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B&B: Stephanie's cancer storyline

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Just kill this character already...

Even though I don't watch anymore, so sick of these storylines that never go anywhere with this character. We know she'll miraculously recover.

Just another lame excuse so Bradley can have his Daytime Emmy reel, an award that no one even takes seriously anymore...

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I loved the cancer storyline, all 6 weeks of it! I thought it was outstanding. For me the highlight was KKL's performance. When it ended I realized that I don't even like B&B anymore, it is boring and some of the worst acted soap opera ever. But the show was the best on daytime for that 6 or so weeks. Mr. Bell is starting to strike me as little too manipulative like JFP in regards to emmy baiting.

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They have three or four weeks off for Christmas, during Summer (mostly July) and around the show's anniversary in March. Don't know if they added another break or just stretched those...

B&B has been filming two episodes a day since 2005 (sometimes even three), long before their budget was slashed by CBS. The show was prepared...

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Going from what she says: "I'm okay to work a bit longer[...] I'm thinking I'll work for another couple of years," I'd say no. Even if she could quit acting and stay on as a director, I'd say she's not leaving B&B yet.

BTW: When did the brain tumours happen? During the 6 week story? I haven't really been falling it.

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