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It seems like Y&R's first decade is disconnected from the show. Jill, Nikki, and Paul are the only characters left that were introduced in the 1970's. I wish the writers would find a way to bring back some more ties to that era. Lorie Brooks would be an obvious choice along with Brooks Prentiss. 


A lot of actors seem not to have anything good to say about Conboy. I bet it was relief when he moved on to Capitol. 


I read somewhere that Robert Colbert (Stuart) supposedly had a falling out with Bell. He wanted to be used more on screen and complained. I think Stu was supposed to of been at the Newman wedding and walk Nikki down the aisle, but Colbert was gone by then. 

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After Greg disappeared, didn't his family reference his having gone to Washington? Maybe not. Bill Bell is famous for dropping characters from existence, without a trace, LOL. I don't remember Stuart getting killed off either; as far as I know, he just stopped being there. We could surmise that he had passed away by 1984, when everyone else returned for Nikki's and Victor's wedding, but I do not remember any official exit scenes for Robert Colbert.


Replacing Jaime Lyn Bauer would have been pointless, so I agree that phasing out many of the Brookses and Fosters was probably the best choice for Bell to make. Without Snapper, Lynne Topping's Chris was not popular enough to make a go of it on her on. The Robert Laurence romance was a dud, and Victoria Mallory without Jaime Lyn Bauer to play off would have been like an oar without a rowboat, so it make sense that both nuChris and NuLeslie got the heave-ho. As long as Jill and Katherine remained in Genoa City, however, Liz Foster should have been kept under contract. The show needed an original cast member-matriarch to steady the waters during rough times. The fact that they killed her off many years later was one of the worst decisions the show ever made, IMHO (and for such an awful storyline, too).


They did not even mention him, when they were discussing future reunions, so the only conclusion we could draw was that Stuart had died.


I hate when soaps leave things hanging like that. When Aunt Meta returned to TGL in 1996, they made no mention of her husband, Dr. Bruce Banning, and various fansites started to list the character as deceased, but again, we should be told these things and not have to guess or wonder.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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I guess maybe Bell didn't want to come out and say Stuart had died just in case he wanted to revive the character for story purpose. I often wonder if Bell ever toyed with the thought of bringing back the Foster and Brooks characters years later before he had to leave the show ? I remember during Jill and John's divorce in the 90's, Katherine started naming guys Jill slept with and she mentioned Stuart on the witness stand. Also around the same time Jack was talking to Ashley about Nikki marrying Brad and he said Nikki Reed Foster Bancroft Newman Abbott soon to be Carlton. Her marriage to Greg had not been mentioned in years up to that point. The Patty Williams character also popped up in a phone booth just showing the back of her head and photos of Lilibet Stern were shown. Nothing came of it.

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All Y&R had to do with Mary was mention that she moved out of town to live with Steve.


What would be better is to have Todd arrive to tell Paul that Mary has passed.He and Chris go out of town for the funeral. Mention that Heather,Lynne etc will be there but later hold a memorial service in GC.

All we need is the vestibule of a church,a few extras to nod at Paul,a lovely photo of Mary and Chris and Lauren to have some flashbacks while looking at it.An onscreen dedication to Carolyn Conwell.

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I wish they would show a scene of NuPatty ranting and raving like a mad woman talking to someone locked in a secret room and the camera would zoom in and show Lilibet Stern's version of Patty shackled and being held prisoner. It would undo some of the mess. 

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Andrea might be worth a retry or recast with a soap veteran capable of redeeming the Patty character. I wonder what Krista Tesreau would be like ? I only saw her as Mindy on GL, but I read viewers hated her on OLTL. I also like Teri Ann Linn who played Kristen on B&B

Edited by SoapDope
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