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AMC Tribute Thread


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Hey Guys. I came upon some daytime tv newsletters from Sep - Dec 1973. I am trying my best to add all of them but am a little behind. Here is September 1973 and I hope to have the rest within the day.



Nick Davis is badly shaken when he accidentally sees his ex-wife Ann kissing her husband Paul Martin. He’s still trying to convince Ann to leave Paul and come back to him. Paul, meanwhile, tells Ann she must soon decide if she wants to try to save their marriage. Nick’s wife Kitty tells Ann she, Kitty, needs Nick and will do anything to keep him. She reminds Ann how badly Paul would be hurt if Ann left him. Kitty continues to fight for her marriage despite Nick’s insistence they have no marriage. Kitty continually tells Nick that Ann will never leave Paul. Police Lt. Riselle refuses to believe Margo Flax, and not Dr. Jeff Martin, took her gun to Jason Maxwell’s the night of Jason’s murder. Erica, learning about the gun, tells everyone Margo must have killed Jason. Erica, Jeff’s estranged wife, agrees to testify to correct the mistaken impression she gave the police when she implied Jeff still loved her and wanted a reconciliation. But only if Jeff’s family giver her money for expenses while she is in Pine Valley. Jeff’s father Joe is furious, feeling it is extortion, since Jeff was indicted for the murder of Erica’s supposed fiancée Jason, only because of Erica’s distorted story to the police seem to give Jeff a motive. Erica coolly settles for one hundred dollars a week to stay and testify.

Mary Kennicott, Jeff’s fiancée, begs Paul, Jeff’s lawyer, to arrange for her and Jeff to marry as soon as his divorce is final, despite his being in jail awaiting trial. Paul makes her see the prosecution would imply she married him quickly to have immunity from testifying and this could hurt Jeff’s case. Erica admits to herself she is frightened of testifying, as she still doesn’t remember where she was the hours after Jason broke up with her and threw her out, the hours during which he was murdered. She sounds out Kitty about her psychiatrist and books an appointment under an assumed name, but then cancels it fearing the Martins would find out. Nick tells Paul of Erica’s interest in Dr. Polk, suggesting Erica may fear she killed Jason. Nick and Joe both feel Erica, who has a violent temper, could have killed Jason then blocked it out of her mind. Erica is furious when her mother, Mona, learns about the money from Joe and calls it blackmail.

Tara Tyler realizes she is finally happy again. Her love for Phillip Brent is now a wonderful memory of the glory of first love and she now has a different, gentle, more mature love for her husband Chuck and they plan to have another child. Phillip was however pulled from a river in Vietnam by a young Vietnamese boy named Binh, who lost both his legs in the war. For nearly a year, Binh and his sister Lan, cared for the delirious Phillip who has now begun to recover. Binh brings him in his boat to a small hospital and Dr. Le Dho, the American educated doctor, assures Phil he’ll make it, but it will be a while before he’s well enough to travel even to Saigon. He’ll try to get word through to Phil’s family. Phill tells Dr. Dho he wants to tell them himself. His wife Tara has been waiting too long already and he only dreams of reuniting with her. Phil feels deeply indebted to Binh, when Dr. Dho tells him about the Committee of Responsibility, which takes casualties of war like Binh to the U.S and rehabilitates them with surgery and artificial limbs, Phil promises he will make sure people at home know all about it when he returns. As Phil begins to recover and think of home, Ruth Brent Martin, Phil’s adoptive mother, Nick Davis, his natural father, and Erica, all dream Phil is alive and are disturbed by this. Tara is upset by dreams that a man she can’t see is calling to her. The voice is always so real and afterward her mind is full of thoughts of Phil.


According to Daytime TV Nick Benedict assumed the role of Phil Brent September 5 1973. So I am assuming this synopsis isn't in order of what actually happened week to week.

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Ah, those are great! Thanks so much for posting!

Carl, that part of the show was before my time, but I've read the romance novel versions of AMC's early years, and yes, Erica was young, immature, selfish and fairly clueless, and she did indeed blackmail Joe Martin, who was only too willing to pay the $ to save Jeff. But the truth about the money came out during the trial and it made Jeff look even worse. She needed the money because her father had "died" and was revealed to be in massive debt, and the payments he'd been sending Erica stopped, around the same time Jeff stopped supporting Erica, and with Jason dead, Erica's modeling career was at a standstill, and she was broke.

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Jeff’s trial begins. D.A Hamilton’s opening statement accuses Jeff of killing Jason in a jealous rage as Erica was supposedly going to marry Jason. The D.A forces Dr. Frank Grant and Mary Kennicott to testify to Jeff’s love for Erica by citing things that happened long ago. Paul manages to clarify the timeline of events and includes information about Erica’s abortion that she had without Jeff’s knowledge. Hamilton tries to imply that Mary and Jeff’s relationship is an illicit romance on the rebound, but Paul brings out the fact that Mary and Jeff plan to marry as soon as he’s free. Paul shows Margo Flax had opportunity to kill Jason and better motive. She’s furious he is implicating her. Erica is now terrified of testifying. She begins to drink and take tranquilizers and eventually collapses and is rushed to hospital. A waitress from the Inn testifies that Jeff wasn’t drinking that night, but Margo was there and she was drunk. Margo is incensed by Paul and tells Ann she is resigning her job with the boutique. Lt. Riselle introduces the Tempo magazine article layout depicting Jeff and Erica as a happily married couple.

Paul needs Erica’s testimony now more than ever to reveal that Jeff only agreed to the layout on the condition that Erica would sign the divorce papers. Since she is hospitalized, a postponement is ordered. Erica’s tests show nothing is wrong with her, but terrified of going to court she insists she is faint and dizzy so she can remain in the hospital. Realizing she is malingering, Joe implies the next step will be exploratory brain surgery, after which Erica miraculously recovers. She immediately announces her health is secondary and she must help Jeff. Nick continues to press Ann to divorce Paul and re-marry him. Ann and Paul decide to try again to make their marriage work and they reconcile. Kitty hopes Nick gives up on Ann and turn to her. Nick, however, is determined to leave Kitty as soon as Dr. Polk, her psychiatrist says she is well enough to handle it. Tara is persuaded by Chuck to take a vacation as the trial of her brother Jeff is becoming too much for her. Phil’s identity is verified in Saigon. Ruth and Joe are informed he is alive and what happened to him after his helicopter crashed in Vietnam almost a year ago.

Phil is flown to the Philippines and calls Ruth who is overjoyed to hear his voice but painfully tries to avoid his questions about Tara. Ruth tells Joe she accidentally discovered the truth about Phil and Tara marrying before he left, though the marriage wasn’t legal. She also knows that Tara and Chuck’s baby is really Phil and Tara’s. Ruth visits Jeff in jail who confirms the story and points out morally and legally baby Phillip is Chuck’s son and Tara has moved on. Ruth and Joe agree not to mention they know about the “marriage” and paternity to Chuck or Tara and leave it to them to decide what to do. Chuck is stunned to learn Phil is alive. His world seems to come apart as he realizes that while Tara now loves him, it is a different kind of love than the overwhelming love she and Phil shared. He can contend with the memories she has of Phil. But he becomes worried about what Phil, alive, will do to his marriage. Chuck now has to go home and tell Tara that Phil is alive.

Edited by will81
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Erica is now terrified of testifying. She begins to drink and take tranquilizers and eventually collapses and is rushed to hospital.

Don't tell me that Betty Ford b.s. was actually AMC's way of honoring history?! Oh, man!

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Yep. Also, Erica's frequent blackouts where she conveniently loses time and can't remember where she was is both part of AMC history and genetic... since Mona is actually the one who shot Jason Maxwell but blocked it from her memory... a trait that Erica and Bianca both inherited.

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Tom and Erica's honeymoon in St. Croix:

<a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=tomericahoneymoontwo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/tomericahoneymoontwo.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=tomericahoneymoon.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/tomericahoneymoon.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I wasn't all that impressed with Tom when I started watching AMC in 1990, but damn, he was hot back in the day!

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Those are nice photos. I'd never seen them before. Erica had a toned tush.

While watching a 1990 AMC episode AddieCate posted I saw a little of the Pat/Cal/Angie "triangle," if you can call it that. Pat seemed a lot more vibrant than many women on the show - I wish they'd done more with her. Angie seems nice, but a little bland. I wonder if they would have used her more if Debbi had stayed or if they were not using her much and that's why Debbi left. Cal just seems sleazy - there was an awful line where Angie said, "Come on!" and he said, "That's what I want to do - come on to you." Really??

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