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B&B: February Discussion Thread

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Where is the drama? This show is SOOOOOOO boring these days. There is NO drama to be seen at all. You have Brooke and Stephanie at peace and now BFFs. The Logans and Forresters have settled their differences and are civil with each other. There's no competition between Forrester and Jackie M anymore and when there is, its more of the friendly variety. Bill isnt fighting with Ridge or trying to take control of the company anymore. You got Donna, Justin and Marcus get their happy family unit. Jackie and Owen also recently had a wedding and are happy and Pam/Stephen are next. The only conflict on this show right now is Hope/Liam/Amber/Oliver mess but who cares about them? Between all of this, the show has turned into a PSA about lung cancer and homelessness. Sorry but I want some campy stories. I want some bitchiness and fighting. I want some cheating, sleeping around and crazyness. B&B used to be so much fun but its so bland.The only hope now is that Steffy comes and spices things up but she better not come back as some goody goody all mature now.

I just saw it as well and I liek the music. It does have hints of the original music in there. I think this is oen that people will get used to eventually. I love the concept as well. Bill, Katie and Taylor looked the best. Hated Amber's hair though. Its a great opening but I kept thinking, its going to be difficult to update. I see it looking choppy and uneven as new people are added and taken out

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Thank you to whoever posted that Ustream presentation. It was fascinating to watch (Winsor Harmon, Adrienne Frantz and Don Diamont got some big cheers) and it was nice seeing the actors get singled out for their due. I go through periods loving and/or despising this show, but I will always have a lot of affection for B&B and its cast. When I had to leave the US and go abroad, B&B was pretty much wherever I went and was like a taste of home. It was a constant.

As for the new opening credits... IMO, they never should have messed with the original credits which had the luscious photo stills and the great saxophone music. Those stills MUST be easier to update than shooting some new character sitting in the front row of a fashion show. Anyway, I just liked the color, sharpness and exuberance of that initial opening. This latest one is better than the grey one that preceded it, and I love the camera swoop from a vista of LA to the fashion show at the very beginning. However, this is going to be a bitch to update. What happens when KKL grows her lovely bobbed hair out or when Hunter Tylo embarks on a new surgical procedure? Where are they going to put Olivia and Drucilla when they join the show for real?! LOL. And the color palate is still a lot of darks and greys, and B&B really is not that kind of soap. Twisted and depraved, maybe, but never truly dark.

The fact that Owen and Aggie are not in the opening credits is telling.

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You mean "Come back once in a while when you're not working on your burgeoning movie and TV career"?

Shannon Kane is a huge loss of potential for AMC. I adored her. The guy who plays Owen? Less so. I love Sarah Brown but they had nothing for her to do. She'd be better off reverting to her natural chestnut-colored hair and playing a recast Victoria on Y&R. That would keep Billy Miller and Michelle Stafford on their toes.

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I think they see that as equalling sophistication and style, when in reality it does not. You're right: B&B is all about brightness, especially considering this opening centres around a fashion show - maybe it's funeral fashion?

My only gripe with getting rid of Owen (if they have), is it isolates Jackie even further (not that she's ever used anyway), and I have to wonder why they just don't cut her and Nick, and revamp Jackie M. into something more competitive with Forrester.

Maybe they've dropped Owen to recurring, like Thorne?

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Thanks a bunch for linking that streaming site. Was really interesting to see our Nerdy Brad showcasing his cast and producers. It's so nice to see that this seems to be a working place with great climate.

The visuals of the new opening are stunning, the music is so-so (indeed the italians cues would have been awesome!) and I HATE the logo all blurry-blue. They should have kept the red letters...

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I just saw the new opening on youtube, My first thoughts were "Did they change the theme song?".... I felt like it took minute for the real music to start. I thought it was actually kind of cool... nothing beats the 1987-2004 opening (well more 1987-2000 opening, since i didnt like the new updated saxophone music, who cares if they thought the old one got out-dated). but it was definitely interesting and really. I guess Andrea Evans is staying if she was in the opening....but was Amber even on it?.... I hope its not a bad omen that Brandon Beemer and Sarah Brown are not on it... despite her lack of storyline, i really want her to stay on B&B, even if GH was more of her comfort zone to alot of people.

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