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Since tastes are subjective, the Emmy (or Oscar or Tony) rarely goes to the best performer.  Some voters may have disliked Hubbard's personal attitudes or her "ad lib" acting style or thought she had already won enough (2 competitive).  I truly think the honor is in being nominated.  (That being said, I still don't know why Kathryn Hays never received a nod.)

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Elizabeth Hubbard has one Lead Actress win for The Doctors.

As the World Turns has three Lead Actress Emmy wins, Martha Byrne (2001) and Maura West (2007, 2010), and Lead Actress nominees Elizabeth Hubbard (1986-1992, 1999), Ellen Dolan (1993), Kathleen Widdoes (1994), Colleen Zenk (2002, 2011).

Notably absent to me are Eileen Fulton (she got one nomination for Supporting Actress in 1988), Kathryn Hays, Marie Masters, Hillary B Smith (she won for One Life to Live in 1994), Tamara Tunie.

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Hays’ work ages so well because it’s understated. Her naturalistic approach doesn’t date itself like some other performances, she subtly draws in the viewer. It may not have gotten awards (it’s inexcusable that they never awarded her an Emmy for lifetime achievement though) but it certainly gets respect.

People are welcome to challenge me on this (well, except for anyone on Ignore in which case I won’t bother to check for your response

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)but I have often gotten the distinct impression that P&G either lacked interest in or was unable to understand the process of campaigning for their actors when it came to Emmy awards. Maybe they didn’t think it was worth it or thought it was beneath them to campaign on behalf of their actors.

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I think P&G valued the show and writing emmys more. And I might even understand that---they truly are ensemble shows in the 80's. Until Zimmer starts winning with these scenery chewing emmy bait storylines and the emmys get broadcast at night (instead of the afternoon luncheon) I'm not sure that the actors seemed "important" enough to promote. 

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Elizabeth Hubbard won two competitive Emmys.  One for "The Doctors" and a second for a TV film, "First Ladies Diaries: Edith Wilson."  I definitely understand that several other soap actresses have won (many) more than 2, but my point was that Hubbard's having already won 2 Emmys was perhaps one of several factors as to her many ATWT losses over the years.  

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I still hate how her understated performances weren't acknowledged. 

And I get peeved that she wasn't on the stage that night with Helen, Don, and Eileen in the Lifetime Achievement EMMY segment either. She should've been apart of that class. Or they should've continued the tradition years to follow. 

But all this talk of Kathy Hays makes me miss her presence on TV. I miss her and Kim. 

This would make sense. I always took the P&G soaps as the theatre type shows--more refined compared to others.

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They were likely thinking there would be more opportunities to come so perhaps they decided to highlight the three characters that were on the show in the first decade of the series. However, there is no excuse for Kathryn and Larry to be left out of the next class of after Helen, Don and Eileen. And after them, it should have been Colleen and Elizabeth in the following class.

Even after the show’s cancellation, it still could’ve been done. Monty Hall got his Daytime Lifetime Achievement Award way after he had retired, so why couldn’t all the ATWT actors? I had been saying this for years.

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The Daytime wing of N.A.T.A.S. lacks the sense that God gave to a flea, which is why the show spent years being banished to the HLN wilderness.

Can you imagine, if they would have given Kathryn Hays a Liftetime Achievement Award while she was still among us? I bet they could’ve gotten Julianne Moore to present, if they planned it properly and promoted well, that could’ve gotten a bump in ratings too. But now, it’s too late.

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At this point, they need to go back to doing classes of Lifetime Achievement to veterans of daytime. While Kathy may not be here to accept her EMMY, they can give it to her daughter. There are a plethora of AW actors (Vicky Wyndham, Anna Stuart, Steven Schnetzer, whoever is a distant relative of Connie Ford) that I would like to see get one too. 

Too many people contributed to this genre, which was the foundation of what TV and streaming are now, to not get acknowledged. Get rid of the fluff crap during the ceremony and use that time to pay homage to the veterans that paved the way. 

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The Daytime Emmys often just thought it was a smarter idea to drop in primetime cameos or have endless jokes about how stupid and sleazy soaps are. I remember their main "tribute" to GL being Betty White. I loved Betty White and she was extremely gracious, but beyond a promotional campaign for AW, she had no ties to P&G and it was obviously just trading in GL's name one last time for clout. 

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