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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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Idenity Crisis would be a more apt name for this show!

We have Amanda-as-Emily and Emily-as-Rebcca, Tyler who wants to either be with or be Daniel, Nolan who seems to want a life like Jack's and now Ashley, who after last nights "A life like yours is what i Always wanted" to Amanda-as-Emily easily sets her up to jock on her life.

And i love it. I also love that at any point any of the above can hook up with each other and i would totally buy it.

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Right and there's definitely hinted a lesbian Single White Female vibe with "Amanda" for Emily...

That was one thing in the episode I wasn't totally sold on--Jack has been shown as such an upstanding guy--would he really suddenly be into slathering sunscreen on a random, nameless, woman? I mean--it's not completely unbelieveable but...

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WOW... just WOW. I was amazed at the intricacy and brillliance of this writing. First of all... Tyler is a little weasel, he effing ROLLED Nolan? So many things going on this episode, Lydia hiding the pills in her jaw and getting Conrad to bust her from the house is great. You can tell Victoria is DYING to know where Conrad is hiding her. Considering where Frank's phone was found, I see an arrest in Conrad's future. How underhanded for little Declan to take Victoria's 100,000$ and still see Charlotte. I don't think that boy knows what he's dealing with, he's WAY over his head... but other distractions for Victoria just may save his butt. Nolan was so smooth cleaning out Tyler's throat just as Ashley walked in. Briliantly played, and I loved Ashley dropping her drink. That real Emily is a triflin bitch, I hate her guts. And poor Jack, snookered by that tramp. I'm really curious as to what part the Japanese Man plays is Amanda's past, but the comment about the vipers was GOLD.

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She negotiated him down to $25,000 LMAO! He should have countered for 50K, But it kind of sounded like playing her mother was Charlotte's idea. Either way, it was slightly naive on Declan and Charlotte's part.

Wow! Faux Amanda has some nerve. I can't believe Jack didn't know it wasn't really her. Sammy will.

Edited by Juliajms
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Amanda can go fcking die. Her and Jack's pseudo-fairy tale nonsense was so out of place all episode long. I wanted their boat to capsize. Jack is an idiot. Is he REALLY still jonesing over a little girl he met when he was a kid? Damn. He even introduced her as "an old close friend." If she was that close, you'd realize it wasn't really her, you moron. I even like his little grimy brother better than him.

Victoria/Conrad/Lydia is pure GOLD. Conrad is a riot when he gets some bitchiness in him! Love the way these three interact with each other, and Victoria continues to be the boss of the entire corporation.

My beautiful, flawless Daniel :( So many people playing him. When it all falls down, he should just dust himself off and start anew in Louisiana, where he can meet a 21-year-old college student who enjoys watching old episodes of soaps on YouTube. I'm still down with Emily/Daniel, but I'm gonna need for her to bring him into the plan soon. He's obviously very in to her, and she needs to see that he can be trusted.

Nolan and Tyler lmao I can't believe they're letting Tyler's wormy ass get under their skin. I don't see Ashley really reacting to catching them kissing. As much as she wants to be a bad bad bitch, she just seems to be all talk and no action. Get it together, girl!

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