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OLTL: Discussion for the week of February 28

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"You bitch. I'm going to kill you for this." Oh Todd, such a sweet way to speak to your wife.

I missed the first half of the show, tuned in at that scene and that was enough.

In the last month that is the THIRD time that a man has called a woman a bitch (Clint called Aubrey one twice, now Todd to Tea).

Oh and look yet another "bitch" in the previews. Someone get Ron a dictionary please.....

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It's horrible writing so that Tess and Ford can run over both core families with a steamroller. I don't know if I can watch any more until this garbage is ended. It's so insulting to me. And to the long-time characters I know who aren't suddenly this stupid and powerless. Whose names are on the babies' birth certificates as "father?" John McBain and Brody Lovett. Not Robert Ford. He doesn't even have a clean DNA test to prove biology. WTF? Can't OLTL hire a dayplayer to play a first-year law student to help Viki (!) tell Ford to shove it with his "my child" and "Tess calls the shots" crap? :angry: They keep joking about when Ford raped mentally-ill Jessica. :jeal0002: Tess/Ford is just so repulsive and blatantly illegal even for a soap. TnT? I don't even know what that stuff was supposed to accomplish.

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I looked again and you're right, but then I remembered Joey also called Kelly a bitch last week (though he didn't know it was Kelly he was talking about, he just said to Nat "John went and slept with some bitch" :rolleyes: )

Ron keeps creeping into Robert Guza Jr. territory

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Once upon a time, you couldn't say "bitch" in daytime and it's ABC Daytime's most favoritist word to hammer the audience over their heads with. And whenever ANYone says it on OLTL or AMC it sticks out like a sore thumb because it sounds so efforted, "Oooooh, how edgy!" :rolleyes:

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ICAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and that cat who swallowed the canary smile says it all. Téa can out-Todd and he sometimes needs a remember she can be way more ruthless.

Flor rocked that strutting performance today as Téa so enjoyed flipping the tables on a crazy Todd. You want to get crazy with Delgado, Manning, you better be prepared!

Dani, dear, you scared the bejesus out of your father and now he scared you. He's the adult and should know better but you need listen to your older sis, don't wave a red flag in front of a wild bull!

Ford makes me sick as I think he would have screwed Tess right there. Ewwwwww

I LOVED John calling out Marty for caring more about revenge on Natalie than her real feelings for him.

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There's something about the quality of that Tea screencap that I really like, the lighting and all, would make for a nice opening credits shot instead of the harsh grainy quality of the current opening.

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