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GH: February Discussion Thread

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It's funny about all these comments about who deserves doesn't deserve emmys. Doesn't it strijke people as odd that the performances on soaps that folks think are emmy worthy are the types of performances the rest of the industry laughs at soaps for and are considered campy, OTT in television and film.. There was a time I believe years ago when that wasn't the case. Not so much anymore.

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I forgot to say, anyone think there was any significance to Luke calling Sonny over before he could get in the car? If he didn't, Sonny would have been in that car already & blown up. I have this horrible thought of what if Luke was one of The Balkin's contacts at the wedding? ph34r.gif & he was forced to call Sonny over or something so that, consequently, the switch could be made? Highly doubtful, but just a thought. Or maybe Luke was just telling Sonny something like "Get lucky tonight, my friend" from the bottom of his heart before sending him off and thats it...

Also the other day Theo mentioned how much Sam looked like Brenda (LOL), I didn't think much of it until now. Doesn't surprise me that he'd want to use her as a decoy, kill her to get revenge on Jason for finding out who he was & trying to find him. I think the Balkin wants to make Brenda suffer more before he kills her so that's why he made that switch...after all, his whole plan for this day was to "capture" her.

The Borg's reaction to seeing Brenda made me lol, he looked shocked & constipated at the same time. SBu threw in a few blinks in there to further express the emotional distress he was feeling at the moment...LOL

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definitely. What is declared good acting in the soap world is viewed as horrible acting once removed from the OTT world of soaps. That's why Tony Geary may be named the greatest soap actor of all time, but he was a total bust away from soaps. He has very hammy tendencies although I think he does have talent. Aside from him I think the only talented ones on the of show of note are Bradford Anderson, John Ingle and Jane Elliot. The rest are just typical soap actors.

I think that was always the case though. For as long as I can remember, the daytime emmys would show highlights with the nominations and inevitably it would be a lot of screaming and crying. Bradford Anderson quietly does great physical character work every day, but it is not emmy bait so he will never be acknowledged for it. The way he has Spinelli exit rooms like a runaway train because he is so uncomfortable in Sonny's presence or whoever, is a great touch.

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I don't like the emmy bait in daytime which is why I don't find any of these scenes great. I just think give an actor on a soap OTT material and most can deliver. Its the subtleties of the day to day stuff that really defines an actor and as you said very few have it on soaps. It's not an insult it's just a fact and most who made an effort early on in their soap careers over the day to day stuff literally give in because they realize it doesn't matter and that most watching soaps prefer those OTT scenes and crow over them. I do agree that TG is very hammy and while talented, was probably never going to make it outside soaps. Genie Francis had much more success outside of soaps(not that I am a huge fan of hers) for exactly the reason TOny didn't. I'd likely agree with you about the rest. JI, JE, and BA are really the only GH actors who seem to make the noticable effort day to day. The rest seem satisfied with the comfort zone they are in. And honestly read the message boards, no one really expects more from them.

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But even as a soap fan after a dozen dozen times, you've seen one scene loaded with hysterics, you've seen them all. Screaming, tears, the woman turning to face the camera while the man talks from over the shoulder, a lot of "how can you do this to me?" screaming...things Peter Bergman has probably done for 20 years it seems. Constance Towers out acts everyone around her when she is on GH with the most ridiculous material, and never has to raise her voice to get her point across. Jonathan Jackson seems to think one must cry in every single scene, and he is lauded as one of GH's finest actors.

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I think he is one of GH's finest actors, but that doesn't mean much. At least JJ is capable and willing to show some emotion, unlike the show's leads. I agree with you that BA is underrated, but it's a looks obsessed culture, so he was always going to be dissed and dismissed in certain circles.

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And he will likely get performer of the week same as JJs OTT Niz scenes, JMB's scenes over her breakup

with BB/Johnny, KS's OTT Performance over Georgies death

I mean really how many times can you see the same type of scenes performances winning emmy's. I don't begrudge any actor a win but the fact you can only win with these hammy OTT performances says a lot about daytime and people wonder why its losing steam. You can watch Jersey Shore and get similar performances on that reality show or Real Housewives. You don't need soaps for that anymore

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