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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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Absolutely ridiculous :P Sorry, but I think it is. Whether she wanted him to get that impression initially, or she clued in suddenly that he was getting that impression and went with it, it's just as guilty a sin IMHO particularly when dealing with something as serious as this. You can't excuse behaviour because someone quietly and consciously allows someone to believe a crime, rather than flat out says it.

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Conrad & Ashley NEEDS to happen.

Was this the first time we learned Emily followed Daniel before coming to town?

I really, really like Charlotte. Her boyfriend needs to die. Also, Emily needs to kill Amanda.

Also, I love how even when Emily's plans start to go wrong it works out with the same end result, usually better even.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Great episode last night! I think my favorite scene was the Conrad/Charlotte scene with Emily eavesdropping. Conrad eying Ashley was hilarious - I hope that's foreshadowing too. I wonder what side Ashley will choose. A secret coming out at a party with everyone watching - so soapy. Loved it. I also liked Conrad's scene with his dad when Grandpa suggested they start grooming Daniel to takeover and Conrad was all, "Remember, I put the Global in Grayson Global."

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What is this craziness about Victoria not actually telling Daniel that David raped her? The way it was written and, consequently, the way Victoria put it clearly implied that she had been raped. That's exactly what I thought she was saying, albeit in a subtle, non-direct way, before Daniel vocalized it. It was a clear decision in Victoria's part. She wanted him to think that.

So surprised by Ashley/Conrad. I was wondering where they would go with her next and this looks wonderful. It would be great if she started an affair with him while continuing to work for Victoria; would create more soapy drama. Meanwhile, the divorce between Conrad and Victoria, which now evolves his father and the issue of running Grayson Global, and completely delicious. The show hits all the right, soapy, notes.

Loved Charlotte in this episode. She had a great reaction to the paternity news, her scene with Conrad, later with Declan. The dinner scene where the paternity was revealed felt like I was watching classic soap.

Jack was also another one who was exquisite in this episode. From that shirtless scene in the beginning to his anger, his pleading with Amanda, confronting Victoria... the actor carried it off wonderfully.

The end... another amazing cliffhanger. It looks as if it was Amanda who took the box but who knows?

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