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thank you for the German episodes too

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 btw episode 4672 from 2005 is not working and one in 1997 too. Whoever angle uploaded it, can he/she do it gaian, please  Love you all!

Edited by Marquise
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Hey there!


What a wonderful vault you have here! Thank you so much to all the contributors who have given us all a pathway to the glory years of B&B. I am new here while waiting a week or so to get my userID approved to comment.


Back in the 90’s, I did record some clips and whole episodes to VHS, which I think I can find a way to get into a digital format. Of course being on VHS and not the greatest of reception back then, the video isn’t amazing but is perfectly watchable.


I have in full 833, 834 and 835 - the lead up to and events after the death of Caroline. I also have clips from 828, 829, 830, 831 and 832 showing scenes of Caroline and various members of the show finding out she is dying, plus scenes regarding the charm bracelet and the plants for Ridge.


I know we might eventually get these in full and better quality by our mystery benefactor - but would the person in charge of the vault be interested in me getting these into the vault if I can get the episodes digitised in the meantime? 


If yes, would you prefer the clips in the Clip folder, or altogether in a folder in 1990 marked “Caroline’s Death” or something like that with the 3 full episodes I have? Or just the full episodes separate in 1990 and the clips in the clips??? Some of the clips are half to most of the episode, all edited free of ads.


Please let me know, and I’ll try to work some magic. If good enough and people are happy with the quality, I can look into getting some more clips on here as I recorded very many of early Sheila including a lot of her time on Y&R as I absolutely loved her character too.


Thanks again for this fantastic vault.

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Welcome @BoldKara ! The owner of the vault is @ChickenNuggetz92 Anyone can upload as guest contributor. 


I've been digitizing some VHS that someone here mailed to me. If you need help or advice, PM me and I can either explain to you what I did, or I can convert them myself (and that offer is open to anyone with tapes as long as they are in NTSC format for North America). It would be great if you uploaded them; even if we eventually get up to them it would be nice having the originals without subtitles. Personally I would vote that the partial episodes get filed under clips in their own folder.

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Edited by BoldRestless
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Thanks for the reply! I’m from Australia so in PAL and definitely no subtitles! I’m fairly confident I can do it.  I’ll keep you all posted when I can get some up. It makes sense to put the clips in the Clip folder even if they are a large chunk of the episode...I basically kept the Caroline story bits. Still cry after all these years when she dies...that’s a death that stuck that just hasn’t been topped on this show...Stephanie came close, but no cigar...

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I'm so glad that's happening/working out. What are the episodes/years again?



Welcome! And thank you for planning to contribute to the vault! 

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Every little bit is appreciated.

Edited by YRBB
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Right. I'm not worried about missing out on BB classics as the majority of their choices weren't classics at all. I'm just surprised that have a weeks worth of episodes ready to air next week especially under the new restraints. Besides, if we do go into another lockdown are they going back to classics again? I thought BB was going to get some episodes in the bank and delay their return until at least sometime in August in case another lockdown were to occur they'd have more episodes like what happened with Days.

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At least it's a free promotion for B&B to be one of the first production to resume the shooting. Tuesday and Wednesday are said to be the episodes that were still shot pre-shutdown. I'm glad that new fans had a chance to see what a gripping show it used to be.

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