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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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^ I had the same thought about mercy killing. What the hell? Just end it people. I guess they just wanted to show us that the guy with the glasses finally got it and could walk away, but it was a little lame that Michonne was hanging back. She barely knew the guy and there was zero hope. 


Also, if Glen is dead it would have been way more dramatic if Nic had shot Glen and then himself, as any decent person would do in such circumstances. 

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Glen is definitely dead, we saw his insides being pulled...outside. And why would that many walkers ignore one body for another?


Glen was one of the few characters I actively liked so RIP Glen, you were awesome while it lasted I guess. How they'll explain Maggie not immediately committing suicide I don't know. Maybe she's pregnant. That would personally give me more incentive to meet my maker but everyone's different.

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We didn't see his insides being pulled outside. We saw Nicholas' insides being pulled outside on top of Glen. I pretty much agree word for word with this article I'm about to post.  If Glen is alive, I don't think it's quite as much of a cheat as this person does though. There's a reason so many people are questioning what we saw and that's because the seeds were planted in the first place. 



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I watched The Talking Dead for the first time and Damon Lindelof (Lost) said something like "I hope they're not pulling shenanigans here. It would be like those old cliff hangers where you see the guy going off a cliff, but in the next episode they change it and he survives."  I can't disagree with that.

 If he's dead, I feel like they would just say it, instead of all this hedging. I totally believe they kept the actor who plays Glen off The Talking Dead so he didn't have to lie. Then this statement from the EP.

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I think it's far-fetched if Glenn survives, but not too far-fetched. Crazy [!@#$%^&*] like that has happened in the comics.

Either way, it was easily one of the best episodes in a while, and made the implacable zombie horde scary again.

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I'm very disappointed that Glen died, and the way he died.  Glen was an original and a hero who deserved a better death.  He should've died doing something heroic, something that helps/saves the group. His death should've been bigger. Instead he dies because of some idiot shoots himself?  Also, there's way too many weak characters who don't know how to do anything.  It's so frustrating to watch them.  

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People mentioned the call back to Glen calling Rick a dumbass, as proof that Glen really did die.  Maybe I just want to believe, but I have to wonder if it was meant to be a reminder of Rick's own unbelievable escape in the face of a huge herd.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to tonight. I'm figuring we won't see much of the main cast this episode, but I'm up for some back story. 

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The way they are pacing this season out is frustrating.   They have a cliffhanger with Rick, have to address Glenn, and we still haven't gotten back to Carol at town...and they want to spend a week on Morgan's backstory???  I really hope there is something more to than Morese and his pacifistic jedi serenity.   I used to like Morgsn, but ever since the announcer came on saying  "The role of Tyrese will now be played by...Morgan"  I have checked out.   He is total FF material for me now, sad to say.   His decisions have hurt the town and almost got Rick killed last week.  I have to hope he is a one season wonder and then is gone.

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Well, the placement of this episode was obvious manipulation. They are making us wait to see Glen's fate and the potential fallout. Sure, that's a little annoying, I won't deny it.


 I'm also biased by my love of Lennie James. I'm not sure anything particularly interesting happened in this episode in terms of plot, but the acting by both men was wonderful. I've seen JCL play a very convincing bad man in Carnival, so it was interesting to see him play a convincing good man. Sure, he did something horrific, but I've always been a sucker for redemption stories. 

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This stand alone episode was very boring and such a momentum killer. I was looking forward to this episode but after the first minute I knew what I was in for - a backstory episode.  Ugh.  I feel like AMC wants 1-2 episodes like this a season to save money. 

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