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Okay, time for the men.

Taylor Hicks has finally won me over. I really wish he'd stop the Ray Charles moves, and the flinches, LOL, but eh, he sang good and won me over.


Elliot nailed it again. He's got an awesome voice. But I TOTALLY agree with Simon (as nasty as he is at times, he's very spot on).

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I know Cheap! I was shocked too.

Gedeon nailed it. He impressed me.

Ace was okay. I think the judges were too nice on him. I totally sided with Simon. Ace was pitchy at times. Some parts of the song sounded GREAT, others, not so much.

But overall, the guys this week (so far) are loads better than the girls were!

Wow. This is scary. I agree with Simon again. Is everyone in La La land? Kevin is a little overrated. He wasn't that good. He nailed a few parts but overall it really wasn't that good.

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watching the recap now, I just realized that David sang a song I loved. Shows how much he messed it up bc it was barely recognizable with him.

Yep Chris was good and the boys were definetly better than the girls this week.

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Chris continues to blow me away. He was my favorite since the auditions and he gets better and better each week! Elliot was good too. Tonight was pretty good. My guess is either David, Sway, Kevin, or Bucky will go, David and Sway more so. Bucky was better this week, but I think Kevin was over-powered by his song. David, I just don't think the majority of America likes the music he wants to sing, so I doubt he'll make it to the Top 12. I was tripped out by Sway's song last week since we didn't get to her his natural voice, but after tonight, I think he was overshadowed by the others.

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If Chris is the name of the guy who sang last (sorry, still don't have all their names down), then he ROCKS!!! And he's pretty damn hot too.

Chicken Little sounds like Goat Boy from SNL when he sings. He's cute for a funny gag, but not a real star.

Ace sounded terrible singing the Daniel Bedingfield song! He was flat, then he was sharp, and all along, it sounded awful. I was surprised at how bad he did this week.

Gedeon is pretty good, he's growing on me.

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Chris - Awesome. He is great.

David - I feel for the kid. The judges were brutal. I think he's very vulnerable.

William - I like him and think the judges were hypocrital and I wish he'd have called them on that.

Ace - Didn't do so well. Gray Bunny summed it up perfectly.

Sway - UGH. I felt bad for him being trashed like that but I did have to agree with all of the judges.

Bucky - I think he might've redeemed himself for another week. He did much better.

Kevin - Overrated. Not as good as last week. I think he'll be safe though.

Elliot - Simply put: he owned it. Next to Chris, he rocks it really well.

Gedeon - Like Bucky, he did really well and improved his chances.

Taylor - Again, top three best male performer. He did really well, but he's GOTTA stop with the ray charles movements.

For Sure in Final Top 12?

Taylor, Chris & Elliot


It's really tough. I do think Sway is one of the ones out. But if America feels bad for him like I did, it's anyone's guess.




But Bucky, William or Gedeon going too wouldn't surprise me. The guys are tough to pick from. With the girls it's a little bit easier.

EDITED: Oops, I had to edit and add Taylor. I TOTALLY forgot about him, LOL.

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Chris did so good. He performed with fire and sang just as good, by far the best tonight. Like Randy said, the guys ready for the recording studio. Kick ass!

Gedeon was great too, but it was Chris' night.

Ace sucked bricks tonite, Simon was right on with his critique, and....David was REALLY boring, judges got that right.

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Chris is the best male performer this season. He owns every single male episode, hitting every note where it needs to be hit. I can't remember the judges saying one bad thing about him. I'm predicting he makes it to the final four.

Taylor is such a great entertainer. I laugh every time he's on the stage. He's not going anywhere. The crowd loves him.

Ace disappointed me tonight. He was great last week and tonight, he was just average. I didn't like his performance that much. He's safe though. The girls love him.

Elliot is one of the performers that you just can't believe a voice like that comes out of his mouth. When the judges chose him to go to the final 24 I was shocked. I was like wtf? But now I see why. Elliot is proof that you can't judge a book by it's cover. He's safe.

Everyone else has a chance at going home, IMO. The two with the most chance, I would say, is Bucky and David. David is definitely going home. The other one could be anyone. Gedeon, Will, Kevin, Bucky and Sway are all risky.

Chris is the best male performer this season. He owns every single male episode, hitting every note where it needs to be hit. I can't remember the judges saying one bad thing about him. I'm predicting he makes it to the final four.

Taylor is such a great entertainer. I laugh every time he's on the stage. He's not going anywhere. The crowd loves him.

Ace disappointed me tonight. He was great last week and tonight, he was just average. I didn't like his performance that much. He's safe though. The girls love him.

Elliot is one of the performers that you just can't believe a voice like that comes out of his mouth. When the judges chose him to go to the final 24 I was shocked. I was like wtf? But now I see why. Elliot is proof that you can't judge a book by it's cover. He's safe.

Everyone else has a chance at going home, IMO. The two with the most chance, I would say, is Bucky and David. David is definitely going home. The other one could be anyone. Gedeon, Will, Kevin, Bucky and Sway are all risky.

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