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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of October 4

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Yes, she mainly sucks on B&B, but there were years when I thought she was the best thing about some of the stories she got as Victoria, so it's more of an emotional connection than anything else. Not that it will ever happen and not that I'd watch more than 2 episodes of this albatross if she does surprisingly come back one day.

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I doubt Danny Romalotti, Dr. Reid, Daniel's real sperm donor daddy (forgot his name), The Bug, and Sharon would agree. As for Chloe, she definitely started off sociopathic (ask Billy, Cane, and Shrilly) but the show has mellowed her. A lot. That is, until they decide she needs to be a sociopath again, which I'm sure isn't too far down the road.


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Hi CarlD2...just stopping by. I think your critiques of Y&R are always well argued and respectful. I enjoy them!


I agree with you here, in a sense. I think Meggie was short-term stunt casting (as a favor to Braeden), and she was pointless in Ottawa. I think, at some point, somebody decided to do more with her...and the writing is finally catching up with the "creepy" vibe Young has been putting it. Call it a "perfect blend of opportunistic story and performer"...or dumb luck...but regardless, this week Meggie delivered one of the biggest and most chilling surprises on Y&R that I have seen in ages. I'm expecting some version of a story now where Meggie gets more and more violent and deceptive to protect her agenda. And because Sean Young is SCARY, I think it's gonna work. Just my opinion, of course.

I totally agreed with you Alvin, although the "smoothies" began to intrigue me. And now...with the full-on Tracy Quartermaine EVIL toward Murphy...suddenly I'm drawn to the cold (delighting in her villainy) Meggie. You describe her "used" looks colorfully, but I think the show is employing this in a way that I find surprisingly intriguing. Sean LOOKS scary...and now Meggie IS scary.

Nice to "see" you all!

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It's funny the worst of them all, who has been doing all that and more forever is VICTOR!

As for the show, I'm totally stunned to have enjoyed the last week. Haven't been able to stomach more than five minutes in 6 months.

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I'm stunned, too... but the whole damn week has been good. I know many have given up, but piss on y'all... when you've invested 36 years in the damn thing like I have, you gotta grab onto whatever you can. I didn't watch for 6 WEEKS, starting the day Sarah Smythe appeared.. I just couldn't stomach it. and when even I can't watch, you've know thyev'e hit rock bottom. But for whatever reason, it's gotten much better. Not just Meggie, but Melody's performances are DEFINATELY worth seeing, and seeing Grambo's daughters kick him in the nads is enjoyment for sure. I know Braeden is such a pain the ass that he'll never have TRUE comeuppance, but crumbs are better than nothing. I don't know what's going on, if Maria is finally reigning in Hogan or what.... because the show right now feels much more like the first year of her reign.

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HATED the hair... but I didn't think it was too bad as entrances go. From the previews, she seems to be trying to capture Diane's sophisticated pattern of speech, but it will remain to be seen. Why Maura, though? Dammit, people really want to see Alex Donnelly.

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