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Father Pee Pants???? LMAO!

As much as I want that crybaby dead, I see his point. He sees what Alexandria is trying to do - rebuild civilization and he's afraid Rick and the gang will destroy that. However, Rick does not go in and set out to take over places. The Gov destroyed the prison, and Rick really had not choice but to kill the leader of the prison. He was never going to play nice. The Group has survived and are still good people. Rick will not take over Alexandria unless he absolutely has to.

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Except he has now. He walked into Alexandria and within one day he decided to take over if they don't run things to his satisfaction. Rick isn't the Governor yet but he's damn close. He's been getting closer and closer to the Governor with each episode. Honestly I'm not sure if they are still good people or not. How many bad things do you have to do before you lose the right to call yourself good? (I think that's one of the big themes of this season.)

As for Father Pee Pants, I predict he's going to go full on crazy. Like Lizzie did.

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Glenn did everything he could to save Deanna's son. AFTER he was left for dead by the other chicken [!@#$%^&*] Alexandria resident. I'd say that's a pretty damn good deed. Abraham fought like hell to save the girl at the construction site. Another good one, IMO. (Not that I give a [!@#$%^&*] about Abraham, but still...)

There have been no outward signs of aggression or hostility from Daryl, Maggie, Carl, Mishcone and some of the others. The instigator here is primarily Carol. She has Rick's ear, but he seems more interested in kicking the abusive guy's ass, not taking over the town. He didn't ask to be the sherriff, he was appointed that job.

Gabriel is sickening. Obviously, he'd be long gone if not for Rick's group. And I think you're onto something - the man is losing it.

It seems to me that the residents of Alexandria are incredibly incompetent at survival (as witnessed on Monday's show) or are very good at it (Aaron is a great shot), with no in-betweens. I hope/wish that we'll get some backstory of how this settlement came to be and how this group of people ended up together.

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Strong episode. That fight was intense and Rick was like a wild animal. His rant at the end he was slightly unhinged even though the things he was saying were sort of correct. He went about it all wrong. I don't see how or why Deanna would let him stay especially after the incident with her son dying. From her point of view things went south once this crew arrived. I guess we don't know what it was like beforehand.

Sasha lost her mind too, but again, she is right. There are walkers literally lining up at the wall trying to get in and these people are making casseroles. Carl and the girl? Eh, not really that important to me but whatever. Next week's preview is troubling for me because for the last two weeks I have had this nagging worry that Carol might be coming to the end of the line and there she is in the preview getting right into the middle of the situation. Plus

Interesting what is going on with the W situation. Maybe that will be the cliffhanger.

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These have been two pretty powerful episodes back to back, and I'm just very pleased with the whole Alexandria storyline. I said Rick was losing it and the show has clearly validated that - while it's absolutely correct Pete must be dealt with, I don't think there has ever been any intention by the show or the writers of presenting Rick's thing with Jessie as anything but a rushed desperation search for something grounded and comforting while a troubled man has a breakdown that has nothing to do with any woman. And that's clearly what tonight laid bare after hinting at it for several weeks. Next to Sasha, Rick is the one who has taken the new environment the hardest and it was right that Michonne took him down. A lot of what he says is correct, but he is not the right man to deliver the message or refit the community into what it should be. Not alone ,anyway.

Noah's death, BTW, was like something out of Lucio Fulci's movies. I couldn't believe they put that on the air. Also, I think Carol is adorable with Sam and I loved how she was the first to key into that situation. I hope those two stick together but I am not betting on the poor kid's survival (or hers at this point - I dread who's next).

The show is evolving in fascinating ways and I hope it continues. Michonne continues to be the soul and the conscience of so much of the group and she really works in that role, as opposed to the sort of cardboard action heroine of the comics. I also really like how they've developed Abraham and Rosita over the last handful of episodes - I'd genuinely be sad to see them go. Abraham looked right at home on the construction crew, and he was so winning in that environment. Now that he's not barking orders on a fool's crusade, Michael Cudlitz's natural, jocular geniality as an actor can come out (he was great in Band of Brothers). Christian Serratos was also wonderful with Danai Gurira and Sonequa Martin-Green. They have built her from nothing and she's begun to work for me. Granted, several of these characters have to have targets on their backs, but I hope they keep developing some of them.

I fear this may be Sasha's last ride as she is unable to cope with her losses, but I said that about Carol in Season 4 after Karen and David and here we are. If it is she's had a good run. We'll see.

Also: Chandler Riggs on the couch in the ad for the irrelevant talk show I will never watch. That kid looks more like the third lesbian member of Tegan & Sara every day.

Edited by Vee
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What in the world is this story with Rick and Jessie. It's so hamfisted and drags everyone down when they come near it. I don't know whether to be offended more by how they seem to write their scenes like a bad parody of fanfiction.net, or the idea that women who are beaten are just waiting for the right man to save them.

Unhinged Rick: Jessie Jessie Jessie save you me save you me save you NOW

Jessie: I'm creeped the [!@#$%^&*] out!

(five minutes later)

Jessie: Wait. Are you only a pseudo-stalker with ME?

Unhinged Rick: Only you, Jessie. Me me save you you save save you Jessie only you Jessie always always Jessie always.

Jessie: Never mind. You're a great guy after all. My hero <3 <3 <3 <3

Edited by DRW50
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They've done a good job shooting around Sonequa's baby bump. Keeping close-ups on her face works well for where the character is and the idea that she's practically living in the tower explains why we don't see her at the house or walking down the street. Of course that baby bump is what makes me think she's the next to go.

I loved when Rick looked up a Deanna and said, "Me? I'm the problem?!" Well do you see anyone else standing in the street and covered with blood screaming at everyone? Michonne was pretty much channeling me when she clocked him.

This arc has made me wonder what exactly Rick and his group are fighting for. They seem incapable of moving back into civilized society. The Alexandrians are weak but it doesn't seem to have occurred to Rick that there would be a way to make them stronger that doesn't include staging a coup. What exactly does Rick want anymore? Does he want to be safe? Does he want to get back to "normal?" Or is he just so far gone he's incapable of assimilating in to any group? He seems to have decided that he wants to stay in the world of fight or die.

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I agree, and I think the whole story is about Rick (and Sasha, and all of them) coming to grips with that inner conflict. Ultimately they have to decide how they're going to live going forward.

It's obvious this isn't about some Rick/Jessie romance. That whole instant drama is just symptomatic of his breakdown. They know how it plays and they have written and shot it accordingly. As of now, AFAIC, there's zero sign onscreen that this is a great love story you are supposed to be rooting for. It's all just part of Rick's sickness.

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I think that moment was there to be strange and uncomfortable for all of us, really. I don't think it was a Nicholas Sparks declaration of love. It certainly wasn't shot or played that way, IMO. I think Jessie was a woman with a family in dire straits who barely knows Rick but wants out of her situation, and because of that, however unwittingly, she enabled him to go full-on. She doesn't know how sick he is.

Jessie and those kids remind him of Lori and his own family, and he is flailing about in this unfamiliar environment which he can't get a handle on. He sees an immediate wrong he can deal with (Pete) and attacks it. The situation isn't helped by the fact that he and Carol are partially right - the Alexandra people have no idea how to survive, and no, Deanna shouldn't leave Pete to his own devices. But it's like Michonne and Glenn, and now even Daryl all say - 'there is no them and us, they are us.' They're all together now and they have to deal with it and learn to live and function another way, not just steamroll the weak. That's what this story is about, and they underlined that at the end of yesterday's show. They've paid very little attention to building any romance for Rick and Jessie because they aren't currently interested in building a real romance for Rick and Jessie. Jessie and her dilemma are just a plot means to an end for Rick's breakdown.

There's always going to be stupid fans who see it differently, or snap polls written by interns for social media or whatever else, but the story they tell is there on the screen. And the way the show chose to produce it, play it and air it was: Alexandria is troubled but Rick is out of control and Michonne did what she had to do. She, Glenn, Daryl are all being played as the sanest, truest voices in the mix.

Edited by Vee
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In Deanna's defense, this wife beater happens to be the only doctor or surgeon on earth for all intents and purposes.. It sucks but in a very Carol way of looking at things the group must survive and this guy has the most important skills of all. I could see why she is loathe to lose him. Had he not been a wifebeater I am sure everyone would agree his survival would be of paramount importance and certainly just as valued as an architect. When the human race is on the line and you see your group as the last front holding down the fort for civilization, what do you do with your only doctor when he goes bad? Once he is gone who will teach the future doctors?

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Pretty good interview on the fight scene.

(as always try to ignore the comments)


My favorite part of this episode was the Sasha/Michonne/Rosita sequence, which many others, of course, dismiss as pointless. I like that it wasn't just a "girl power!" scene, but a way to show how broken Sasha is and how Michonne is struggling to cope herself, trying to reconcile who she is in Alexandria to the colder person she was for so long. Nice to see Rosita integrated into the group as well.

I also liked the opening montage, and for whatever reason I thought Deanna was much more believable as a leader and as a struggling wife and mother than she has been in her other episodes.

The Enid/Carl stuff - eh. That cheesy, cheesy slo-mo run took me out of their scenes (well that and her having dialogue that read like a middle-aged man trying to write teenagers). The run did remind me of this...

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