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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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If they know what's good for them, and for their show, they'll resist the urge altogether. I just cannot see the younger actors being able to shoulder this show full-time. They lack the proper skills and charisma, and their characters lack the proper depth.

Soaps just can't catch a break anymore.

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Ugh...hated him with April....she became to goody goody with him....and was much better as a super bitch....and how convienent that Bobby forgot his rule about him not dating females who slept with his brother JR....lol

I actually liked Bobby with Jenna but still was a Bobby/Pam fan.

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And that, right there, is why I have no faith in this new series. If these people truly knew how soaps, and soaps like DALLAS in particular, work, then the CBB would have been a much, much bigger deal than it was. Hell, this ain't "The O.C.," where every damn episode was about another stupid party. This is the Cattle. Baron's. Ball. To DALLAS fans, the CBB is always where the best [!@#$%^&*] goes down.

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I never thought the actors on the original show were anything great or special, so I'm not surprised that the casting for this remake isn't that great either.

As I've said before, I am one of the few people who never "got" the appeal of Dallas, but I do think it's fair to say that the original series didn't exactly have a consistent and timeless quality. Lest we forget that despite its huge peak in popularity, the original series also had one of the sharpest declines in television history as well.

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Then don't have the Cattle Baron's Ball in the second episode. Seriously, that could have been pushed back until, like, episode 9.

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DALLAS declined specifically for two reasons: 1) the "dream season," and 2) Larry Hagman gained too much power over the show's overall direction (at one point sharing show-running duties with Leonard Katzman). Before then, though, DALLAS was extraordinarily well-structured, filled with actors who, although not great, certainly were captivating in their own ways.

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Patrick Duffy leaving didnt help either.....I think had the show not brought him back it still would have dropped heavily. But all the soaps at that time dropped sharply except for maybe Knots.

After the 88 season ...Dallas became just blah......I only kept watching cause of Sue Ellen...once she left the last two seasons were rather painful to watch.

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Of course. That's what I meant by "dream season": the whole year without Bobby's presence. Although dismissing it as Pamela's "dream" (and why Pamela, while we're on the subject?) didn't help, obviously.

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I would have never relaunched this show. I just think it was too definitive, associated with, and iconic to its time period to ever attempt to recapture some of its essence again decades later.

I respect those who enjoy it, but I still think sometimes you have to let things stay where the are - in the past.

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They could have thought of a better way to bring him back but they didnt...nightime soaps were declining...Dynasty wasnt doing very well either...worse off than Dallas....only Knots stayed around because it stop being so flashy...it was more middle class soap....well to me it was....I remember it trying to be Dallas too....

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