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Basketball Wives on VH1


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Then she had the nerve to call Jennifer a bully. :lol: I bet Shaunie let Tami review previous seasons to find that. Funny how the person who did the least (Jennifer) was the one having to do the most explaining. John Sally let Tami off way too easy about the Tahiti incident.

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All I got was that next season is going to be boring! The women are now too self aware of the cameras and will be super fake to try and make themselves look good and redeem themselves to us. Its going to be superphony and I got that from the reunion. They will play it too safe instead of being themselves and I dont want to see that. Too bd bc I found myself not liking their true selves this season either

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How did you all feel about Jennifer and Evelyn being reunited?

According to TMZ Royce, Jennifer and Kesha were all fired. Royce bc nobody (Evelyn, Tami and Shaunie) wanted to film with her, Jennifer bc of the lawsuit against that girl and Kesha bc she is boring.

I can't believe Tami's trifling ass stays and Suzie stays despite being boring her damn self and not having a single storyline this season. SMFH. I'm done.

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VH1 should have fired all of them. Show went too far to the left and it needed to end. I see next season being boring with everyone trying to be in redemption mode.

Eww to Ev getting her own spinoff. Her relationship with Chad is fake as hell

I didnt mind Ev and Jenn making up. I dont think they completely made up but it definetly opened up the lines of communication I kinda bought it bc they do have a long history and know how pig headed the other can be. They will never be friends though as long as Jenn keeps this lawsuit up bc Ev will with Nia and I cant blame her on that. Its best they just embrace this and leave on civil terms

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I won't be watching next season. Kesha was a GREAT addition and to fire her makes no sense. At all. This is so transparent. You fire the three people who DON'T fight in order to send a positive image? It's BS. And not only that, but I think they fired 3 of the most interesting ones with actual careers and friends to show.

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Letting Jen get away is a big mistake.

Of all of the women who have ever been on this show, Jen is the only one who lives a lifestyle of a Basketball Wife, and all the things that title implies (aside from the wife part): young, stylish, fabu, rich, blingy, runs with a famous crowd, etc.

There are no shows with single, successful black women unencumbered by money worries (or a husband or child), doing their thing and having a fabulous time. I would love to have had a glimpse into Jennifer's life. The rest of them don't offer anything I can't get on any number of shows featuring low-class women screaming and fighting.

It is funny how the TMZ article states that Shaunie feels Jen is a liability bc she filed a lawsuit. But Evelyn throwing bottles at people's heads and Tami stealing people's purses aren't liabilities. :blink: Why would Evelyn return to BASKETBALL Wives if she is marrying Ochostinko? Ugh they will probably give them a full on spin off or Shaunie's trifling ass will resurrect Football Wives just for her. I guess in Shed Media's world the victims have to leave and the agressors are rewarded. I said I was done in the middle of season 4 but I am really done.

I knew Shaunie was f-cked begging Jennifer to drop the lawsuit knowing damn well if Nia slapped her there would be hell to pay.

I will miss Royce she was the only that would tell those cows how it was, but she had become irrelevant.

Suzie did not have anything to talk about at the reunion but Kesha is boring?

And John Salley saying the critics have no lives :rolleyes: STFU.

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Jenn is the only one there that isnt a hoodrat (oh and Keisha too). If Shaunie's goal was to turn this show around from being a ghetto mess, then she is failing miserably

Kenya didnt get fired? Really? She was the worst addition this year.

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I don't watch this show but I I watched a clip of some Tami fight from, apparently, 2010 or 2011. I remember being fascinated by her on Real World, although she was a big mess there too, but wow, she seems completely lost now. I can't believe I've been watching her have meltdowns for 20 years. Is that a record in reality TV?


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Hopefully Evelyn will leave now that she's a football wife.

Jennifer dropped her lawsuit against that thing Nia. Nia issued a statement saying Jennifer only filed it to maintain her dwindling relevance on the show and that she's looking forward to continuing her career? What career? Evelyn's lapdog? :rolleyes:

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