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The episode 2002-10-14 you've put in the Vault which is meant to be 3902 is the Australian airing. Because I grew up watching the show in Australia, we were so used to seeing violent episodes "chopped to buggery" (that could be an Australian phrase...so basically "chopped to pieces"). This appears to at the very least seem to be a recording of what went to air, essentially 3901 and 3902 edited together. We knew when episodes had been butchered as scenes would jarr and/or end prematurely without a traditional fade. Channel Ten would cut out shots of guns, blood. Fairly confident the episode/s where Brooke was raped by Andy were chopped to ribbons too. It was very frustrating as a Sheila fan to know that I never got to see the full extent of some of her more violent stuff because of the Channel 10 edits. Boo to Channel 10...they STILL edited the episodes these past few weeks recapping when Sheila shot Taylor and Brooke, and it's 20 freaking 21!!!

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Hey everyone! Just giving you a heads up that the Vault is currently full. I'll do my best to come up with a quick/temporary solution to clear up space over the next 2-3 days, and maybe a more permanent solution in the next few weeks (I'm thinking of maybe splitting Y&R and B&B into separate vaults). I'll give everyone a heads up when it's ok to start uploading again.

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Thanks to @BoldRestless and their hard work in auditing large files, around 900 GB has been freed up!

Uploading can continue, though I will continue to look out for a long-term solution. Thank you to all contributors for making this happen - I didn't think that over a year later that I would have to potentially get a second account to split up the soap vaults. You're all champs!

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I know. It becomes all the more jarring when one tries to follow both the early show and the present one in parallell. Watching the current episodes becomes a chore by comparison. The early years of the show were far superior in every way. Everything was so well thought out, with attention to detail in every part of the writing and production. I don't know how the budget compares, but it seems that in the early years they spent a lot more on sets, costumes and adding supporting characters to scenes. And of course, the quality of the writing is worlds apart. 

Edited by Videnbas
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The quality was just superior. There was a set behind Eric's office and Ridge's former office had an entrance to the show room. Those things just don't exist, and even in 480i, it just feels richer in quality. Things were not rushed or hyped for the sake of a love triangle. Things were organic.

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The first weeks 60 to 70 episodes of Bold was set up.  In fact, it felt almost like 2 different shows with the Logan family drama and the Forrester family drama in separate lanes.

However, once Brooke/Ridge..and Beth/Eric reconnect...the show truly gets going.

Looking back, Bill Bell was setting up the characters, showing their lives before the two families start to interact again.  Soaps wouldn't do that build up nowadays..imho.

My mom watched when it premiered..and she said the original Beth was an attractive blonde Grace Kelly type..and she couldn't buy Eric going for Stephanie...but when the mom is recast with a more passive, sweet darker Beth...she could understand Eric ending up with Stephanie.

Though original Beth and Brooke looked like mom and daughter..and it helped explain why Eric ended up hooking up with Brooke.

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When I go back to watch the shows in the Vault, it feels like almost the first two seasons are the first "act" of the show. Bell Sr really spends all that time setting the stage for the core conflicts on the show (Stephanie vs Brooke, Spectra vs Forrester, tension within the Forrester family including Thorne vs Ridge). 

Then Act 2 starts in late 1988 with Thorne shooting Ridge (the culmination of a conflict that had been building to that climax for a year and a half).

Around the same time, we also get the introduction of Sally Spectra (after hearing about the conflict between Spectra and Forrester for over a year). 

And just prior to the shooting, we had Eric ending his affair with Beth and going back to Stephanie. This makes me think Beth/Eric was really a red herring whose lasting impact and main purpose was setting up a lifelong conflict between Brooke and Stephanie.

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