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OLTL: Discussion for the week of February 14

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OLTL had a lot of momentum last week but RC ruined it with rehashing the same old bullshit. He's banking on people looking forward to Tess but judging by the consensus here and elsewhere everyone knows Tess is a cop out and lazy writing. Ford is universally hated and shoving he and Tess down people's throats at the expense of Brody will backfire.

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Wow. That doesn't suck. I'm not into these type of bumpers but that's actually kind of interesting. Unfortunately, it seems to be a pretty clear sign that Tess is here to stay.

I think Ron is a lousy writer but I really think this is more Frons. He likes sluts and victims.

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I really like the Jess/Tess bumper. Very cool.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I loved Brody today. Mainly because I hate Ford but whatever. Ford needs his ass kicked.

I find it odd that Starr and James are on every day yet their storyline hasn't progressed in months. What a waste of airtime. Speaking of wastes of airtime, who cares about Nate and Dani? zzz

I already love Tomas but this whole ten seconds of airtime per episode thing isn't working for me. :wacko:

I like Kelly but those scenes with John were BORING.

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Would it be too much to ask that just for once, when they merge together Jessica's personas, that she gains a little backbone from such an act? I'm not asking her have a majority of Tess's traits, but I think it would make sense if a little of Tess stayed with her, be it cattiness or whatnot.

Sometimes I wonder if this so called Jess isn't a just another personality itself. BW's facial expressions in that bumper as Jess proves my point. There is no visible depth with the character anymore. She's only always a victim.

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Remember how Jensen Buchanan had it in her contract that she didn't have to play Marley anymore? I wonder if playing Tess is in BW's contract, or if they've ever considered "permanently" injecting the Tess qualities into Jessica. I agree that Jessica seems to be losing her three dimensions and is just sort of sweetly, passively "there" until story dictates she be victimized once again so she can get all hysterical and alters can come out and "be interesting".

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WTF was up with Viki's non-reaction today? I mean, you would think she would have more to say when her daughter tells her she slept with and had a baby by her sister's boyfriend.

The Fords become more skeevy by the day. I just don't know what I'm supposed to find appealing about them all sitting around plotting on how they're going to bone their girlfriends for the first time (and one of them looks 45).

John and Kelly as friends? Great, no problem. John and Kelly as more? No, let someone else deal with his soul-sucking.

I loved Brody today! Loved loved loved him!

The only thing I got from the Blair/Cristian scenes is that unfortunately it looks like Blair will sing tomorrow. UGH!

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