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AMC: Lorraine Broderick named Headwriter

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A: Anne Sweeney DOES. NOT. CARE. She has an imploding primetime lineup to worry about, she has no affinity for daytime dramas. Changes would have been made LONG AGO if she did.

B: Nobody EVER wants to raise hell when it's actually going to make a difference. Instead of trying to fly against the cancellation wind, where was the outrage when sh!tty, boneheaded, incompetent decision after sh!tty, boneheaded, incompetent decision was made over and over and over and over again? Sure. Let's send chemo to a hospice.

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For real. As much as loathe Nelson, at least he's honest about his AMC hate.

I'm so sick of hearing this. Plenty of people stood up against what they felt were boneheaded decisions. But how many times do we see people criticized for being part of an actor/couple/character fanbase? But if you aren't allowed to fight for an actor/couple/character you love, what EXACTLY are you supposed to fight for? What "sh!tty, boneheaded, incompetent decision" is everyone supposed to rally against?

If you're a vegetarian, then you're going to ask for your grocery store to carry vegetarian products. If you're an observant Jew, you'll ask for Kosher products. Is it the fault of these shoppers if they don't care about the price of pork?

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I'm glad that DC is telling people their voices need to be heard. I just wish that this had been going on for a while, especially with OLTL - I think there was often such blind praise of OLTL that any constructive criticism that could have been put to good use a few years ago is now too late and the worst of the sicko stuff with Jessica and rape seems to be a permanent feature.

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Still not making any sense how she would continue writing for a character she obviously could care less about! It's gonna come to this to her Erica, Kendall, Greenlee, Amanda, Madison, Liza, Colby, Binx, Cara....new girl Maya and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way at the btm. of the list is Marissa, right around Randi.Marissa's current writing, that was DK/DS's vision..she's thier pet project, Lorraine could care less, infact I could see her washing away this character to open up a spot.

Everybody is that way paired w/ Ryan. The only ones not are Kendall and Madison. And Madison only made it b/c Lorraine was writing it.

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All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us. The future of "One Life" is now questionable, so now he's all over that.

I didn't know you liked her then :) The general consensus was like marceline says, though, that she was nothing more than a fauxGreenlee. I remember tons of people saying that MCE would have made a better recast than Sabine.

But even still, you have to admit that they didn't really start peeling the layers off of her until she got heavily involved with the Chandlers.

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B/c this is not what she, her personally, what she wanted.:lol: Did you forget all the dialogue between the Chandlers and Marissa, what screamed longterm there? did BE or VI get put deep into that story when LoBro was writing? No. IMO she was this close to writing her out of town. The taking off the ring, Marissa walking out the mansion, never coming back into it. That was LoBro.

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yeah she got mor complex when she went crazy and got mixxed up with Adam, but I found her interesting before then. She had screen presence, something Brittany Allen never did

That a year ago. There's no telling what she thinks of the character today or the new actress playing her. Marissa today is potrayed alot differently than Marissa of early 2010. LB might actually see potential as she is presented almost like a new character. That still doesnt answer the assumption on Bianca and Reese, a couple that LB never headwrote for.

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When she wrote Annie to say that woman isn't overflowing w/ excitement, that was honest to god something that Lorraine was feeling. Just to see that this character was written, to be quite honest Marissa was written into a wall by LoBro, what would have been next for her? the only thing that kept that character on canvas was DK and DS. They wanted a summer of triangles and quads and literally dragging out stories to frustrating levels.:lol:

As for her thoughts on Binx and Reese, easily b/c fans actually have been lobbying for her, even in recast version. Gabby is partly her's.:lol:

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I doubt we're going to see character returns or any major shift in the stories currently being told. She'll probably continue with them, but tweak them as she sees fit with some better pacing and added complexity. That could be a good thing. Other than that, I don't see much changing. If anyone thinks the show is going to be totally overhauled, I think they'll be in for a huge disappointment. That type of change, with new actors, sets, and wardrobe, requires money, so that's just not a realistic expectation. I do hope she's able to get Julia Barr to return every so often to check in on JR and Colby, which had been the plan, if I'm not mistaken. Broderick and Barr are BFFs in real life, and Broderick was instrumental in getting her back last year.

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Jamey Giddens and Dc are making it real hard for me to take them seriously.

No they didn't have to hire a new head, AMC could've kept DK and DS if they wanted too.

That's not what they were saying when Ron Carlivati and Frank Valentini got multiple year contracts a while ago.

I still vividly recall Jamey Giddens giddy with excitement in a podcast over the possibility of AMC being cancelled and OLTL being safe.

This AMC fan doesn't want his fake concern.


What a coincidence. :rolleyes:

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