in Season 1. It's ambiguous whether Donna is a virgin, but she's clearly inexperienced and is very concerned about what her family will think about her living with a guy.


Welcome @Flnrod I totally agree with you about the recasts. Since I had never watched the early years I always thought the recasts of Donna and Katie were good, because to me Donna and Katie were just these random women that showed up for Brooke's weddings and sometimes babysat the kids. Now that I have seen the actual fleshed out characters, I miss the originals. 


Episode 956 has sound for me. You might want to try a different player like VLC. But it's good you brought it up so that if anyone else has issues, we can figure it out. 

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Hello!! It took me over a year to make this page too. Thanks for all the hard work in this vault!

Honestly I didn’t mind Heather/Katie I actually think outta all the sisters hers was most in character with how she was before, they js evolved her. I think Katie in general is a kind and forgiving person but I can see why at time she loses it. But the degrading writing for her, always letting bill and Brooke walk over her it’s the problem for me, and the character is now stale.


Edited by Sasha66
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Heather Tom as Katie works a lot better for me than the Donna recast. She plays a different Katie than the original for sure, but it’s not such a huge departure. I can still see Katie in her, just an older, more experienced rendition. At least her backstory wasn’t completely thrown out and rewritten like Donna’s. 

Edited by JellyBean
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