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Well, that seemed pretty obvious even as I was watching the Mardi Gras explosion unfold.  Maybe "domesticating" Janet to the point of having her sit all day in the Dillon living room and fold laundry was, in retrospect, a surefire road to nowhere, but McTavish's fervent desire to turn her into some mad bomber was just as baffling.  I mean, as wacky as Janet From Another Planet was, she was an audience favorite nevertheless, so why would you want to paint her into a corner like that?  I just don't get it.

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She has a memoir in her archives about her run on soaps. I read it all in one sitting and she defends random stuff. She says she did Un-abortion as a way to give Erica a son, as we all know, but that Agnes was with her and supportive.

I suspect Aggie was trying to get Meg to dig her own grave with that one.


Meg says she was with Frons by the way. She says that Frons was the only network executive she got along with. She also loves Pratt and Guza's GH. But, she hates Phelps with a passion.

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Why does that not surprise me?

Giving Erica a son wasn't the worst idea.  But, IMO, you could have achieved the same effect simply by introducing a quick-witted orphan who gradually works his way into Erica's heart and then becomes her legally adopted ward (at a time when she has no romantic prospects to speak of, and she is truly taking stock of her life).

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Or they could have used Erica's Oak Haven stay in the late 70s/early 80s and say she had a pregnancy she couldn't remember because she was crazy or whatever. Un-doing the first legal abortion on television is something you simply don't do. Idiots.

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Is that when she was still married to Phil and had miscarried their baby?  Or are you referring to when she left for Hollywood after splitting with Tom and wound up at a fat farm?


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God knows I was never a fan of the whole Kendall retcon.  However, when the decision was made to saddle Erica with a grown, male child (who was somehow younger than he was supposed to be, but I digress), you had a good opportunity there to rewrite history once more and reveal that 15-year-old Erica was actually pregnant with fraternal twins.  You could have said that Erica and Mona never knew about the other child; that Erica's doctor and/or nurse kept the other child from them for their own, nefarious purposes; and that while Mona was busy handing Kendall over to the adoption agency (which I still don't believe Mona would've done, but again, I digress), a semi-conscious Erica gave birth to the other child, then promptly passed out, still believing she gave birth only to the one child.

Does that scenario make complete sense?  No.  Truthfully, no scenario where Erica discovers a child she never knew she had would ever make sense.  But, at least it doesn't cross over into sci-fi (that is, not as much as the Un-abortion did).

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Erica kind of was a mentor type in the 80s with Jenny, Greg, Dottie..and later Kendall in the early 90s (before she was revealed as Erica's daughter).

I wish Erica as a mentor could have continued...Broderick had set up Gillian as someone that looked up to Erica in 1997...I just didn't understand why that didn't continue.

Josh could have easily been a son figure for her..maybe made her wonder if the baby she lost with Phil..or the baby she aborted..would have been like Josh.  Would have given Erica some much needed dimension that had peeled away in the last decade or so of the soap.

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I'm not sure, all I know is that at least one of those instances was an excuse for SL to go on maternity leave.

Not that these shows care much about copying each other but that's so close to what OLTL did with Jessica and Natalie a few years earlier.

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Lots of people have said a lot of things about Agnes Nixon giving them their blessing when it isn't necessarily true. I feel fairly certain that Agnes' viewpoint on Megan at the start of her headlining career at AMC was quite different than the later years.

Megan and Jill were inseparable at OLTL and GH and thick as thieves. Megan was dumped by the network and Frons when Jill and Megan's creative regime tanked; Jill was left employed in the EP slot but was beholden to Guza and Frons from then on. I am amused if Megan blamed Jill for letting her be thrown over.

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At the risk of reading a dead woman's mind, I'd say that Agnes Nixon gave her blessing to a lot of ideas that she thought were terrible, if only because, he/she was in the HW's chair, and she likely believed that a HW needed to be allowed to follow his/her vision...no matter how awful it was.

Then, you would have had Erica betraying Tom (or Phil) again by having his child and concealing it from him, which would have been unforgivable.  At least, with the Unabortion, Erica didn't knowingly keep Jeff's son from him.

Not if, for example, the attending nurse stole Erica's other baby, because she so badly wanted one of her own.

And please don't ever mention that horrid mess w/ Jessica and Natalie again.

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