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I thought that Chad Coleman did an outstanding job portraying Tyreese's grief, but I agree his relationship with Karen should been developed more. Regarding the "angry black man" label for Tyreese, I think it is just another lazy racial stereotype that some people throw around.

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I don't even understand why Carol killed David and Karen. They were locked in those cells so the group wasn't in danger. Is she so stupid that she thought she could stop the virus from spreading by kililng them? So is her plan to kill everyone who is infected and not give the healthier people a chance to survive? It is a very Shane thing to do. I now hope that her end is nder.

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I agree with Ann. Angry black man is a cop out for Tyrese because he's been nothing but a big Teddy Bear. At first I thought Ty was overreacting to Karen's death, but I don't think so anymore. Ty does not like the fighting or killing even if they are Zombies. He will step up if need be but there's always a bit of reluctance. He will stay behind and protect the women and children, but make no mistake, he will fight. He is not a leader and is super sensitive. Outside of Sasha, this is the first chance Ty has had to feel something for another human being and all hope is not lost. Out of all of them, I think the apocalypse has hit Ty the hardest. His despair is not like the others, and we've always been given hints that Sasha was always the strongest of the two. Not that he would not break someone in two if they harmed her, but she looks like the one to always step to the front of the line when the time came fight.

Ty's anger is more than Karen. He's afraid of losing hope again.

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I think when a black man has a legitimate reason to be angry, he should get to play that whatever stereotypes may exist. I mean, it's not like TY is pissed for the hell of it. Carol killed his GF.

Personally, I get where Carol is coming from. These people are living in the end times. I can see where she decided to make the call to try to stop the contagion, even if she didn't have the right. Hell, I can even see how she thought she did have the right. I think she and Hershel are toast this season though. Carol has stepped into Shane land, even if her intentions are much more honorable.

I do think she thought she could stop the contagion with those two. It was obviously far too late. I don't think she's going to try to do it again, she probably thought those two were going to die anyway and she might be able to stop the spread. A desperate act doomed to fail and I do think she will die or be shunned for it. It's too bad, she was just getting really interesting.

Edited by Juliajms
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Tyrese would fall into the Angry Black Man stereotype if that was all they'd shown of him. But it's not. Before this episode he'd barely raised his voice. You can be angry and black without falling into that stereotype.

I can't get over how bad Andrew Lincoln is when he has to act angry or sad, or how his accent slips when he has to raise his voice.

I was so happy that they didn't kill Dr. S and Sasha this episode, I don't think I could handle two minor minority characters dying in the space of an hour. And I KNOW I won't be able to handle it if Glenn dies. His hair is too pretty.

I'm so for Carol killing those who endanger her group. When the Governor comes back I want her to just pop and shoot in the mofo in the head. So what, who cares?

I'm all for Michonne and Daryl. I'm for Michonne and anyone. She's such a sharp contrast to most characters on television that her interactions with anyone feel fresh.

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I just don't know what episode you got all that from, honestly. I had no idea his sister was tougher than he is, or that he was super sensitive. Last year he didn't want to help anyone kill anybody but there was no motivation given other than "we should mind our own business"--which is a legitimate enough reason to sit out a battle between humans. He only came alive for me in the scene where he was being surrounded by walkers and had to do a Hulk Hogan and hulk himself up to get out there and fight and that he managed to fight off 100 walkers and make it back to the other. The fight with Rick was just silly.

Edited by quartermainefan
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A few episodes ago they showed us that he didn't like to kill the Walkers at the gate. I agree that they haven't shown us enough of Ty, but I did feel for him and Sasha when they were turned away from the prison last season. Rick was out of his mind, but it just felt so wrong for him to turn decent people out, when it was practically a death sentence.

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