Members soapfan770 Posted October 17, 2015 Members Share Posted October 17, 2015 Has anyone been watching? After the pain of trying to watch last season I think this season is a whole lot better now that the affair has been revealed but it's still missing something. I can't believe the show is trying with the B613 story that never ends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted October 17, 2015 Members Share Posted October 17, 2015 Ugh to b6-13, but the show is much better this year. Cornelius Smith rocked it as the new gladiator this week... #welcomebacktoABC CS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted November 10, 2015 Members Share Posted November 10, 2015 "Run" was amazing. Predictable (mostly)? Yes. Ian's twist was obvious from the beginning. But the actor was great. Ridiculous, as well. But it was a great thrill ride, wonderfully shot and edited, and, bless her, KW did a great job with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted November 10, 2015 Members Share Posted November 10, 2015 OLIVIA WANTS BEEF STEW!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted November 13, 2015 Members Share Posted November 13, 2015 This Vice President, Susan Ross, is one of my favorite characters on TV right now.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted November 20, 2015 Members Share Posted November 20, 2015 This was an unexpectedly awesome episode. Olivia turning into FLOTUS Mellie. Olivia wanting to be FREE Mellie. Mellie turning into FREE Olivia. Mellie feeling sorry for FLOTUS Olivia. Olivia and Fitz turning into Mellie and Fitz. Mellie winning at life. Olivia and Mellie both quite happy to be free of Fitz. Fitz alone and sulking. It was an evolution. It was revealing. It was a revolution, too [abortion for a leading television female]. I think Olivia, Mellie and Fitz now all know that Olivia and Mellie REALLY are a lot alike, the good (movers and shakers, they both love or loved him) and the bad (selfish, love the taste of power a little too much). They also all now know that disappointed in you Fitz and the perimeters of the FLOTUS job is something close to hell. It's a suffocation. Though, Mellie stayed, Mellie had his kids, Olivia ran fast, and aborted his kid(s) w/o giving him a say, This should really shift dynamics between the three. If you drop the fact that Fitz is irrationally obsessed with Olivia, how do you ever get back from this on the O/F side? Not that I want them to get back from it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Money Posted November 20, 2015 Members Share Posted November 20, 2015 Last night's episode was completely unnecessary. The manufactured drama between Olitz has drained the show . I never liked Olivia. Her entitlement to make unilateral decisions for everyone her makes her a bigger bitch than Mellie. Olivia simply doesn't know how to love. She doesn't know how to be in a relationship and she doesn't want commitment. Like Fitz said, she wanted him when he was unavailable and now that he is she doesn't know how to be happy. No Vermont? No jam? At least we tried? Bull.[!@#$%^&*]. The second they actually had a chance at happiness Olivia looked like she wanted to shoot herself in every scene. Wallowing in misery is her crack cocaine. I hope when Fitz finds out she aborted his child they are finally done. No excuses, no hysterics, just be done. See the bitch for who she really is and move on. Mellie was everything last night. I hope she laughs in Fitz face when she finds out Olivia left him. After all the hell those two egomaniacs put her through she deserves it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Eric83 Posted November 20, 2015 Members Share Posted November 20, 2015 Wow. This show is terrible at this point. I honestly would drop it if I wasn't using it as filler between Grey's and HTGAWM. And this season started out so promising. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted November 20, 2015 Members Share Posted November 20, 2015 Terrible? I have no love for F/O and I've actually not hated most of this season. The episode IMO said what Olivia and Fitz never really accepted but what each has known is true for the longest. Truths that they would let slip out from time to time. Olivia is spoiled. She's accustomed to being catered to. She grew up with her family making her feel powerful despite any of their quirks. Olivia has always wanted Fitz the easy way irrelevant of what that meant to Fitz, to Mellie, and to their kids. Olivia felt OBLIGATED to try almost because she felt bad for Fitz therefore the "yes, I am." I don't see anything wrong with Olivia being selfish to this degree, my issue only comes when she's treated as or/and treats herself as a sacred saint (her white hat self-torture) despite the pain she's helping to inflict to have things her way. IMO, last night's episode was Olivia accepting who she is and who she is not (NOT A WHITE HAT) and seemingly feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was not miserable. I honestly don't know how either Mellie or Fitz could still like her even a little, though, but both of them clearly do. This trio definitely have a weird Sister-Wives vibe where they "loved to hate" having a relationship together. Olivia never wanted to be with an unattached Fitz BUT it doesn't negate that Fitz started treating her like he treated Mellie because he felt she betrayed him and/or belittled him. He made her ornamental and it wasn't just for press. He was pissed and this is what he does to the women in his life when he's pissed. He systematically tries to destroy any power they feel they have to feel more powerful, to feel more good about himself. All of this was brought out last night. IMO, it was wonderful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted January 18, 2016 Members Share Posted January 18, 2016 Stephen's surprise return at the end of OIivia's kidnapping drama was wonderful. Great shocker, and lovely to see him again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Money Posted April 8, 2016 Members Share Posted April 8, 2016 I had no idea Tom was gay or even sleeping with Cyrus. Funny how Olivia didn't want Abby to be a "monster" all this time when she's always been one. Leave it to Olivia the narcissist who thought Abby would be fine taking orders from her again. I knew she was going to kill Andrew the second Papa Pope went into that monologue after she told him she wasn't him. I guess Olivia being a killer is suppose to be shocking but if you're hanging and sleeping with a bunch of murderers it should be par the course. I see there's a lot of praise for her being a bad b!tch on-line and putting the fear of God in Abby and I'm like, NEXT. Olivia continues to be an insipid character on so many levels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted March 31, 2017 Members Share Posted March 31, 2017 This season has been bad. These individual flashback episodes are ridiculous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted May 10, 2017 Members Share Posted May 10, 2017 Reportedly, they are ending the show after the 7th season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted May 11, 2017 Members Share Posted May 11, 2017 As most shows should that make it beyond 5 seasons... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted September 6, 2017 Members Share Posted September 6, 2017 Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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