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My Mom watched Y&R from the start too and she loved all the original actors especially William Gray Espy as Snapper.  When I was old enough to remember the show, Dennis Cole was playing Lance. I felt sorry for Lucas because both Brooks sisters obsessed over dull Lance. His mother Vanessa also favored Lance over him.


 I wonder if Victoria Mallory saw or heard those comments about her portrayal of Leslie ? It was interesting that years later she became friends with Janice Lynde.


I don't really recall Howard McGillin as Greg, since I was so young at that time. Did his Greg interact with Nikki ?

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No. Brenda Dickson was hired to play Jill Foster before the show's premiere and was part of the original cast when Y&R premiered in 1973, but she did not appear in the very first episode. Neither did other original cast members like Julianna McCarthy (Liz Foster), Dorothy Green (Jennifer Brooks), James Houghton (Greg Foster) or Pamela Peters (Peggy Brooks).  Dickson and the other actors whose characters were not featured in the first day's script did appear later on that week, however. You do see a gorgeous sketch (by artist Sandy Dvore) of Dickson in the premiere episode's opening credits,  where she is pictured with McCarthy and Houghton who played her mother and brother.


For the record, the contract actors who appeared in the first episode were Tom Hallick as Dr. Brad Eliot, Lee Crawford as Sally McGuire, William Gray Espy as Dr. William "Snapper" Foster, Janice Lynde as Leslie Brooks, Trish Stewart as Chris Brooks, Robert Clary as Pierre, and Robert Colbert as Stuart Brooks. Deidre Hall (later of DAYS OF OUR LIVES fame) also appeared briefly as Brad Eliot's ex-girlfriend Barbara Anderson.


if you are interested, you can watch the complete premiere episode here:





Edited by vetsoapfan
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William Gray Espy simply smoldered as Snapper Foster, and he became hugely popular with the audience. It's too bad he did not enjoy playing the role. He became noticeably disinterested as the months went on, and even busted his hand at one point, by punching a wall out of frustration. In an interview at the time, he admitted that at least his lack of emotion in the part worked well for his restrained, emotionally-distant character. It was a major shock when he was replaced by David Hasselhoff, who tried at first to emulate Espy's style, but who lacked both the smoldering sexiness and the brooding quality which Espy brought to the role. In a critique of the series, written in Daily Serials, author Jon-Michael Reed wrote of Espy (something like; I forget the exact quote), "Have you ever seen strength look so vulnerable?"


Howard McGillan was the best of the replacement Gregs, IMHO. Sweet and endearing. Not bland like Brian Kerwin was at the time, and not homely and icky like Wings Hauser. Unfortunately, McGillan came and went so quickly, he really did not have much time to make the role his own. I don't recall if he played any scenes with Nikki.

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William Gray Espy seems to be a bit eccentric. I remember reading he and Trish Stewart (Chris) didn't get along all that well and he would go off to his dressing room after taping scenes. Years later I think they became friends off set.


Too bad Howard McGillan didn't get a chance to grow in the part, but by the end of 1982 the Foster/Brooks era had come to an end. I guess his look was a return to the dark haired Houghton version. I wonder if Y&R would have considered asking Espy back, but I think he was still in NY on AW in 82.

I agree. He could have hooked up with Ashley instead of that weird short lived Brian Forbes character that disappeared without a trace.

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Great episode! Damn the whole show and even the commercials just screamed 1992. I actually remember those overly dramatic Tide commercials from the early '90s too and of course the Beef commercials. The smooth jazz/elevator music at the BBQ screamed 1992 too. 


Jill looked so stunning in her outfit and was on fire the entire episode. Walton brings out Tylo's better side and I just can imagine Blade and Jill going toe to toe with Rick and Mari Jo together but then again Jill could never been fooled by a switch so it would have had to been a different kind of revenge story. 


I felt bad for weepy Ashley the entire episode and how dowdy she looked after her breakup with Victor. Never cared for Brad and Traci, but I did like they were giving Traci more of an edge. Brad was hot and him taking his sunglasses off at the sight of Ashley was a nice added touch. 


Carol's appearance felt so forced. "Hey I'm still on the show!" I know they didn't know what to do with her, but they could so easily given some one talented like Templeton a good plethora of stories. Either a secret affair with Brad or spying on Victor for Jack would have sufficed. 


Neil was quite fine with the open shirt but his PSA speech was highly awkward. I know Bell loved to do it and given the '92 recession and other tensions at the time it sounded like he covered all of his bases. Nothing beats the PSA awkwardness as 2003 July 4th ep when Jack, Neil, Victor brought their Saudi businessman friend to the Abbott family BBQ though. 






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I'm glad This episode was uploaded....funny thing is that I think this episode was once around, dubbed in Italian, and some of the scenes were missing, so it's great to understand what they were actually saying! haha

I think this might be Jill's best look I've seen her in.....she usually dresses so OTT which now has been reduced to downright frumpy depending on the day, but it was nice to see her as causal which is rare for her!....I laughed at Little Phillip saying how great it was both his grandma's were there....

I don't know why but the site of seeing Brad walk around in a speedo with all these kids around makes me a little uneasy...I know it's probably not Diamont's  decision to wear those but something never seems quite right about it, minus the eye candy for the female and some men.....

I agree about Carol's entrance being a little forced....especially since she was like "oh I can't stand long, but wanted to pop in'.......I wish she would have made mention to Skip and her little girl....A long shot thing that just popped into my head, but how cool would it be if Natalie was really a grown up Skylar Evens??

I agree about the cheesiness of Neil's speech, but overall it's fitting to see that since it's Kristoff's 25th anniversary as Neil.....It really also hit me more then ever how much damaged they really have caused on Neil and the rest of the Winters in general...

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Someone several years ago told me that it was mentioned Skip had died in a motorcycle crash in 1991 but I have never, ever been able to confirm this at the same time no one could remember how Skip left. I wondered if there was a kernel of truth to this or was it another case of "oh yeah, I remember when Carl Williams disappeared and Paul looked for him case" of Y&R viewers trying to remember a story that didn't happen but they believed it had happened. Unless there was a single episode where it was mentioned and never brought up agathin. I've known I've seen another 1992 episode of where Carol was being bossed around by Victor and being unhappy about it 


Still impressed by Jill and Blade being together. Surprisingly hotter and more chemistry of course right after this Blade went after Ashley while Jill hooked up with Victor with John and Mamie in between. 

Edited by soapfan770
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Does anyone happen to have August-September 2012 episodes when Sharon went nuts and took over Newman Interprises :lol: I've been dying to find even clips of those episodes on YouTube but they are completely gone! I know that was a shitty time on Y&R and most of us hated the writing back then but I would love to see it again for shits and giggles.

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