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The Live Daytime Emmys Thread


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I wasn't even going to watch this year, but I had nothing else to do so...

But, you know daytime is over and the Daytime Emmy's have no credibility or relevance in a year where Brittany Allen, Laura Wright, and Y&R's writing team are winners.

The show itself was so cheaply produced.


I can certainly see why daytime television is on its last legs if this is its premiere award show.

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its why I didnt want them to win. It was such an obvious Emmy grab. Plus it represents when B&B started to get really preachy and boring

I might agree with some of these but Heather Tom deserved her win. She was FIERCE as Katie Spencer last year

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Yeah, that is pretty sad that half the audience was shown not clapping for winners, on their phones, talking while others were presenting... almost makes me not even care for them.

Anyway, Daytime Emmys are dead. With each year, I felt myself hating the Daytime Emmys more and more... and now this year just put final nail in coffin. Seriously, WE could do better than that [!@#$%^&*].

It was a Las Vegas and baby telethon! Why did I even bother?

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Now that the show is over, I can officially label this as the WORST daytime emmys in HISTORY. Nothing was right about it. NOTHING. Not even the Susan Lucci tribute which SHOULD have been amazing. And while I appreciated she, Shemar, and Liza's moments on stage, it just wasn't enough. Not when we've got a whole circus for Oprah.

Wayne Brady is a horrific host on everything he's on. I don't know WHAT they were thinking. The last good host I can remember was Vanessa Williams.

How is anyone supposed to take soaps or daytime seriously when we get assaulted with THIS piece of [!@#$%^&*] show?! I STILL can't believe it. How can ANYONE think that it was good? I'm...I'm just appalled.

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I would describe tonight's show as hollow content-wise. I miss the clips and soap montages and kid show coverage. I love that people are out there doing good work but those segments were a little too lengthy and notice how the primetime Emmys and Oscars never do stuff like that... they don't have to, they don't need the sponsors.

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I think all of the actors who won Emmys tonight deserved them except for Brittany Allen. I was pretty happy with the wins. I also did not mind the Oprah tribute because she has done so much for daytime television(and for pop culture, etc). However I do agree that this Emmy telecast just like last years was very haphazard, dull, cheesy, and contrived. I do agree that the soap actors were basically very much ignored and kept in the shadows which was a great shame. I'm sure most of the actors feel insulted by it all as do the fans. So I think this year and last year have been the worst produced Emmys of all time.

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