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I use a programm that looks like it was programmed in the 1980s, but it works: MP4splitter to cut and MP4joiner to merge the pieces. 


I just went through all the 1995 uploads and will start adding them to the vault now (commercial-free). Each episode is roughly 21 minutes (including some priemtime or soap promos...) and 360 MB big.

Edited by sheilaforever
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ok im not on here often i hope that this was a mistake that im being called an imposter im just here contributing to the group i dont use social media for this reason, im actually saddened that i read these comments and thank you  my friend ChickenNuggetz92for sticking up for me, i actually contributed quite a bit. the reference to your angel is here was to notify you that i had contributed that day. not here to fight with anyone, i truly believe that anyone who posts negatively is not appreciative, not sure how i feel about continuing here. 


NOTE i wanted to also mention that someone else was also contributing i simply added more that day where they left off (and i thank them as well) i would never take credit where credit wasn't due and i would never shame a person and tell them they need mental help as i suffer from anxiety and i understand mental illness. i was seriously grateful to share a common interest here. im just upset now that someone didnt just ask a question and shamed me.

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hope everyone is well and having a great weekend stay covid safe all 

Edited by anon4520
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I was the one who thanked you first, I assumed you meant that you were the angel, and I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I do remember you uploaded some Y&R episodes too so you have contributed. Uploading is hard work, and I'm sure it was frustrating for the other uploader who is contributing as a guest and not getting credit.


I share because so many others share. It's kind of like paying it forward. I know if I continue putting up what I have, others will also put up their videos and we might eventually have our complete collection! There are lots of great people out there sharing, so hopefully, this will all get forgotten about and someone eventually will start uploading the B&B Classics again. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Edit: I see @sheilaforever added the videos from the 6 hours of B&B one, so I added the 1995 episodes from the other big block of VHS goodies. Thanks sheilaforever!

Edited by BoldRestless
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we are grownups and i hope that we can go by this missunderstanding and countinue be friedns

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 love you all!

and thank you all!

i am uploading two episodes from 1992 found them yestarday have downloaded them long time ago, if there are already in the vault please excuse me and deled them. I do not know the episodes N so they are 1992 1 and 1992 2

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