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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I think that Lori's fear of the baby dying, reanimating, and then ripping her apart from the inside was a very well done scene. It was actually sad that she had to share her fears with Hershel because Rick would not give her the time of day, but I just cannot blame him for having enough of her drama for the time being.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I don't like Lori but I think she serves or served a purpose and was the catalyst to Rick and Shane's animosity, which was a huge motivating factor for Shanes turn in particular. I think her character will die because she will have outlived her usefulness as a character.

I like the show is not afraid to kill off folks, even if they are well liked. They seem to stick to story and the show is better for it. Dale really wasn't needed once Hershel became a more prominent character and Shane isn't needed for conflict, as there is plenty without him and the Govenor will be showing up as the new antagonist.

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Shane's death also transformed Rick. Rick makes decisive decisions and his instructions are followed with the bickering. I love that we were not subjected to an endless debate about if taking over the prison was a good idea. Rick is now the undisputed leader of the group with no one trying to undermine him or stir trouble or shed doubts on his decisions.The group has become cohesive, stronger, and better survivors. I do think that Lori can have a place in the group, but her death would no doubt also impact Rick and take him in the new direction, where I want him to go. I think that he is a great character. Andrew Lincoln does an excellent job playing Rick as the often underestimated silent dangerous hero.

I much prefer Hershel to Dale. Even though Dale was often right, I found his pontificating annoying at times. Hershel is the better character and I think the actor is very good. Hershel also works better because he has two daughters in the group. He is also feels more like a father figure to Rick which Dale never was and his support of Maggie and Glenn's relationship also endeared him to me.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I absolutely did. While he didnt leave this huge hole, i definantly wished he was there and would have enjoyed seeing him. Plus. without him the sexy factor plummeted.

Possible the worst character on any show. The actress does her NO favors. I hope that child is a walker and kills her.

I was hoping he would die. The doctor annoys me. I do like both his girls though.

Carol/Daryl is my TWD ship. I am obsessed with them! I hope we see more of Andrea is future episodes, not that Shane is gone she is my favorite and I did not like not seeing her much. The new woman she is with is interesting so far. I love the prison setting and can not wait to see more.

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OMG! Rick stabbed him in the head! I actually screamed. Rick left the other guy to die.

Carol wanting to practice the c-section on a walker.

Hershel don't die!

Seriously, this show is the [!@#$%^&*]! There is nothing better.

Edited by Ann_SS
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