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DAYS: Another Actress Fired

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I loved Vivian the first time around. I'm sorry that her return had to be ruined and that they aren't making more of an effort with her.

I know some of these actors may cost more money but I don't see why Chappell or Sorel are going while black holes like Shawn Christian have endless job security.

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I don't know how much Chappell costs but didn't she take a huge salary cut to goto Days. Hell wasn't she willing to work for scale at GL when they

cancelled that show to help out.

If DAniel is useless so is his daughter. Melanie serves no purpose with Daniel and Carly gone. But congrads on another character attached to her being fired or leaving

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I guess I can see where Melanie might have a point among the younger characters, and Molly probably is cheaply paid, but someone like Daniel I see as being there, and being there, and I never know why.

I also wonder if Chloe may be going.

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I know she has her fans but I don't consider a successful character one who has driven off every pairing she's been in off the show.

I am not blaming the actress, I find the character completely useless and over propped. Stephanie back, heck I would take Chelsea back over


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Does this show have a tier of established characters in her age group? I guess my point is that I don't argue that you need characters in that age

group but you need actors and characters that gel. Chelsea, Stephanie IMO were better characters and had better ties to the canvas. I have yet to

see her really connect with any character on a romantic level. I thought the rivalry with Stephanie was completely one sided and ridiculous. I am sure Molly Burnett is a completely nice person but there are lots of nice people out there who can act and generate chemistry with their costars.

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Id can Melanie to get Chelsea back. Melanie is SOOOO annoying and since they nixxed her romance with Nathan, I dont think they should keep her around and develop her more, especially since her pairing with Dario stinks

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I love Melanie and Molly Burnett and I think DAYS needs characters that age :) Mel/Dario are great!! If they get rid of Dario, bring back Nathan! I love the idea of Chelsea coming back but not at the expense of Melanie! They can both be on the show.

:( Hopefully not. I love her and she was one of my fav DAYS characters when I started watching in 2000. The show should try her and Brady again or bring back Philip!

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She actually had chemistry with Hapka. None with JKJ and you could tell how unhappy JKJ was based on his performances and how he'd light up in scenes

with JA and NB for example. I actually think the actor who plays Dario might be decent but there are no other romantic options for him on the show

which is a major issue. Days does a horrible job of chem testing or if they do they don't follow it through and get fixated on what they want. It's how

they ended up with pairings like Safe and this horrible EJ and Taylor stuff versus a couple like EJ/Nicole. Heck even AS and SC the guy who plays DAniel

seemed to have chemistry in some of the scenes they shared.More than I have seen with Sami and Rafe.

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