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See, this is why I always hesitate about writing Max/Gabrielle fanfic to make their ending better--I'm always afraid I'll do a disservice to the characters or think up something too inane for her and Al to be alive and it'll just be bad! (even though writing has always been a strong point for me). I don't want to feel like I'd be doing what Ron did to Gabrielle the other day, even though some of her behavior was DEFINITELY in character (I almost feel she shouldn't have come back...but then I remember how much I missed her and wanted to see her one more time. Plus, because of her return, I have a new banner! laugh.png )

But I'm sure your fanfic for Karen and Jenny would be just fine smile.png.

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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I had a short-term Gabrielle resurrection storyline in mind once to end her character and Max's, as well as close off the Carlo Hesser plotline. It's some years old. I can't remember if I ever went over it on here. It basically involved Max coming back to town ostensibly to see his friends and show off his two teenaged kids. His return would, in fact, coincide with that of Carlo, as well as Antonio who was still on his trail. Max and much of Llanview would be victimized and terrorized by Carlo for several weeks, until Hesser went missing. He would once again be assumed dead.

After several weeks of investigation by the LPD, the audience would discover Max and R.J. Gannon have Carlo, in chains in a warehouse down near the docks, but they are not alone - Gabrielle is with them, running the show.

It would then be revealed that in 2004, when Gabrielle was assaulted by the Music Box Killer on New Year's Eve, she clung to life even after the paramedics pronounced her dead and awoke in the ambulance. She was, however, spirited away by the EMT team, which was actually part of a federal task force which had come to town weeks before, shadowing Gabrielle and preparing to take her into custody as a material witness in their case against Carlo and his criminal organization. They had not been able to get to her before she was attacked by the MBK, but now that she was believed "dead" by all of Llanview, they took it upon themselves to let the world believe that, and whisk her overseas to an undisclosed location, where she would be held in custody against her will until such time as international intelligence agencies could work together to bring Carlo in, and then use Gabrielle and others like her as witnesses in the case against him. As we know, however, in the intervening years, no one was able to bring Carlo in for long, and people like Antonio (who would be working with the agents who detained Gabrielle, but would have no idea she is alive) are still on his trail today.

Gabrielle managed to get a message out to Max in Argentina, who helped effect her escape from the authorities. Hardened and bitter by her time in "protective custody," Gabrielle and Max then began to plan their vengeance on Hesser while outwitting the fuzz. Gabrielle and Max mean to make Carlo pay for the loved ones they and so many others have lost; Gabrielle in particular blames Carlo for her incarceration in the 90s, which lost her many years with Al, her late son. To her, it's as though Carlo took him, too. Max's entire happy return to Llanview with Frankie and Leslie was, in fact, a con to disguise his plans to ambush Carlo.

After a sufficient amount of torture and taunting, Gabrielle, Max, and R.J. plan to auction Carlo off to the "sea of sharks" - other underworld figures, Carlo's enemies. Whoever is the highest bidder gets to have Carlo lock, stock, and barrel, to murder him as they please. The auction begins, but meanwhile, the LPD begins to unravel Max's secret. Antonio, Brody and Bo tangle with a (recast) Charlotte Hesser, who is revealed to have Talia, also alive and well, imprisoned. (In 2009, fed up with Talia's willful ways, Carlo had plotted to have his beloved youngest daughter abducted and replaced with a double, a mole on the police force. Talia was switched out for the double, and it was the double who was murdered by Powell Lord at Victor's condo.) Charlotte, still bad news and still loyal to Carlo, is eager to find her father. Meanwhile, it's revealed that one of the top bidders in Max and Gabrielle's underworld auction is being represented by a suave, enigmatic attorney: Daniel Wolek.

It was quite a dark, thorny affair, I guess, sort of GH-esque, but I wanted a more somber treatment of Carlo for the final story. It would've ended with Gabrielle killing(?) Carlo in the midst of a final shootout between the crooks and the cops - he would've gone up with a massive explosion while crowing to Gabrielle that nothing can kill him or bring back what he has taken away. Max and Gabrielle would've then fled the country to Argentina, with Bo looking the other way, while Antonio and Talia would reunite, leave Llanview with Jamie and live happily ever after. Frankie, Leslie, and the new Dan Wolek would've been left behind on the canvas for new stories. So yeah, the last Carlo Hesser story.

Edited by Vee
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This version of TOLII is beautiful. It's a piano arrangement that was only used for Christmas in 1995. Posted to YT by Carmaker1 who bought it. Do not post this as your own on any other board. There's a disclaimer on there about people taking it and using it as theirs. I asked him if I could post it here though and he said I could.


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Thank you for letting me know! I took a break for a day or so because I've been trying to find the 1983 recaps I have. I don't have all that many, but will post what I have. 1984 is closer to when more Youtube material is available, but just let me know if you also want to see 1984 issues.

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I've enjoyed them too. It is kinda surprising to see so many names come and go during this period--characters who were major players on the canvas. I guess maybe that's been the legacy of OLTL since the late/mid 70s anyway for every era--the only other soaps I've read so many old recaps of are AMC, where this happens as well but I seem to find it happened significantly less, but it may just be that I find it easier to follow because I know that show's history a bit better, and Loving which of course is a mess in that respect though you do see many of the same basic families stick around for a while, if not the actual characters...)

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