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AMC: Lorraine Broderick named Headwriter

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Because any good fortune that happens to AMC can only come at OLTL's expense. It's what's known as Jamey's Law.

"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."

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Yeah, I know it's ridiculous. Everyone's got a theory. Everyone knows what's going to happen. Although FMB would be in the know, and I doubt she would post something so definitive if it weren't true. I would actually take that totally at face value, if not for the LB announcement. That's very baffling.

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Seriously if that's how it is confirmed, is completely random. I know FMB has friends, but seriously would she think to post it on Facebook and not realize it may not be picked up by someone and get to the viewership.

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Just to clarify, I'm not concluding that OLTL is finished based solely on the fact that AMC is getting a new head writer. Why I feel it's so obvious that OLTL is just about to be cancelled is because statements have been made (alongside the Broderick announcement) that AMC is still safe, but yet not one word of reassurance was uttered in regards to OLTL's future.

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My apologies if I misspoke Errol. I didn't explain myself clearly, but without going into too much detail it was the best way I knew to state it. I'm well aware they don't move funds around from one soap to another. But in actuality all the soaps' budgets and revenues fold into ABCD's financials and that is where Frons becomes accountable. So if AMC or GH are performing below expectations, Frons has to compensate elsewhere to meet his own financial objectives. While one "brand" may fall short, he can balance that loss by having another "brand" outperform objectives. In that context, it doesn't make sense to eliminate a "brand" that actually is making a positive contribution to his financial objectives while keeping a "brand" that is creating a drain or a shortfall.

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OLTL was not considered a goner until two days ago, the rumors about AMC have been floating for two weeks. I think OLTL was never going to get the boot, and this Lorraine Broderick thing is sort of a last chance thing on ABC's part, maybe the replacements are not coming along as planned. Regardless, I am just ready for ABC to announce something tomorrow. I am mentally preparing myself for a OLTL cancellation announcement, hopefully it is all for naught.

This is so depressing. :(

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