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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I like Rick, Carl, Michonne as a family also. Not only were they happy to see other other and smiling, when she said she would not be staying long, Carl looked genuinely upset. I don't think for a second that the writers will go there, but Rick and Michonne would be a strong couple and with Carl would solidify the group's core.

Exactly. We lose two to three long term characters by the end of almost each season. If there were no new characters to take on the role of Red Shirts, we would lose the main cast at a much faster rate, maybe half by mid-season. In any case, I am thrilled to see more diversity among the group. They are a stone's throw away from Atlanta which a black population just over 50%. Where are all the black survivors and walkers?

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I think after season 2 they may have decided someone has to die in every episode or people will not watch. I always have mixed feelings about this, because some of the characters could have had long-term potential (I wish Axel had stayed around a little longer). But I'd rather see short-term people killed off than more of the long-running characters, as, like you said, there are few left. I hope they will also keep a few new or newish characters around to build up.

One of the best parts of the show for me is what I have seen few TV programs do since Doug Marland passed away - everyone gets something. A scene, a line, a quick story. That wasn't always the case - T-Dog was treated horribly by the show - but I think it is now. This means every fan gets a little something to tide them over, and you feel more like you're watching a small community being interwoven, instead of just the same few characters and extras.

Edited by DRW50
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I don't think a lot of that WD audience - or many of the people behind television, frankly, especially at the AMC executive level - are ready for the idea of pairing the show's lead hero with a warrior woman who's a dark-skinned African-American who could probably snap Andrew Lincoln over her knee. That said, I think they're the pairing to beat and I wish they'd have the courage to do it. The chemistry is huge and all over the scenes.

Edited by Vee
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The numbers are in - HOLY SH!T!

Another The Walking Dead premiere.

Another all-time record.

Sunday’s zombie drama return delivered a stunning 16.1 million viewers and 10.1 million adults 18-49. That’s up 30 percent in the demo from the show’s previous high (the season 3 finale).

“Sincere thanks to the fans, who have welcomed The Walking Dead back for its fourth season with the highest-rated episode in the show’s history,” said AMC President Charlie Collier. “


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Updated report:

Another The Walking Dead premiere.

Another all-time record.

Sunday’s zombie drama return delivered a big 16.1 million viewers and a stunning 8.2 rating among adults 18-49. That’s up 30 percent in the demo from the show’s previous high (the season 3 finale).

The Walking Dead also once again has crushed the broadcast networks: This is the largest telecast of the fall in the adult demo, beating all broadcast entertainment shows. AMC claims the hour also has topped all sports telecasts this fall, and that certainly appears to be the case, but we’re still waiting for the final numbers on last night’s NFL telecast on NBC to come in.

“Sincere thanks to the fans, who have welcomed The Walking Dead back for its fourth season with the highest-rated episode in the show’s history,” said AMC President Charlie Collier.

Post-episode chat show The Talking Dead also set a record with 5.1 million viewers, including 3.3 million in the demo. EW also has a must-read post-premiere Q&A with creator Robert Kirkman here.


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It's the true number one show on television. Some of the network shows may have more people (and less and less that is the case), but the purity of the demos has to make this show the most coveted show for advertisers, and there probably are ad rates to match. It's funny HBO and NBC passed on it because it was deemed too violent. Apparently it was too violent for nobody but them.

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Nothing against AMC but I have to assume the show would have been even better on HBO. Anyone who watches any HBO show can see the money and quality that goes into their production. It would have been visually more striking. As for the violence, I would say this is more violent that GoT, although the torture porn scenes on GoT makes me turn away whereas nothing on this show does. Had HBO allowed the violence it would have been a more lavish, visually striking show to say the least.

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I loved the premiere. So many changes, new faces, new relationships. It was really great.I liked Beth more than I ever have. Tyreese was sweet. Glenn and Maggie are the romantic heart of this show.

I loved Rick farming and being mentored by Hershel. Rick and Michonne clearly care for one another... I really hope they get together at some moment.

Carol called Daryl "pookie." My black heart just melted at that.

The stuff with Rick and the crazy lady was SO tense. You could sense something was off, but not exactly sure...

The Walkers falling through the roof was an amazing action scene. Probably one of their best ever.

And that ending! That was scary as fu.ck. This is a bigger threat than ever.

And those ratings! We all knew it was going to be good, but 16.1 million? DAMN!

Edited by YRBB
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I just don't think this show needs to be visually stunning. There is such an authentic feel to it, and I'm not sure there is anything HBO can add. GOT is a different ball game and it should be stunning and spectacular considering the time period. TWD is a modern day apocalypse. Nothing pretty about it.

Edited by ChitHappens
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I loved the premiere. So many changes, new faces, new relationships. It was really great.I liked Beth more than I ever have. Tyreese was sweet. Glenn and Maggie are the romantic heart of this show.

I loved Rick farming and being mentored by Hershel. Rick and Michonne clearly care for one another... I really hope they get together at some moment.

Carol called Daryl "pookie." My black heart just melted at that.

The stuff with Rick and the crazy lady was SO tense. You could sense something was off, but not exactly sure...

The Walkers falling through the roof was an amazing action scene. Probably one of their best ever.

And that ending! That was scary as fu.ck. This is a bigger threat than ever.

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