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B&B: February Discussion Thread

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Lol even Dayzee mentioned the word "creepy" when talking to Thomas about the way he was staring her down tongue.gif

Thomas and Dayzee were CUTE! I have to say I just love Dayzee...I think she is such a great addition to the cast. Kristolyn Lloyd is beautiful and her acting style is so natural...things are moving a bit fast with T&D, though...I mean a kiss already?? lol what was Thomas thinking?? But despite that I really, really enjoyed their scenes...

Madison would be a fantastic addition to this S/L. I'm hoping she is put in somehow.

How funny would it be if Dr. Ramon picked up the rightwrong paternity test after all? I highly doubt it though.

I have listened/watched it about a thousand times & my mind has sort of changed about the song. I kind of like it, it's been stuck in my head and I think that's a good thing? I was humming it all day at school LMAO.

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The location stuff was breathtaking. That house they're using looks very run down, but who cares? It looked good and not cheap like some of their previous remotes(i.e. Skidrow, TVCity Parking Lot). I hope they make a commitment to more of this stuff. It gets them out of the studio and if they do enough of it, it may save on their production costs.

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Oh snap, look who's back! Im soooo glad Steffy has returned. The show got 10 times better today with her around. I loved the teasing of she and Bill possibly beinv involved ina story again.

"Was hoping to see some loving blood relatives...instead I get you" LOL! What a great line she said to Hope. Loved seeing them act as sisters for once

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Oh no WTH is Bill thinking of doing with that ledge?! Would he really attempt to murder Amber by trying to launch her off of there? ohmy.gif Is B&B laying the ground work to kill her off? I wonder if Bill would try to give Amber that house instead, & then one night when she's outside looking at the beautiful view he comes by and knocks her over!!

Lmao at Hope saying "Paternity tests don't lie".

So glad to see her back! She looks fantastic and she has brought such an energy to the show that was lacking before I think, love having her back....so glad she seems over the whole Liam/Oliver drama's, and I actually like her and Hope acting more like friends than enemies.

Lets hope something really does happen between her and Bill ;-D. Love him & Katie but those two need some kind of obstacle in their relationship right now to spice things up!!...

Those remote scenes today did look stunning, I love how freely this show takes advantage of filming within all of it's surroundings outside the studio, I agree as well I hope they do more things like this.

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Church to everything you said AllmyDatsatGH. You could just see the cog wheels turning in Bill's brain with that ledge and falling. I'm intrigued since he's so gung ho on not letting tramps ruin his son's life.

It was fun to see Steffy back and she & Hope interacting on good terms. I can get used to these two being allies. So agree about Bill & Katie -- love them but I need a dynamic (even if that must be Steffy) to shake them up and add a little spice to that duo.

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I think it would be to far and to much of Bill if he attempted to kill Amber. He just needs to calm down and deal with it LOL. Actually he just needs to wait because that baby isn't even Liam's and that's going to come out sooner or later obviously!! wink.gif

And you know, I actually do not want Amber to die at all right now or have a miscarriage because I want to see her give birth to that baby, I still keep thinking about it possibly coming out and looking like MARCUS, LOL.

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Glad to see my homeboy Carl is back. I have to say I'm incredibly shocked at how well Tawny's return has worked out. Andrea Evans was horrendous on OLTL which is her bread and butter. I now see that was more due to poor writing and a lack of enthusiasm for the material because she's knocking it out of the park on B&B. Very charming and fun presence. And she feels like Tawny and not Rebecca or Tina. I also thought the one episode Evans did on Y&R showed she can still play a darker, more dramatic character. I'm glad this stint has extended beyond that initial 4 episodes. She's a great companion for Amber and is the main reason Amber's return has been salvaged.

Thomas and Dayzee are okay, but I just find Dayzee a little too sweet and dull. That whole homeless storyline puts me to sleep. I prefer her with Thomas over MushyMouthMarcus, but that's not saying much of anything. I'd still like for Thomas to be gay if anything. Overall the show is very entertaining (when not so focused on this homeless arc), but I feel they need to kick it up a notch. If you have Heather Tom and Don Diamont on screen give them their own story. It seems a waste to have so many characters appear as a talk to. Give them a solid b-story. I feel like the show is lacking drama. I need to see a big unbrella story or something.

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I am sitting here watching and I just have to say WTF - Brooke still has that same mess of an outfit on! That red/brown concoction, gosh are we still on the same day?? I could have sworn at least a day has passed since then...lol

Also LOL did anyone see this on "The Talk"? I know bellcurve probably did haha HILARIOUS! Julie did a fab job!!


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So why the hell would Bill have to adopt his own son? That line Liam said to Amber made no sense. And the trailer blowing up, wasn't really expecting that.

Can't believe I'm saying this (cause I usually hate her), but I'm glad Steffy is back. Adds an element to the show that was missing.

Thomas & Dayzee, I don't know, I think I'd still rather have him be gay. LOL

I hope they don't put Hope & Oliver back together, I like her with Liam much more.

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