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OLTL: Discussion for the week of February 28

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I like Cutter more when he's away from Aubrey. And I like that Dorian knows what kind of man Cutter is. She basically got the upper hand when she got him to leave. I'm sure he never would have expected that. I agree with those who think Josh Kelly should have been Joey.

Every time I think Ford couldn't possibly be more disgusting, he proves me wrong. I'll leave it at that. And David Gregory makes JPL look Emmy worthy by comparison.

Tess cracked me up as usual. But she's been out long enough. Tess is a blast, but Jessica needs to deal with this. Especially for her own sake, her whole family's sake, and Brody's sake.

I know it was for plot purpose, and it's a soap staple, but Rex was trying to make his point and Bo was just rambling. It took nearly the whole show for Rex to get the words out.

I think deep down, Matthew believes most of what his mother is telling him, but he doesn't want to believe the worst of his uncle. Especially about how his uncle may be a murderer. Great work from Hilary B. Smith and Eddie Alderson. They have a great bond as fictional mother and son. Wish they had more scenes together.

And I couldn't care less who killed Eddie Ford. He was one of the worst characters I've ever seen on this show. And given the number of characters I hate, that's saying a lot!!! He's a vile waste of oxygen, just like his family, especially his oldest son.

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Those scenes with Dr. Levin were so [!@#$%^&*] ridiculous, BTW. Oh, only Ford can commit the alter after her DID wedding. Seriously? Are you fuckin' kidding me? That is completely insane.

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She can't get the upper hand on Cutter - gender roles and such. She will be suckered soon enough. Otherwise Frons might have to step in.

Eddie Alderson has always done a great job in this story but leaving him out of so much of the last month has taken away a lot of the impact.

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I think the Tess/Ford (I'm calling them TERD) storyline is ridiculous as hell. Are we really supposed to believe that the marriage is legal? But oh wait, Tess - who is not a real person - signed her name as Jess so it's all good and valid. :rolleyes: Right.

I wish Matthew was on more too and I don't get why he's only on once a month (oh wait - no six pack :rolleyes:). Eddie Alderson is the best young actor on the show. But that hair gel has got to go.

Chuckles is even dumber than I ever thought possible. I'm sure the news of Brian Kerwin's firing will be coming any day now.

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I don't care that much about this story anymore, but I don't see the point in getting rid of Kerwin. Zimmer has made it clear she doesn't want to sign a contract with the show, so they're going to do what? Fire Kerwin and put Viki back with Clint?

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I think that's exactly what they're going to do, even though Clint was far more dynamic with Kim. At least play a triangle or quad with Viki, Charlie, Clint and Kim. It's so fuckin' boring.

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Yeah, I fear that Checho are going to ride off into the tequila sunset which is going to leave an awful taste for the characters in the viewers' mouths and a sad lasting image of the actors.

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Unless OLTL is going off the air, I don't want Viki and Clint to be together *at all* (tm Viki). It would limit both characters, I want Viki to kick Echo and Charlie for what they are doing. Clint would be a purse holder with Viki and that would be annoying.

If Dr. Levin was an under 5, maybe they didn't have him say more to save money.

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Like someone was saying upthread, I also really enjoyed the Nora/Matthew scenes today. I'll take that over this crap with Tess anyday. I feel that Matthew is an intereting young man and I'm actually interested about the things that go on in his brain. A lot of that is thanks to the darkly understated and wry way EA plays him, which works nicely against the backdrop of his history with his parents. I am not at all interested in what's going on in Ford's head and here they handed us his backstory and motivations on a silver platter trying to gain our sympathy.

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