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OLTL: Discussion for the week of December 6th

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Anyone notice how they changed the font of the credits? For some reason I really hate it.

Loved the Langston/Starr scenes in class, though I thought Langston was a bit over the top and pretty hypocritical. She's the one who proposed the idea to stay abstinent for 6 months, how ironic that she's the one in the relationship who seems to be craving sex more lol. Definitely don't think her and Ford will be able to make it, haha. Also if anyone saw, what was the point of that Joel guy coming back to class in the end asking Gigi if she knew where his underwear was? >_<

Got the whole show today in LA, heres what happened in the previews:

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I don't care about the Ford brothers and the contrived sympathy ploys falling on very deaf ears with me.

I don't care that Ford screwed Aubrey years ago. The LAST thing this show needs is Ford connected to another character.

Langston's lobotomy is complete. So Starr who wanted to drop out of high school is more interested in a class assignment than valedictorian Langston? Langston is reduced to a vapid horny teen lusting after a disgusting pig. Oh joy.

It's official Kelly has become TEEN Jessica, complete with the same cringe worthy dialogue and oh so embarrassing scenes. I like Joey so I'm starting to root for another round of Dorian and Joe just to save him from these vapid blonde twins. Go back to brunettes, Joey!

Charlie is weak, useless and boring, begone. Echo is starting to wear out her welcome.

Eh, Rex outsmarted someone. Then again nutcase Marty gets easily fooled.

Dorian and Viki as allies saved this episode. They were the only scenes worth watching.

After two months of being on fire, I found myself asking what has happened to this show?? It's Ford central again infested by too many newbies. And for the life of me I don't get why OLTL can't pace their stories better. It's either rapid fire or a snail's pace. They need to move the dragged out WTD along already and sloooooooooooow down the big Kelly/Joey/Aubrey push.

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That's the way it's been on soaps for years now, but speaking only of OLTL, I remember last year when the endless baby stuff with Stacey was going on. That story was the death of so many characters. I think that was also the story which made the show wash its hands of Gigi - they can't get rid of her (perhaps because they are still trying to make JPL a star), but they don't do anything with her either.

I assume that they rushed the Eddie story because they can only afford to pay JWS for a limited time, but as good as JWS is, they could have found another actor if that meant telling the story a little slower. Then again that would mean even more Fords. Of course we're going to see more of them anyway.

They're all terrible actors and yet the show seems to insist on giving them material they each fail at. Gregory - being a repentant leading man. Robuck - dramatic situations. Platt - pretending he doesn't qualify for Social Security.

I think the show is still working when they include a lot of the older actors, and the show does seem to be trying to integrate all of them into the story (aside from Renee and Roxy). And with Viki, Dorian, and Nora, I think the material is generally going along with their characters.

Terri Conn seems as fake her as she generally was on ATWT. It's hard to invest in Joey because he doesn't really fit OLTL's idea of a leading man so I keep waiting for the axe to fall. Kelly, I don't know, she's a little better, but then my expectations for her are low.

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JPL was on 17 days in November and that's 10 days way too much as Rex is best in small doses. ITA on Gigi and Morasco fiasco.

I guess I never considered JWS a top tier actor so didn't consider that's why they rushed it. I just think the real rush is they wanted to pull the sympathy ploy asap for the Fords b/c they aren't selling 1/100 as well as ABC wants. None of the 3 actors can pull off dramatic material. NR sells a sweet charm but giving him meaty material is a serious mistake, he's just not capable of it. His tear-filled scene remind me of SE's Destiny horrible performance last year.

Viki, Dorian, and Clint do rock their scenes but I'm tired of Charlie and pathetic Echo is wearing thin. Nora's in Ford hell and so is Bo.

As painful as it was to watch cold bitch Kelly, I'd welcome her back versus this vapid teen version. TD's Joey really sparked so well with ES and he can be salvaged if they buy a clue this Aubrey and Kelly crap has massive fail all over it.

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LOL at Marty talking to Cole's picture. He went to prison, it's not like he died.

Dorian and Viki were good as always.

The fight between James and his father was over the top. It bordered on comedic when Eddie suckered punch James, when James looked around after Starr called him.

"Could hold my pole, please?" Another double entendre on this show. Dorian cracking nuts and talking about men was also had quite a bit of subtext.

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Joey reminds me of a baby a little bit. A dorky, naive litte baby. I'm going to call him baby Joey. Had to LOL when he left Kelly/Aubrey at the table for a few minutes then came waltzing back like Miss America saying he called Viki and said she gives her approval for him & Aubrey to get married. That was also a WTF moment for me. Now all of a sudden she approves? Was he lying about that or what? Because if she did, then I just think that's pathetic...no way, just a few hours ago she was totally against it.

Matthew is so disrespectful to his own father, I just wanted Bo to pop him a few times for talking to him like that. He is so smarmy and has that snide smirk on his face all the time. I find him highly annoying.

Nothing really happened, but the brief little Inez/John scene towards the end had me thinking "What if?"

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Never let it be said that this show isn't good at tearing characters down. Making Joey and Matthew look bad is probably what the show wants, for the sake of Rex, Nate, and

. It's too bad they aren't better at making their favorites as popular as they want them to be.

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I honestly don't understand how you continuously draw these conclusions. How are they making anyone look bad? It would be so boring if everyone was goody goody and showed no color to their personalities.

On that note, I kept trying to think who it was the Eddie Alderson reminds me of and it Eddie Cahill who plays Flack on CSI:NY Alderson looks like a young version of Cahill.

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You just described the Fords and generally how the show now writes Todd and Rex.

The show, like all soaps today, is very practiced in making some characters look bad for the sake of others. It's not really about color, as far as I can see. The kitten-kicker version of Matthew is about as colorful as John Travolta's disco suit.

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