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AMC: Lorraine Broderick named Headwriter

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Hell no. Sarah Brown is good at psycho. Evil psycho. Annie is not evil. She's more of a lovable psycho. Sarah Brown doesnt have the comedic timing to pull off Annie. MCE had alot of charm, SB does not. I dont see myself laughing along with her as I did MCE.

IA. I really dont see what would have been great about JR and Annie instantly becoming a couple and focusing on them after Adam left. I enjoyed the quad as well.

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I find it really hard to believe that Frons' vacation is somehow what's keeping a big corporation like ABC from making a decision/announcement.

Not that I like Frons but Jamey's remark seemed childish...."look at the big bad exec taking a vacation while us hard working soap fans are suffering"

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He's unprofessional; he's also probably right. I believe it. I've always, mostly, believed ABC would allow AMC a reprieve regardless of OLTL's condition simply to justify their own thought process and outlook. That show could be running on all cylinders creatively again in addition to making budget and still be cancelled before AMC, because that is the corporate ego mindset. We moved AMC to LA, we put our choices on the line, so we can't cancel it first. And that would've happened without the move, too, simply because OLTL is considered not the brand. It's the other show. It's always been the other show.

Fighting, calling, writing is not going to change anything at this point, IMO. The decision is likely made and I think Frons has always felt it was only "right" to cancel OLTL first. A spectacular uptick in total quality and continued budget expediency would not matter, it would never matter, because AMC is AMC and OLTL is OLTL. And that's fine, I accepted that years ago. And it's not like the show is something to be terribly proud of these days, as it was in the not-so-distant past. But it's still something I can take more pride in than what's become of AMC.

I'm pretty resigned. It's not a fair decision, but I knew it would never be fair. RC has set up most of the endgame pretty well and I think he's been doing it awhile, even if I don't agree with all the moves - we're not looking at a GL or ATWT mess. I'm ready to just get it done. The truth is, again, I don't think it is AMC vs. OLTL. They're both fine soaps who have been treated badly. One just gets the edge based on something that has nothing to do with quality, but that's not worth holding a grudge over. AMC is so much more to me, and to all of us, than that minor issue.

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Honestly, I cant think of anyone right now that Id want as Annie. Its either MCE or no one. I dont think the character is needed. It was MCE which made her so special, memorable and riveting to watch. I dont think Annie is integral to the canvas that she needs to be recast.

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It's possible but I doubt it's about a desire to not inconvenience Frons. It's more about wanting him present and available when the [!@#$%^&*] hits the fan. After all this mess, ABC would be right to want it's key players ready and available. Just imagine a show being canceled or announced while Frons was on vacation. That would just add to the conspiracy theories and make every thing more convoluted. It's not like Frons has a "lieutenant" that people trust.

Jamey's just being a petty bitch. It must be a day that ends in "Y".

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he is an ass of the first class order, so the employees of the soaps get to live in limbo for weeks because the most unprofessional man in the history of ABC can go on vacation and now they only have a couple of months to wrap up and OLTL gets canceled even though they are under budget but over budget AMC and GH are safe, WTF?

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Uh damn Tonja Walker is my heroine, she posted this on Carolyn Hinsey's Facebook Page:

Brion Frons has never been a daytime guy. He is not very emotional, doesn't seem to be a fan of any daytime show, and when I met him he didn't even know I'd ever been on GH...... Hence another Olivia over there...Never saw any of the Alex/Carlo /Asa stuff except when they watered her down to a golddigger, which is the leastof what she ever was... It just seems that some jobs like the head of Daytime, need a guy or gal who loves it. Like Josie Emmerich, Mickey Dwyer Dobbin, Pat Fili, even Dennis Swanson liked the stories... Since Brion has been there , I have never seen much passion for the shows. Maybe I wrong, I want to be. But,( and I know this is bold and dangerous to say but I have a job) he needs to be in something HE loves. I doubt this is it... Nothing personal. It may be Disney crying about numbers. But with Passion being the main force behind any successful venture, the lead executive, must have it, or this is how it will always wind up.Passion preceeds number success. When the wind is out of the sails the ship stops moving. I wish we could put wind in his sails, but I don't think its ever been there.Since he is in Los Angeles, and he knows those peole better, chances are he may take care of that show a bit... But, I wish we had someone who could see that so many of the successful night time shows are soaps, and that the audience is there... BUTsoaps need a small amount of characters in the shows that are all dymanic and individual, and who all do not look exactly alike, or who change constantly. Build a Brothers and Sisters, Build a Modern Family, a Parenthood, a Blood Brothers, even a West Wing like we had with Capital. until of course they moved that show locaton from Wasington D.C. to Saudi Arabia... and the show tanked. Not enough drama in Washington? Highly doubtful... So we will see if this ever changes before its too late... And I will probably never work at ABC again now... But it needed to be said.

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