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Basketball Wives on VH1


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Well they did take it over. VH1 dropped the LA from the title and its been marketed as the 6th season of Basketball Wives (season 5 ended in 2013). Most of the women in the credits are the Miami girls and Jen starts appearing next week. Malaysia is barely there and Jackie is the only LA chick seen on a consistent basis

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Which is bullsh-t b/c Malaysia was a constant on this show along with Jackie since day one. And I am over people saying Brandi didn't bring anything to the show either b/c she did. Her original season was mainly about her, her cancer, and feud with Sundy. Her second season consisted of her beefing with big ass Tami and Shaunie, which I loved. Last year, it was Brandi, who brought on Duffey, who carried the season by beefing with Tami. Brandi's recurring rivalry with Shaunie carried the first half of the season. 


I hate how they've tossed the LA girls aside as if they brought nothing to the table. If I were Jackie, I'd be p-ssed and complaining to VH1. If VH1 wanted to do a hybrid of LA and Miami show, they should've evenly cast the women. 4 Miami alumni and 4 LA alumni. It should've been Shaunie/Ev/Jenn/Tami AND Malaysia/Jackie/Brandi with them either bringing back Bambi, one of the Govan sisters, Brittish, Meghan, or even bitter ass Sundy to the the 4th LA girl. 

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Nothin'ButAttitude I agree with that in terms of making it more balanced, but for LA I would've kept Jackie and Malaysia and the two Angel's. I thought they brought something different and were interesting. Not everybody needs to be from fight club. I especially enjoyed Angel Brinks who could bring the drama, but also had strong family moments so she had a nice balance. It'll be interesting to see where it goes next year. It's clear they made a mistake with how they launched this season with the intention of not having Malaysia or Brandi on it at all. They were only added after the first couple months of filming went poorly. That was always a mistake. Malaysia has literally delivered since episode one. She should've never been removed.

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That's b/c this show is running on low fumes. Jackie has carried this entire season on her own. That's why they should've done an LA v. MIA season. Should've had Jenn/Ev/Shaunie/Jackie & Brandi/Malaysia/Brandi/???? from the start. But nope. Shaunie was trying to mold the show into Miami 2.0 with all her girls and it flopped. 

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LMAO!!! I hate the endless friends too and as time goes on I actually like the newbies better, but it's just too much. They should've just scrapped the footage from the first few episodes and started the season when Malaysia entered. Hopefully for next year they have a more solid group to work with. Also, what happened to BJ's ass? She was always around and now I haven't seen her. Did she go to Miami? I only saw the first half of the episode so far.


And I agree that Jackie's crazy ass is amazing. I live for her and she can do no wrong no matter how wrong she is. Tami was tweeting how she is basically the face of LA which I agree with. Tami also said they need to pay Draya what she wants and get her back because she was so important to the LA franchise. I agree with Tami. If they could get Draya back next year I'd also keep Malaysia and Jackie, plus Tami, Evelyn, Shaunie and two or three friends tops.

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I miss Draya, she was a big part of why I liked LA at first, her and Malaysia.


Um where did Saniya disappear to? She popped Hazel at her event and they never followed up on it or even mentioned her again, which is bull. I actually liked her.


I swear Jackie just can't help herself. She'll be making a great point and then by the end of the sentence just [!@#$%^&*] it all the way up.


And [!@#$%^&*] Shaunie for saying "The OG's of what" when talking about Jackie and Malaysia. Bitch you had to come and take over there show because yours was CANCELLED YEARS AGO

Edited by Antoyne
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I guess Jackie won't get the chit beat out of her in the foreseeable future, so I may have to call it quits!  She's fake trash who distracts by pretending to fight.  Jackie is not sincere, she is not bad ass, she is not crazy, she is  not bothered by the stuff she claims.  She's just trash trying to keep a job on a reality show.  TRASH!  


And Tami, my favorite, really disappointed me this eppy.  If you can't enjoy your favs, why watch?  


This Jennifer person is absolutely unbearable.  Just listening to her makes me want to hurl huge chunks!  Whomever her husband was, congrats to him for the divorce!  

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