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Scandal: Discussion Thread

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I'm really curious to how this is going to unfold. First time this season I'm on the edge of my seat to see what happens next week.

The Liz story has been sloppy and confusing for the most part so far but it has potential to come together but they're going to have to stuff a lot into one episode. Liz is the head of the Republican party and Andrew is the Vice President ... who last I remembered had a more liberal lean than Fitz, no? I remember him and Mellie having a heated discussion about gun control and he was all over stronger restrictions for gun sales. I'll put that liberal lean aside. So, now, we're to believe Head of GOP and the VP are behind these odd murders and the odd Olivia stalking? The Olivia stalking I guess may be to get proof of the affair with the President. You had the sense Andrew put the pieces together last season between some of Olivia's comments and some of Mellie's comments.

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Part of me would think the bombing was a set up to get Mellie in a compromising position BUT I also would think Andrew would not be part of that because as second in command of this treason plot he would want the fruits of whatever he and Elizabeth are working on. Him getting caught being all down and durty would be problematic for his political climb. The bombing, I believe was an insider set up, but maybe just to start the foreign war.

Due to the odd murder plot tie-in, I got a feeling either Andrew or Liz are going to kick the bucket on the mid-season finale. I'll be a bit shocked if one or the other is not killed off. Maybe not killed off but rather sent off to a dark place to spend the rest of eternity.

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Mellie, it seems, just can't catch a break. Her husband doesn't want her and Andrew who was suppose to be in love her is now nefariously involved with Liz. For weeks I've been wondering where the hell is Andrew and when he's finally seen he's involved in something sinister. So once again Mellie gets screwed. No man, no happiness, no friends, and her one attempt at re-establishing herself professionally has gone down the tubes. Thanks Shonda!

Angela, I think you may be on to something. I think Andrew is in cahoots with Liz because he wants to disgrace/ blackmail Fitz into resigning because he wants to be Prez and he needs proof of Fitz' affair with Olivia to succeed. I'm not sure how Olivia's friend and the daughter's murder tie in but knowing Shonda it will be convoluted at warped speed.

I just love Rowan. I really do. There's something about Morton's gusto delivery that makes me smile. He gives life to those monologues that otherwise would have fallen flat in the hands of a less capable actor like Foley. Case in point; when Jake told Fitz he needs to call him Captain Ballard because he's not his friend. It fell flatter that a generic pancake at the dollar store. Morton would have killed it. Rowan has become a caricature at this point but I don't care. Morton is that damn good.

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The Liz thing is messed up and nasty no matter what but I'm waiting until next week before I totally put Andrew's a-- on blast. I got to see where he's really at with all this. This Liz thing most likely happened after O/F ended A/M's relationship. Even in crazy Shonda-land, I would think it's highly unlikely Andrew's suddenly not in love with Mellie after all that love sick stuff from him in Season 3.

I did groan at Andrew almost indignantly wondering why Mellie "wouldn't even look at him" (AND when Mellie asked him for another chance) when Andrew dang well knows that, a, he chose political position over his position with her, b, Mellie's son then proceeded to drop dead. Stupid question.

Shonda really should at least give her one real friend. That scene where Karen asks her if she's okay and it seems like it's the first time somebody really cared enough to genuinely ask? So sad. It would be rather easy to put Cyrus - their stories as usual are almost at an extreme parallel - or Abby - whose been good with the "tough love" - in that position.

Due to the shallowness of most of this season, I'm half expecting this all to end up being about the obsession with Olivia's vagina somehow, lol. Andrew and/or Liz probably want in too. It is the vagina that launched 1000 ships after all.

ICAM on both counts. Rowan is cartoon quality evil genius for all the good and bad things that entails. Morton, on the other hand, is simply everything. He's the master of monologue deliveries on a show that has quite a few really good monologue deliverers.

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Not really impressed but it wasn't a bad episode. It was like Sesame Street Scandal. Harmless.

I guess Cyrus marrying his prostitute was cute and predictable.

I was surprised the Andrew & Elizabeth shenanigans came out so quickly to EVERYBODY.

I hope Andrew is doing this in part to get even with Fitz for snatching his Season 3 piece (FLOTUS).

I'm not even the least bit worried about Olivia's safety with either her dad or Andrew & Elizabeth. When I say I'm not worried I don't mean because I'm not a huge Olivia fan, so regardless ... I mean because I'm 12,000% sure the most abuse she's going to get in this from any of those 3 is a few reads. Why didn't they even put like some mystery surrounding it? Andrew is all like "yeah, I took your b-tch, so now dance b-tch." Does Andrew have a death wish? They allllll know what he did partially because he's all admitting it like some stupid psycho: Liz (boyfriend is a cheater), Mellie (side-piece is a cheater trying to bring harm to her baby - the political dynasty), Fitz (you took his obsession, the only thing he thinks about), Jake (you took his obsession, the only thing he thinks about), Cyrus (well, you probably helped him out), Olivia's crazy associates (they kill people on the daily), Papa Pope and Mama Pope (they crazzzzyyy and can kill you 34 times before you hit the ground). I just don't get how Andrew thinks this can work out for him.

Funny moments of the episode:

The gun showdown between Rowan and Olivia. Papa Pope is a little worried about his future and you can tell he's worried when he gets all hyper-snappy in his speeches. Papa Pope setting Olivia up with the gun was great. I both love and adore when Papa Pope plays anybody in that triangle for a fool.

The Quinn and IDontKnowHisName fight - due to the fact that he was gonna kill her after a roll in the hey - with Endless Love playing over the scene? Great.

The spilled wine on the white couch had me laughing for some reason too.

Emotional moments of the episode:

Mama Pope shutting down Olivia's chin quivering but then showing feelings after Baby Pope left.

Cyrus handing in his resignation.

Reads of the episode:

Olivia's bitch baby taunting of Cyrus.

Mellie letting Elizabeth know that she's been dealing with a pussy cat (Andrew) and she's about to start playing with a Lion (Mellie).

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The prostitute was in the room when Cyrus was getting rough with him wink.png

Are you asking does the prostitute now know Cyrus was abusively f--king him because [Cyrus] found out the dirty on [the prostitute]? and did Cyrus apologize for the abusive f--k? That wasn't explored on last nights episode of As Olivia's Vagina Turns.

The prostitute appears to be in love with Cyrus. Prostitute, IMO, probably doesn't expect an apology because of initially using Cyrus and Cyrus probably isn't in the mood to give any apologies to prostitute for anything yet.

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So Olivia finally declares that she is choosing herself.. not Vermont with Fritz nor the sun lite islands with Jake.. then started dancing. However, just as we get progress, she vanishes. I have a sinking feeling that Fritz/Jake will work together to rescue her then we are back at square one with this triangle.. ugh.

I did like Mellie reading Liz. Not enough Mellie.. but sometimes a little goes a long way.

I think they need a new associate at OPA.. would open up some new avenues to explore and keep things from getting stale.

Cyrus quitting would have been interesting.. but instead Olivia's stupid speech made him go back to working for the president.

Why is this show afraid to evolve?

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Prostitute did look really uncomfortable. It did cross my mind for a second that we may have found a body in the half-season finale.

I'd usually be mad if you give my favorite 60 seconds on any other show but the material and performance just leaves me really satisfied every single time SO I can never really bring myself to complain.

I agree.

I was excited when he quit just for the change of pace for a little. "A little"? I didn't think she'd resolve it 20 minutes later especially since it was a half season finale.

I read somewhere that Shonda once said that Scandal is not a romance novel or something like that, but her unwillingness to change most anything ESPECIALLY within the "main romance" and the "main triangle" on the show makes this a very one note romance novel. Sigh. There was an article in one of the magazines (onlne), maybe Cosmo or Glamour or Vanity Fair, that one basically has to throw their hands up in surrender on the romance aspects (meant in a negative way, in respect to knowing it's a turn off for a good portion of the audience) BUT the shows true bread and butter is really the family aspects (from Fitz/Mellie, Mellie's grief to Olivia and her parents to even some of the friendships). Word!

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The winter finale was the worst episode to date. There was so much bad acting I couldn't tell if it was being done on purpose. The confrontation between Rowan and Olivia was so melodramatic it was ridiculous and KW has resorted back to those heinous facial tics that passes as emoting. I had no idea what Shonda was going for in that scene. Of course he was testing Olivia with the gun and Rowan is NOT Jekyll and Hyde. There is no way he would have continued to wax poetic about her choice in childhood music knowing that Olivia would have shot him. Dude would have gone Command on her ass in seconds.

I love how Mama Pope kept it real but she was absolutely wasted. When Olivia started crying when Mama said Rowan damaged her, she got exasperated and told her cry herself a river. I literally laughed out loud. KW literally stopped and there were no tears. Too funny.

The next ridiculous and over the top acting scene was between Olivia and Cyrus. "WHO ARE YOU?!!!" "I'M CYRUS BEAN!!!" "WHO ARE YOU?!!!" I'M THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN DC!!! "WHO ARE YOU?!!!"... Yikes!

By the way, would it have hurt Olivia to run her marriage plan by Cyrus first before springing it on him with no warning and expecting he sign off on it immediately?

David continues to get screwed. I think Shonda sits on her chair and wonders how many times the character should be F'd over. It's like a running gag on the show.

I barely recognize Quinn from season 1. She went from this geeky, perky secretariat to this crazy, murderous chick who gets off on murder and physically abusive sex.

Mellie doesn't care that Andrew is boning Liz? Such a waste.

The weird dancing that Olivia did with her "I choose me" speech was STUPID. Chick already told you the sun went down on your relationship. She's now saying she wants you and Vermont with Fitz without blinking an eyelash. Instead of getting yourself a pillow so ya'll can fu.ck comfortably on the piano how about you get some self respect and and show yourself the door.

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With all the poor episodes this season, you really think this was the most (or, in other words, least)?

It was a rather big waste of an episode when you consider they spent the bulk of the episode on a storyline you know, at this point, they consider a running comic strip. They put the punctuation mark on that fact with the gun scene. They, meanwhile, spent about 3-4 minutes on the storyline they're building the second half of the season (and the cliffhanger) on.

How could you be sure if she did or didn't? Do you mean the fact that she wasn't torn up? IMO, she loves him deeply as a friend but she had not reached a place where she was really in love with him.

I'm not sure if Shonda is just bringing the shallow hardcore this season or if she's just using stalling tactics in Season 4: Part 1 so she can really bring the roller coaster of shocking and somewhat sensical reveals in Season 4: Part 2.

- I didn't get why RNC chair didn't care that the FIXER for the POTUS knew about her - the RNC chair - and the Vice President colluding.

- I didn't get why the FLOTUS straight out told the RNC chair that she herself and the VP are or were having a sexual affair.

- I don't get why VP and RNC chair don't care that everybody knows what illegal things they're doing to get what they want. I don't get why VP and the RNC chair are risking prison time and death for a war in some country. I mean Fitz is the weakest link in the people who will be after [Mr. VP] and he almost punched his head off his body for sleeping with a chick he don't really even give a chit about:


- I don't get the VP's motives? I get why he would not like Fitz but isn't this taking it too far over a distaste for somebody? and wasn't Andrew sort of liberal?

- I don't get why Shonda thinks having Fitz only truly care about what's between Olivia's thighs (Mellie way aside, it's like he has little genuine feelings for his children - the suicide trip is/will be about Olivia, he knows instantly Andrew is talking about Olivia and not Karen) makes him a character to root for?

- I don't get why I should root for love-sick Jake to stay chasing Olivia when she's almost a bigger hopping-ho than Andrew showed himself to be on episode 8? The "I choose me" speech don't really resonate when you choose being a hopping-ho too. Jake should have given that speech TBH.

- I don't get how I should even begin to be concerned about Olivia's safety when RNC chair and VP's hitman has been killed.

- Speaking of which, I still don't get the whole key and murder thing.

They really SHOULD have attempted to answer at least half these "questions" before the winter finale finished airing.

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Absolutely. It was incoherent and too melodromatic. The bad acting just compunded the ridiculousness. I agree with the latter part of your post. I would have been satisfied if they at least attempted to give clarity to a few issues that are too complicated and rather unneccessary. The dead girl, the key, the man committing suicide... all that is irrelevant. Andrew's motive to create a war in Africa - what's his agenda or political gain? Just unnecessary. In Shonda's world, the fact that Andrew suddenly developed this agenda should be enough to keep us in the edge of our seats.

As for Jake, sometimes he shows promise and then episodes like these prove he'll continue to be Olivia's bitch. I guarantee that if Fitz told Olivia he wanted both she and Mellie and he refused to choose because he chose *him* collective heads would explode. Compound that by Oliva running to get a pillow so they could f.uck. LOL! I really hope the latter part of this season is better than the first.

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No question.

I want to have faith for the second half of the season but I feel like it would just be a practice in futility at this point. With all the craziness of last season their was a lot to play with this season due to fallout. A. LOT. They barely touched on the impact of any of it. It's like they brushed almost everything under the rug. So they're glossing by the insanity of last season, which is ridiculous due to the amount of flesh in that insanity, while they're doing a piss poor job of birthing story out of thin air in Season 4. I can't argue they're using anything from last season to birth it because I don't see or hear them doing that yet.

Everybody in the press is too chicken to criticize Shonda's story telling. Their should have been a collective shaking of the head at that finale by people who make a living thinking and writing critically of television programming.

They may connect dots in Part 2 of the season but until then ...

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