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Watched 12/6 and 12/7/84 - they take place on the same day in Genoa City.


Traci’s bedroom scenes were so bittersweet. She is fragile, hopeful and optimistic but her dreams are just a fantasy. I think Jack and Ashley know this but don’t want to dash her hopes – Danny too.


Danny and Lauren’s singing was not music to my ears. Their voices do not blend into harmony. I don’t think TEB was a singer by trade – wonder if the show wrote her as a singer and she just had to play along.


Lauren’s nastiness to Traci always takes me off guard. It’s so stinging. It’s comforting to know that BM and TEB have always been close friends.


Nice to see SSH as Joanna. She looks much more glamorous than in her ’84 Days appearances. Was surprised to hear Neil mention that Joanna had another daughter who died…?


Very cool to see the beginnings of the Ashley paternity story, which is still fueling story 33 years later.

And interesting to see early Victor/Ashley. Don’t see the romantic chemistry yet – the scenes were more adversarial.

Strange to think that Marc will be gone by month’s end, when he is so involved in this plot.


DD was literally yelling during the detective agency scenes. Steven Ford’s ears must have been ringing.


The scene in Amy’s bedroom was off – one second she was telling her dad not to touch him and to give her space – the next second, she says she needs to be with him.


Interesting how Miguel had a heavy accent and called Ashley "seniorita" - guess that faded over time.

Edited by yrfan1983
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I just finished the episode too...it was pretty good!  I just love getting to see more of this "lost era" 

It really seems like Bill Bell still had a lot of his 70's/early 80's type of stories during this time...it definitely lacks the corporate stories of the later years, but holds up well overall.....though I agree the mob stuff is kind of a strange tale......I didn't even realize that was Tyrone with that mob goon.....was he undercover?.....and I didn't know he and Amy were a thing.....I thought she was with Jazz.......the phone dialogue was kind of clunky too.

Interesting to see more of Danny and Traci....they really seemed to make it obvious to forget his ties to the Abbotts ever existed later on....I was surprised how casual Paul was during those scenes though...more towards Traci....I didn't think they interacted this much around this time....
I've never seen Tim's fiance Andrea....she does like like Lisa though!! Lauren was such a bitch to her! I enjoyed that scene, but I don't get why Lauren was helping Traci?

Not really a fan of Ashley's look here.....Eileen definitely aged well overtime though...

Jill sneaking around the Chancellor estate was fun.....I was shocked she was putting vodka into Katherine's medicine.....I love BD's look here too! she was still her 70's anti-heroine Jill rather then the "Alexis Carrington" Jill a couple years later.....wish we saw what happen with Katherine during her date though! :/ 

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^ yep, Tyrone was undercover as "Leon". In the 12/6 and 7 eps, you see that Tyrone/Leon's death was faked, and in 1985, Tyrone goes undercover again, dressed as a white man! I've never seen that story but it doesn't sound good.


Lauren was a bitch to Andrea, in hopes that Tim would reunite with Traci, pulling Traci out of Danny's orbit...and freeing up Danny's time to perform with Lauren.

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Watched the 12/26/84 ep – it was interesting/sad to see Victor and Nikki in bed together. It seems like they had such a short happy marriage before things fell apart. They joked around about Nikki “taking care” of Jack and Victor “taking care” of Ashley, but that is indeed what happened and what split them apart.


Also sad thinking about Traci/Beth Maitland… at this point BM had been expertly handling front-burner stories and would win an Emmy (YR’s first acting emmy) the following year. But for whatever reason, TPTB decided in ’85 to shift Traci into a supporting role, and she was never really given the front-burner spotlight again.


Loved Jill’s fantasy of driving Katherine off the cliff! And love seeing BD before she went full-on camp. If only she could have stayed in this more subtle and relatable style…

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Watched the November episode and I have to agree @yrfan1983 about how unsettling it was to see Paul so harsh toward Danny and Traci. I guess it was also unsettling because the characters were all written ambiguously in a way that I haven't seen often on Y&R. The line they gave Traci when Paul asked her if she was blaming Patty for her being in the hospital ("No more than I blame myself for her leaving") really stays with you as it feels oddly un-Y&R and also is so hauntingly delivered by Beth Maitland. Beth was such a special actress and her work holds up so well. 


I can see why some of you thought Tim's fiancee was Lisa. She also looked like Jane Sibbett. I felt sorry for her. And Tim was such a dick to her. Any time I see Tim he seems boring or unpleasant - I don't get the appeal. 


So did he marry her and then when he came back in 1988 they were split?


I had to laugh at Lauren being annoyed at Danny's amateurish attempt at lying to John and her being caught up in it.


It was strange hearing Katherine talking out her old song (the "I'm gonna live til I die..." one). I wonder when she last stopped using that. This story and the bizarre mob story feel like the last gasps of Bell's 70s Y&R writing style. I loved the shots of Jill looking in through the window. Genuinely creepy.


That story is not great, beyond unintentional comedy, but I do like seeing Amy. And the guy who plays Jazz is good, and is so different from most black men on soaps. It's too bad he didn't stay around. Did they fire the actor or did he want to leave? 

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I'm pretty sure they didn't get married... per the SOD synopses, he actually came back briefly in 1985 to cause a little drama when Brad was courting Traci.


The best I can tell with Jon St. Elwood (Jazz), I think his contract expired and Jazz just faded away w/o a proper goodbye. That happened a lot on YR. I think Bill Bell liked to keep open the option of having people around on a recurring basis, which is nice for the actors, but then that robs the viewers of a farewell. You think, "whatever happened to...?" Examples I can think of besides Jazz: Dina (her initial stint), Eric Garrison, Casey, Chase, Joanna, Brittany Rawlins...

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I always get so mixed up with the timelines. So during the time that Lauren was pushing and pushing Tim's fiancee and trying to get Traci away from Danny, she was already involved with Paul and her stalker was already starting to pursue her? That's a whole lot of story at one time. I'm surprised we didn't get a Danny/Traci/Paul/Lauren quad. I wonder if Traci and Paul got a good fan response or something and that led Bell to move her away from Danny. Or did Michael Damian leave around this time?


I think I've seen the December 6 episode before, or at least parts of it. I feel like I'm going nuts because I remember some of the scenes (the Abbott material and Jazz) but I don't remember Amy's scenes...


Do you think Bell was already laying groundwork in that November episode to bring Patty back as disturbed? I doubt he ever would have made her into Patty Jane, obviously. 

Edited by DRW50
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I remember Tim showing back up around 1989. Tim & Tracy were enjoying a day at the pool and Brad shows up in a speedo to make Tim Jealous. He also spikes Tim's ice tea with laxative he gets from Mamie (Marguerite Ray) that send him trotting. Brad wants Tracy back after their divorce from the Lisa fiasco. 

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I just finished 12/7/84....love to see a follow up date since 12/6 (when it use to be 12/7...LOL) was upload a while ago....everything followed up nicely!

early Ashley and Victor is interesting and I agree with @yrfan1983 I wouldn't think of them as this romantic couple....but I do like this more vulnerable Victor, who's more likely to listen to reason....Ashley was definitely the heavy in those scenes, but Victor didn't resort to his OTT yelling....he let Ashley have her say....

It's so funny, because the current Dina stuff hasn't been all that intriguing yet I feel like these episodes kind of foreshadow a lot of what we are seeing now.....the only thing is that the stories were better written....
I didn't realize Paul and Andy were that cordial to the Abbotts, and with Marc, but I keep forgetting that Patty was married to Jack....it just seems like years later all of this Abbott drama was miles away to Paul's future stories.....

I liked seeing more of the rehearsal, and Lauren's bitchy remark to Traci as she and Danny were leaving was pretty funny......I could feel Traci's seething of jealousy when Shawn was showing her that magazine.....

I was stunned to hear about Joanna's other daughter......wow!....Lauren had a half-sister?? they must have decided to drop that early on......neat to see Neil & Joanna, or at least them speaking to each other.....I didn't know Jim Storm had to dye his hair grey when he was Neil......he seemed to get away with his natural color 3 years later when he was Bill Sr on B&B....

The mob story isn't all that griping, but I enjoyed the scenes with Amy and Frank breaking the news about Tyrone's "death" and Jazz covering....Phil Morris is a really good actor, and his crying while listening to them talk, was very convincing....


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