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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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November sweeps has broken in ATWT '86 for me, and the show is blazing forward again in every major story. Obviously the big moment with James is upon me. I also have been watching the slow, slow decay of Betsy and Steve's 'perfect' marriage for close to a year and I really hope the final climax is in the eps on YT - it's gotten more and more intense.

I wish P&G would make periods like this - even just the early Marland years, with the big stars like Julianne Moore - fully available in good quality and its entirety. A lot has been said in the BTG thread about their lack of interest in the past, but maybe with Tunie, etc. on the new show they'll consider opening the vaults to educate people on their proud history with soaps that they now conveniently seem to want to tout.

Also, maybe an UO: I've always really liked Farley Granger as Earl, and with Lisa.

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Lisa also had been close to Shannon..so her unease with Duncan and Jessica worked on different levels.  Unease about Duncan moving on, plus the mixed race element.

Interracial relationships/marriages and being against them is a whole different prejudice.  My late great grandparents were a mixed marriage (Native American and White) and it was talked about in the family as a painful time for my great grandmother so seeing Duncan/Jessica play out as a kid spoke to as a kid.

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I think some Betsy/Steve moments are available - unfortunately a lot of what we should see, especially once Steve starts working in Greece, takes place offcamera due to Frank Runyeon having left the show, IIRC. 

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Yeah, he's definitely going off the spool by the time James returns. There's the great set of scenes where he clashes with Kim and others after Iva's medical insurance lapses.

I do wonder what Marland would've done if Runyeon had been more cooperative, or if his fate would likely always have been sealed. The character is such a naturalistically flawed boor, and his disintegration given the very realistic tension with Craig (where their relationship is far too cozy and pat a year prior) and bonding with chauvinistic Tonio. I do remember them teasing Steve and Iva earlier on. I do think more should've been done with Lindsay Frost long-term - she's great.

Beatrice is not even trying with her father/brother's accent, is she.

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I imagine Frost was going to leave anyway as she had a solid primetime career for a while, but I do find her very compelling to watch, partly because she balances warmth and maturity so believably. In real life, there's no way in hell Betsy would have been friendly with Craig, but she makes it work (along with how inherently sympathetic Scott Bryce was in the part). Betsy is only ever a B-character her last few years on the show, but you still care about her.

I can see Steve/Iva being a story point if he hadn't given his notice. I could also see him ending up in Lucinda's bed. 

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It is insane. But yes, the characters and writing make it work until Steve's ego and pride punctures the whole thing in '86 and puts the lie to it.

I wish Frost had a bigger later career (as opposed to her very famous brother Mark, co-creator of Twin Peaks and TP alumni father Warren) but I imagine she doesn't need to work. The last time I remember seeing her was as Amber Tamblyn's bereaved, horrified mother opposite Naomi Watts in The Ring.

Steve and Lucinda? I wonder what tipped you to that.

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I think he's somewhat friendly with her before she helps sink him - I could see that leading to her hiring him again if he's a pariah elsewhere, or to some hate sex. Iva and Lucinda and their shared history with men also makes me wonder.

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Steve has a great "farewell" scene with Lucinda which is right before Christmas '86.  It reaffirms Betsy's love and respect for him.  He leaves for Greece shortly afterwards hopeful that he can make a new start for them. Everything that happens afterwards, happens offscreen.  

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Good to know. I know there is a scene where Steve supposedly almost sleeps with Emily as he hits bottom before leaving. I'm sorry that's likely not available. It is strange they play out most of Steve's future collapse offscreen.

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It is wild that they actually brought on a lovely girl to play Amy, Penny Hughes' long-forgotten Asian daughter in this England storyline with Frannie and (AFAIK) did not bring her back to Oakale or put her on contract. It's such an obvious move.

I wish more of this key period was available; this is where the uploads for '86/'87 get thready for awhile.

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Well Tom's long lost Asian daughter didn't get much of a look in after her first go round either.

Irna tried that story twice-on Love Is A Many Splendored Thing the character lasted a few months and then when she went back to ATWT. The minute she was fired Amy was out of Oakdale.

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