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OLTL Tribute Thread


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I think Courtney's salary must have been quite high, like Reinholt's. In 1975, they were huge superstars of the medium, and ABC was eager to acquire their services. In Jeff Giles' book, Erika Slezak remarks that other, longer-running actors on OLTL tried hard to get their meager salaries increased, to be more on a par with what Courtney and Reinholt were getting, but the network was dismissive of their demands.


Courtney was getting enough of a salary to afford a limo to drive her to the studio every day. At the time, an article in Rona Barrett's Daytimers claimed that that raised the eyebrows of other, lesser-paid actors, who had to take the bus or train to the studio.


My memory is hazy on this, but I seem to recall Reinholt saying he made $35,000.00 a year on OLTL. I know he had been up to a whopping $70,000.00 a year on AW.


With inflation, 1975's $70.000.00 would be the equivalent of $329,032.53 today. Even $35,000.00 would be $164,516.26 now. I could struggle by on that.

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The footage is from 1976, I believe, when Viki was in the hospital after giving birth to Kevin. That episode is available on youtube.



Edited by vetsoapfan
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That’s where I think it was from too. All the Daytime to Remember episodes were of course edited for time (some hour episodes were only shown in one half hour slot but all episodes had a scene or two shaved for more commercials just as they would for SoapNet marathons—in fact I noticed one AMC episode shown on DTR had a scene that was cut when it later showed up on SoapNet yet the SN airing had a different scene that DTR cut—I believe it was on the 1979 Tom confronts Erica about her birth control pills episode). But this one more than I knew at the tile as it originally red just a few months after OLTL went to 45 mins. Still at the time I was just thrilled to see the first Dorian!

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UGH! The editing of vintage episodes always makes me nuts. When CBS last aired a rerun of Victor's and Victor's first wedding from 1984, the ONLY reason I wanted to record it was to get a quality copy of the Brooks sisters' reunion scenes. And they were all sliced out, to make  room for more commercials. It was sooooo annoying.

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So these scenes were cut....from the episode....because Viki with that mirror doesn't appear in the ADTR episode...something similar happened with Karen episode in court....SoapNet Marathon and ADTR have different scenes...and I have an original script of this episode and there are some scenes not shown in Soapnet or in ADTR....it is a pity....

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Ah I haven't compared the DTR Karen on the Stand with the time it was shown in the Farewell marathon though I have both on DVDR--but yeah, I was surprised to see with the AMC episode how they chopped out different scenes--I would have assumed they'd just use the same edit or something.  I first noticed it back when Agnes Nixon's website still had their videos up and I saved those AMC kinescopes which I've since uploaded to YT (how I wish I had thought to save all the video on that site--they had her complete Museum of TV seminar from 1988, the twentieth anniversary of OLTL, online which now seems only possible to view of you go to the Paley Center and I could have really used for my research essay, but I digress).  They all run nearly exactly 23 minutes without commercials, whereas the two kinescoped episodes of AMC that aired as part of the first I Love Lucci SoapNet marathon run about 19 minutes (which I think is the current standard for amount of programming on daytime for a 30 minute soap...)


What's funny is often at least with the themed SoapNet marathon the stuff that would be edited would be the stuff that didn't fit the "theme" (for example, in the I Love Lucci marathon they'd air a 1983 episode but when they went to trim scenes those would be from the storylines not about Erica).  But usually it was those less well known side stories and side characters (not that the Brooks' sisters should be considered side characters but by 1984 they were) that get trimmed... 

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It is always a pleasure to watch Marco Dane ( Gerald Anthony) to marry  with Maxie McDermot (Christine Ebersole) in a 1984 episode. I hope RETRO TV broadcast OLTL from 1976 once they finish with the Doctors!!! We need classic soap episodes in our daily life!

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Unfortunately I don't see that happening (God I feel like Debbie Downer).  The people who own The Doctors had listed it on a website of properties that could be licensed for years before RetroTV picked it up (I know those are vague details, but I remember it being mentioned on here with a link maybe ten years back).  I think that's the only soap they ended up with.  ABC of course still owns AMC.  And damn, I wish they'd do something with AMC and OLTL--I'd settle even for decent quality best of DVD sets (as long as they didn't just cover the last fifteen years or something--in fact they can skip those

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).  I still remember when AgnesNixon.com was launched with promises of DVDs, etc, and I had such hope as it seemed legit, especially with all the great rare videos they put up (I believe Bob Jr or one of Nixon's other kids ran it?  He was the one who found those two 1970 AMC kinescopes in her attic and helped finish her memoirs).  The site is still there but the videos gone and it's never been updated...  And yeah...  *gets depressed*

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Unfortunately, so many of AMC's and OLTL's best years and storylines are lost forever, and will never be seen again. The Phil/Tara romance on AMC was golden, as was the story about Clara passing for white on OLTL. At least we still have access to Karen Wolek on the witness stand, but Ruth Martin's devastating anti-war speech? Sadie's confrontation with her daughter about living a lie? Gone.


*Gets depressed along with Eric*

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Yep.  I keep wishing that a phone bootleg of it will pop up on YT the way recently some Paley Center 1964 AW episodes have...  It'll be a while before I get to either Center though it would be one tape I'd view.  Oddly I just did a search at the Paley Center and this episode didn't come up! (!)  I hope there's just a glitch.

The UCLA archive has a bunch of fascinating stuff including several full ABC Daytime original video tapes from 70-72 or so I believe--the complete lineup however their catalog says they haven't been properly archived onto playable media yet (grr--it has said that for the past ten years so obviously there's no rush) and they have no public viewing machines for that format.


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